2 hours of trying this background player blind save challenge

I shall get it one day maybe in another 3 hours
You got this! Its easier with a Flashbang than a Flashlight. Not sure if that helps.
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Ugh yh it's a difficult one, not everybody is a flashlight jockey. I was trying to get it for the longest time. Also interesting tip. It doesn't have to be a flashlight save. I blinded a killer who was in the hooking animation, because my flashlight was juiced up with bulbs and i started just before killer hooked I got the blind and finished the challenge mid animation because the while being hooked killer is technically carrying the surv
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Baring my bad skill with those I’ve also played against pyramid head like 5 times since trying this
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well took 3 hours
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At least you did it 😁 nice one
Also that scoreboard looks weird lol what happened that game?
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I love that it cost you your life. That's commitment.
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U just need to blind it when carrying u dont need to save ur friend,
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Flashbang helps. If you bring flashlight with you, killers are acts so paranoiac but Flashbang usually not expected.
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I got frustrated trying to use a flashlight since I use controller. So I switched to flashbang. I decided to not run for the pickup save but wait around corners where the nearest hoom was.
I got mine from a hillbilly at 5 gens with a fire cracker. I was so happy because I was worried he might be doing adept hillbilly but nope!
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omg you're a godsend. I cant flashy save for the life of me. I cant get the right angle and i get into position too late.
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It took me 22+ games to get this damn challenge (I only know because I track my matches on nightlight and it's my 3rd most used perk this month). I tried flashbangs and flashlights and was just awful at it. I finally got a flashlight save against a nemesis and got hit on hook for it so there's that.
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Yh it's really hard. I manage the odd save sometimes but most of the time I whiff it. Got lucky finding this out lol if ypu know ehat hook killer is going to go for you can catch them with it a bit easier. Still is fiddly though, pretty sure I started the blind as killer walked up to the hook
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When killer was carrying survivor I ran into him, he hit me and I dropped flashbang. Got blind and save.
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I did it by copying people who did it to me. Throw a flashbang on the ground while the killer's picking up. It's super annoying and it works.
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It took me forever to get this challenge. Thankfully, after many attempts, a Bubba was kind enough to let me flashlight save one of my teammates. Thank you Bubba.