Do you consider this camping?

Scenario: Killer quickly downs two survivors next to each other and places them on the hooks that have easy line of sight to each other. Killer stands in the middle of the hooks at that point.
Personally I don't see how this is camping as the survivors made a bad play that cost them close hooks, and why would the killer leave the area when they have two people hooked. The amount of times I've seen this while playing both survivor and killer however with the survivors all upset in the endgame chat calling it "camping" makes me think I might be thr only one with this sentiment.
It is camping. Camping means you stay in an area. It is a logical play but camping none the less.
To be honest, I don't get why the survivors would be upset with the killer in that situation. It is probably the best option they have and I've never seen survivors stop working on gens because a killer made a bad decision either.
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>I don't see how this is camping as the survivors
If your defense begins with BUT THE SURVIVORS then you were camping
Note: I don't have a problem with camping, and I would have done the exact same thing in your case. But let's call it what it is.
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It’s camping for sure. And you don’t need to apologize for it. You did what you did. In a few weeks you won’t really be able to do that again. 🤷♀️
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It's camping but who says it's not smart thing to do?
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Killers are playing to win so of course they should defend both hooks. Sad part is both survivors are soon gonna be able to self unhook in these situations.
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Camping but the only smart thing to do in this situation.
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why would anyone leave two survivors hook in close proximity.
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It's camping, doesn't matter if they screwed up to cause it. Is it a smart play for the win? Absolutely. Is it what I'd do in that situation? Probably not without more context, but I play for fun, not purely for the win.
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That's absolutely camping. Camping is obviously the best play here, but it's still camping.
Camping (just like slugging) isn't always bad, toxic or unwarranted and it has its place in the game, so there's really no shame in calling camping behaviors by what they are just because most people wouldn't complain about it like they do with other camping scenarios.
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Yes it's camping you're delusional if you say you weren't.
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It is but at the same time the devs need to work on hook spawns. The amount of hooks that is so close by each other is insane and that was to address when boil over was op and being abused... but now that this is not a thing as much I blame it on hook placements.
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Yeah absolutely, but I don't think avoiding to call camping by what it is would change the behavior of those people tbh. They're stuck in "camping bad" mode to the point where they'd still expect you to leave if everyone is here, so I see no point in catering to their views by only using "camping" when talking about 'bad' bevahiors. If we still say camping when it's justified or the best move maybe at some point they'll realise camping isn't always bad.
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You are a camper, sir. But I see no reason to blame you.
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It is absolutely 100% camping. However, the way you worded the discussion was that camping is a bad thing and you feel the need to justify the action. There is no need in this case because, as you stated, this was a survivor mistake.
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It's camping, but in an intelligent way since you have two survs hooked in two near hooks. For example, if I have two survs in the basement, why should I leave?
It's camp, but this type of camp shouldn't be punished.
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It is camping, but it’s the correct play. If the killer has 2 survivors hooked in close proximity, I wouldn’t blame them for not leaving.
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Wait, your username looks familiar. Did I just play you?
You were playing Trapper with a wrestling costume cosmetic or something on Coldwind, and I was the Ada T-bagging at the exit gates? And you said "bruh I needed hatch in the basement"?
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A better question to pose is even if it was "camping" would it matter?
Defending two hooked survivors is a good bet that's half the team out of the game. Even if the other 2 just focus on gens they probably aren't going to get everything done in time for the killer to not get at least 1-2 more downs before game end.
Sounds like a smart killer making a smart pay based on the circumstances. How folks choose to label the event beyond that is irrelevant.
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lol, "Is this camping?" and then proceeds to give a textbook definition of camping. If you hook someone and stay in the area then you are camping. Am I judging you for it? No. I've done more than my fair share of camping. But at least own your actions and call it what it is.
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No, when I play trapper, I'm almost always using the body with all the Blight goo on it...and Bruh isn't really part of my normal vernacular, lol
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It is camping, but it's perfectly justified.
If a survivor/killer screws up they deserve to lose.