huh? BHVR?? are you ok???

DudelPuma Member Posts: 329


bhvr wants to reduce the meta so that people play less meta and fall back on other perks or not? so, bhvr has been saying for a year how badly they don't want the meta and at the end of the day, are they buffing pop?? which is also used so well because the other gene protection perks are nerfed, wtfff xD what's going on here? what's next ? exhausting perks are buffed ?

does bhvr do it so that people don't just play on 3 gens? because pop encourages you to commit ? no matter what it is, you say something and do something completely counteracting, noice! I understand why killers are randomly nerfed by you and also some perks that are memes, you roll what you do today? i ask for a friend...


  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 887

    I have no complains about the pop buff, but , the fact they nerfed a bunch of perks just to shake up the meta, and going back it is strange

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    I did enjoy how pop was an incentive to go to a gen. I’d skip over just to kick it.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,745

    Next patch BVHR: We are buffing spine chill to grant 6% vaulting speed and skill-check chance.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,879
    edited June 2023

    This. The 6.1 meta shake up was purely for the sake of shaking up the meta, despite the fact that many of the meta killer perks at the time (not all) were actually healthy for the game, as they synergised with non-camping/tunnelling strategies. The new meta that evolved after 6.1 featured killer perks that either synergised with camping/tunnelling, or were simply not affected by doing so.

    Pop: requires the killer to leave the hook to kick a gen with 45 seconds, preventing camping (which minimises tunnelling).

    Ruin: requires killers to pressure gens, reducing the effectiveness of the perk if the killer camps or tunnels.

    Old Pain Res: gave info, which drew the killers attention away form the hooked survivor, preventing camping and minimising tunnelling.

    BBQ: more indirect, but by being more prevalent, it was more likely to draw killers away form the hook, additionally the 'secondary objective' it provided is often cited as a reason killers tunnelled less. This is true for myself as well, if I knew I had my 4 stacks, I wouldn't be bothered if some survivors escaped, if I'm not desperate for a 4K, then tunnelling doesn't serve a purpose.

    Not only did 6.1 nerf these perks, but it nerfed them into obscurity. Pop and Ruin disappeared overnight, Pain Res became something entirely different without the info and synergised with camping, and BBQ lost it's impact and second objective.

    Pain Res became an unhealthy perk, and the new OC, CoB, Eruption trifecta excelled when the killer was holding down a 3 gen, and did not lose effectiveness when camping or tunnelling.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    PoP hasen't been meta since it's nerf

    They are doing what they said they would do. Continue to monitor their changes and make adjustments along the way.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    That's called feedback reaction. They have a certain idea, they try something out, they look how it works, they receive feedback, they do changes again. 

    After this, they look how this new changes work out, get feedback again and the whole thing repeats. Imagine everything what have been said in past would be implemented. A lot things can not go along with each other and a lot things you also can not predict ages before 100% correctly.

    I do not understand what people expect, to be honest. Personally i am glad that they do not release everything blindly.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    people who camp and tunnel will still do it because making a 4k is the best tactic, if you really think that a perk convinces people to play differently or it was like that then please side with bhvr because i have to you and bhvr believing that disappoint, the only perk that really got the killer fear of tunneling was ds, even nurse and blight slugged to avoid being hit by ds, well never mind :D if that's what bhvr's intenstion is behind it is (only God and you know the reason) either way, that's not the right way, from "we don't want a meta" to "we create a meta that wasn't there before", small spoiler I still play Coorupt, DeadLock, Noed + NWO and continue camping & tunneling xD

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    if you seriously can't believe the fact pop helps people to not go for tunnel/camp and still have fun in the game, at that point you are believing the things you just want to believe.

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 266

    So, as someone who primarily plays killer, I don't know that the pop buff is going to change much. The fundamental problem is that reducing current gen progression by 30% simply isn't anywhere near as valuable as reducing the overall progression by 25%.

    I'm sure people will try it out but realistically I don't think a 5% increase is going to really set the world on fire and suddenly make everyone drop deadlock or corrupt intervention.

    Also the idea that it helps discourage tunneling and camping I'm not convinced of either, because especially with the camp defense changes coming it feels like you'd just go kick the nearest active gen and start proxy camping the hook because getting a trade is far more valuable in terms of time gained than the pop proc.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I am sure Pop will find itself in meta again. 30% is pretty good , even it's for current progress. And you still have other options like PR, Corrupt, Eruption etc.

    Non of them are great when you use it alone but when you combine them, it's fair anti-gen build.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    Tunnel and camps are in general not an universal 100% guaranteed win strategies. I know nobody said it, but a lot people are the opinion, at least that seems to me. A tunnel makes only sense when you can be sure that you are able to complete the tunnel in a certain time, otherwise you have no gens left.

    In public matches that's often the case because people go down pretty fast, what leads into a facecamp + following tunnel, because that's in that situation the most effective. But I see a lot of killers going for a tunnel where it is such a gamble that the tunnel will be successful, that's crazy.

    When I play killer I go not into a match with the intention to tunnel someone out directly, because that is absolutely contra productive to think that way.

    In a lot of cases it makes much more sense spreading pressure instead of desperately tunneling someone out, because against skilled people who know how to loop that's a strat which can backfire pretty fast, because the tunnel takes simply too long. (As long as you go not the easy way and play nurse and blight all the time and refuse to play other killers almost entirely.)

    What makes killers win a game is preventing survivors fixing gens.

    A tunnel + camp can give you a guaranteed outcome of 2 kills (when you have at least a certain skill level and you run maybe deadlock or what ever), but when you play against good survivors this makes no real sense to see it as a ultimate win strat, because what they want?

    Do people play the game to prevent a loose, or do they play the game because they wanna win? Tunnel, facecamps, proxycamps and slugging are situational ways to apply pressure.

    All that said, experienced players who are really win oriented will always do their decisions based on the situation. That will not change any perk, any item, any whatever. It has never changed and it will never change as long as all those ways are possible to get pressure in certain situations.

    What a perk like Pop does change is simply, that it supports the way of gen pressure but it doesn't really help to prevent camping, tunneling, slugging at all. Maybe a little but not really much over the long run. When every survivor repair solo gens all the time there is no way that a perk can give you that pressure what's needed to prevent that.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 684

    Basically, players that are committed to tunneling and camping aren't going to change and this really doesn't help them play the way they want. However, players that don't want to tunnel and camp get one of their tools improved and help either sway them away from unhealthy gameplay, or keep playing in a healthy way.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,188

    They wanted to shake up the meta, from people using the same 10 perks or so every single game. I have zero issues with Pop being buffed, what I do have an issue with is how changes like this translate with Skull Boring and Knight players. Killers that can still easily hold 3-gens. And I don't think the issue of holding 3-gens, camping and tunneling is going to get fixed with the SIngularity either.