Anyone else having better solo queue games recently?


The last 10 games or so have resulted in 3-4 people escaping in solo queue, facing quite a lot of high-tier killers, teammates are actually taking hits, using pallets efficiently, and doing gens. I have noticed that my teammates have a lot more hours than me, I'm quite new and only have around 300 hours, most of my team every game now has 1000+ Hours, not sure if it's because I have a good escape ratio and just have a higher MMR or if it's just luck

How has your solo queue experience been lately?


  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,251

    For me it started a few weeks ago and it's great. Everyone has a vague idea of what they are supposed to do and sometimes even make some really good plays. Breaking 3-gens early on, spreading on gens, taking hits, sitting on gens as soon as possible. Good stuff, really.

    Obviously, there are still some matches where 1 jerk doesn't get their will and throws a hissy fit (Talking about you, Dwight with The Game offering!) but really I don't think my solo matches have ever felt better.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    In average the experience in my games is the same like always. Sometimes I have good days but sometimes not. But in general I do not really play solo queue because I expect that a lot of matches are winnable. When I would think that way I would organize myself a SWF.

    I play it more because I love the decision making itself, where it makes sense to support the team and where it ends in a disaster anyway most likely and it's better going for hatch.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,054
    edited June 2023

    4500 hours. Generally horrendous experience. I don't want to play anymore. Solo queue matchmaking punishes you for being good. It doesn't put you with other good players. It puts you with bad players and a killer somewhere in between because it's balanced on a spreadsheet.

    To put it in perspective, I had a 25 minute game on Saturday against a Wesker who couldn't catch me and kept breaking off chase. But the game lasted for 25 minutes because none of my team would work on generators.

    It would be so much less frustrating if the devs tried to meet players like myself even halfway. No ranked mode or ranks? Fine. But don't put multi-thousand hour sweatlord survivors in games with 500 hour teammates who, relatively speaking, lack a lot of game sense against killers with 4 slowdowns and double Iris and call it a balanced match. It's a 4k as soon as that killer sees one of the less experienced players. That's how DbD works.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,060

    Yes, but only because I'm actively playing in another time of the day. I'm experimenting to see when it is the best.

  • SpiritsHusk
    SpiritsHusk Member Posts: 169

    Interesting, from my experience, more experienced players tend to be online during late nights / early weekday mornings.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,060

    Can it be that due to the upcoming anniversary / chapter there is a surge of players? Including perhaps those returning after a hiatus.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,283

    No difference really, same cosmic diceroll by the hands of matchmaking experience as it has basically always been.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited June 2023

    Yes, everyones know what they are doing. And much less campers/tunnelers in last few days (no more than 50%, sometimes even less). I don't know why such "remission stage" happend to DbD and how long it will last.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Back with Grade Based Matchmaking, I managed to crawl my way to Iri 1 and stay there with relative reliability as a strictly SoloQ player, I've never SWF-ed in my entire life even once.

    Then came SBMM and for these past two years, I would always hit a brick wall the moment I got to Iri 4. Twice, I got to Iri 3 and once, only once did I get to Iri 2 where I lost all my drive to play the game for a few weeks after a miserable string of bad games for days. I was twice a double pip from reaching Iri 1 but never quite got there, sweaty Blights, Nurses, Spirits and bad teammates made sure of that.

    About two or three weeks ago however, my SoloQ matches changed. I was even accused of lying to myself because everyone else was having a horrible time. But my teammates? Almost no DC even against Pinheads and Skull Merchants. Bubba camping at five gens? Everyone was laser focused on the objective and I even saw an absolute unit of Feng Min rescue from basement about a second before the Mikaela was dead, absolute mad props to her. I still went up against super cracked Weskers, Blights and Nurses, but my teams didn't give up that easily and could at least hold double W away from the gen, buying us precious time to finish a few gens, get rescues and partake in chases. I was flying through grades and having an immense amount of fun in SoloQ.

    Now, can I prove with some insane statistical research that it isn't a fluke and I'm not just particularly lucky this time around? Absolutely not. Am I certain beyond any reasonable doubt that they did SOMETHING to the matchmaking? Absolutely yes.

    On the flipside, my killer games have gone to hell. If I don't tunnel it's a 3-4 men out 9 out of 10 games. Even when I can tell that I'm going against uncoordinated Solos, they put up a really strong fight and I need to bring my A game as an M1 killer to even stand a chance to capitalize on a mistake. But I'm having so much fun with SoloQ right now that I'm only doing archives and dailies. I don't know how long this will last, so I intend to savor every last bit of it, before it goes back to the time when I didn't escape a single game for like 50+ trials.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 550
    edited June 2023

    Last 3 or 4 days has been abysmal on my games. I've gotten out on some matches, but mostly the games have been complete mudstomps. Today I had Wesker four times in a row... Not fun at all.

    Anniversary event is coming out tomorrow, so I guess all the sweatheads came out of their hibernation... Again.

    But then again, my Killer matches has been the other way around. Few matches have been harder and some of those classic bullysquads, but mostly the games have been 2-3 kills approx. I feel like I'm playing against 5-20h players.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,644

    I'm currently at 10% escape rate 🤣 two years ago my escape rate was around 40%, several months ago it was at around 30%, and now here I am. I'm glad others are having a better experience though.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    I'm currently at 5% escape rate and looks like it's going to 1% (forgot when I escaped last time, probably got hatch in these few days)

    The thing we are talking about that there are less survivors that are clueless, hiding in corners or lockers. But it doesn't help, though😀

    Probably they overbuffed killers "a little" without removing exploits.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    I did yesterday! However, such luck at all haha. Each game was a massive loss.

    DCing galore, folks going down in seconds, proxy camping, camping and tunneling! It may have been because I was playing my p100, or just bad luck.

    Maybe tomorrow will be better :) I find if I play during 6am~ here, my games are great. So idk if it's a time of day thing either.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,747

    don't be fool...solo q is still a dumpster fire

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    MMR tends to be indecisive to say the least. My games fluctuate so much.