Anyone else seeing an increase in hackers?
3 games in a row tonight with someone very obviously speed hacking. It's getting really tiring...
Never really saw a hacker.
How can you tell it's speed hacking?
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I had a killer yesterday who was hacking. I saw on their Steam profile they had 2 VAC bans. Wish I could have seen that and dodged.
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To be honest I haven't seen an obvious hacker in a really long time. I've suspected subtle hackers, but it's not like.. often at all and haven't suspected anyone of cheating in quite some time. That being said, if I'm tabbed into the game inside the lobby I do check steam profiles and typically dodge low hour players (not because I suspect smurfs or hacking it's because I don't like going against players with less than 1k hours because are usually babies and that's boring) if they have hours visisble or players with game bans/vac bans.
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First survivor ran me around a small obstacle, I was still slower than them in Bloodlust 3.
Second survivor ran so fast they were on the other end of the map is 2 seconds.
Third survivor I used Feral Frenzy while right behind him and still couldn't catch up.
Sometimes you can't tell because they are very subtle, but these guys were very obvious and didn't try to hide it.
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I got accused of hacking twice in the last week. So the paranoia seems to be increasing.
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Just got a 4 man SWF where at least two of them used speedhack. It was quite obvious. They just kept running straight and I couldn't catch them like at all. No vaulting, no looping. Just running.
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Yes, it seems to be worse now than it has been in a while. Especially during peak times.
I am not a programming expert but is it really that difficult to put something into the game that detects when somebody is doing something they shouldn’t be able to do, like a survivor or killer running as a certain speed, or a survivor unhooking themself on 2nd hook state (which happened to me yesterday)?
It’s super frustrating that the devs have put the burden on rooting out cheating on the players. Are most other games the same way?
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In regards to the programming stuff - they are starting to slowly do stuff like that (ie in the patch notes recently they are preventing hackers from using characters they don't own) ie server side validation, but I imagine all this is just tedious work that takes a while to do after the fact, especially with legacy code.
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hmmm blood pack & power of two could do that but I'm assuming they didn't have them perks
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You can tell they're hacking in various way with experience. Speed hack is obvious, you notice it instantly if you played a bit of killer or survivor, since you know how fast are survivors and how fast the killer can catch up in chase.
Subtle cheaters who boost for example gen speed, heal speed and so on are harder to notice, this needs a lot of experience on both sides.
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"various way with experience" in 2K I saw a cheater once who admitted to cheating. And that's about it.
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Last hacker i saw was maybe 5-6 months ago, so it's become once in a blue moon for me when it comes to hackers.
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If you think that all cheaters admit that they cheat, you're so wrong.
For example, I faced a guy who lag switched, I sended a message to him with a clip, and he said that "it's s skill issue" where in the clip was clear that he teleported thanks to lag switch.
Another example, I faced a swf who made gen faster with NOTHING to speed up gens (no prove, no toolboxes, no hyperfocus and so on) than a swf with 4 prove and 4 bnp.
My last one, that this is a fresh one. I faced a swf, besides the absurd genrush and a guy that had literally aimbot with the torch (that blinded me in literally impossible spot), I was thinking that it was a normal match (since someone complained about torches on the forum I thought that that guy was only good in blinding killer). I had 3 hexes: devour, undying and noed. Devour was at 3 tokens when the last gen popped, and I managed to down 3 survs, and I slugged for the fourth. In that moment, all my totem were destroyed at the same time. 3 totems in one with 3 survs in dying state. I thought it was a fair match, but hey cheaters show up when you put too much pressure.
And like 1/3 of my matches are with cheaters, sadly.
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Good thing that our beloved content creators didn't IMMEDIATELY drop the topic the moment they got preferential matchmaking so they can get back to making money by clubbing babyseals. Some pillars of the community.
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Or, here's the more likely situation: MMR is not strict enough and if it was stricter the survivors that get would be better. Tofu and others have complained about this many times and would be absolutely livid if they were getting "preferential treatment" like that
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As i'm saying here yes, there are MANY cheaters in game and BHVR doesn't care
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I guess it is exactly as in other games with EAC. Around 20% cheaters overall, maybe 30% cause EAC is a really bad anti-cheat.
But yes there are more and more killers that know exactly where survivors are without any aura perks, finding quiet survivors in dead zone of the map.
It happens everyday in 10-20% of my games.
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I feel like this one’s a bit hard to judge whether they are hacking or not.
I’ve been accused of wall hacking often when really it was just luck, crows, I saw them head off in that direction earlier, or game sense (such as seeing someone heal in a very short time so I know they are in a locker with Inner Healing).
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Two facts:
- Yes, there are hackers for those who doubt they exist in Dead by daylight. BHVR banned 60k accounts of cheater/hacker in 2022 alone and thats just the offical numbers. You've learned something now, you're welcome.
- To date, there is no way to ban subtle hackers/cheaters. If they don't show their hacks openly, they're perfectly safe.
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I had a few months with no hackers but now I see some weird things again. Like, 1 game were no survivor mad any sounds at all (no vaulting sounds or footsteps either) and a few survivors that moved so quick, they couldn't even control it themself and ran into objects.
Last hacker I saw was quite subtle for the longest part of the game. Until I saw them fly with Bond. That wasn't quite so subtle.
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I actually jist had this against a Leon as Wraith on Midwich. Even when cloaked he was always ahead of me without windows, pallets, or backtracking, when he fell from the second story he never had impact lag, and every window gave him Lithe. He tried being subtle about it in the beginning but by endgame he was just running around at the speed of sound teabagging
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Yep. I feel like they've found a way into hacking the game again, but I'm sure BHVR is already working on it from behind the scenes.
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I personally haven’t seen one in ages. I think BHVR has gotten better with it as of late. Not to discredit your experience though, they definitely still exist and they do suck.
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Some games are very strange when I play survivor, the killer follow me without "seeing me" like, he was above or below me in some closed map and just hit me when I fall or he fall directly on me (when I'm in chase before)
I can add some strange hit distance when the killer can hit me far away, but, I'm not sure if it was some ping problem or not, so, I'm not gonna pretend is some hack, just bad co
In ... Killer side... Some survivor who run faster than normal, and he can run in the other side of the map without windows, pallet or problem before I can catch them
Also, some survivor can see me without perks, even when I'm Undetectable ( with lethal pursuer last time, I see one of them wave at me, teabag in my direction, when I was playing ghosty, and I can never mark him), plus, add some... Strange healing who are practilly instant
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Yes this is exactly what happens!
They start subtle but then when they start to lose or get caught cheating they just go full super speed.
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I loaded in as Plague with Plaything/Penti/Corrupt and the survivors spent the first two minutes stealthing and cleansing all 5 dull totems before I even hooked someone.
Weird plays like this really make me question if the team knew my perks beforehand or someone just happened to have a cleanse totem challenge.