I seriously don't get the point of giving hatch

And no I mean as in the player just randomly getting hatch by the killer because they did nothing. They weren't sandbagged or anything no they just go down and stop wiggling then get hatch. Why they didn't do anything to deserve hatch and no I'm not complaining because (whaaaaa I never get hatch from the killer) no I refuse to just have the killer give me hatch and refuse to give hatch unless the players team was sandbagging or just not letting them have a good match. I don't get it why does the killer just randomly give hatch I stopped trusting killers like that since I constantly had them drop me and shut hatch in my face.
Some killers go easy if you give them an item, some killers feel bad and let one person go, some killers are already top rank and don't need the pip, some killers might think the final survivor played a good game and rewards them.
If you don't want to give hatch or accept hatch, don't. You do you.
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I had a ghostface give me hatch today after i dropped my item. Ill take it after getting a toxic clown (as in the killer clown) face camping and hitting on the hook because of my prestige
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It's a real shame that you've experienced killers closing it in your face, I think it's a universal experience. If the killer drops you right on hatch just accept it. They aren't doing it out of pity to ruin your pride but for the reasons listed above. ^^^^ :)
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Only thing I can agree with op though when playing survivor is the ones who give the hatch to the one that did nothing helping their team mates and hiding around the entire map. Other than that I myself gives it to the survivor who gave me a good chase/loop/mind games cause am one of those killers that respects those things. Also you auto live if your any of my re babies or a yoichi/quint/yunjin
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I usually give hatch to the last player if someone AFKs or DCs early in the game. Even if they do nothing I don't really like players who ruin the game for the other 3 survivors because they spat the dummy out. So giving the hatch at least gives one person the chance to not depip or lose their item.
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I don't have too many other tools for expressing respect to a survivor. Approving nods may not convey the right message during sacrifice.
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I have everything unlocked. BP is nothing to me :D
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the amolunt of BP for one more sacrifice is next to nothing. I like having a final girl/boy. there's really not any depth to this that you're missing
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Hmm, i sometimes give hatch as killer if you had one survivor trying to get stuff done, while the other 3 were useless, just hidding and stuff. If they are all useless, they all get eaten, if they are all good, its fair and they get (maybe) eaten.
But i also started giving hooks/kills to killers that struggle too much, especially if he tried to get on without camping and tunneling.
However, i am surprised by the number of killers that deny that hook and let you go anyway.
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That always sucks. I had a game yesterday where there was me and a David left, 1 gen to go, I was injured and on death hook and he was healthy and hadn't been hooked once. He was crouched and hiding at the top of the Chapel (could see him with Bond, he hid pretty much the whole game) while I went and sat on an almost finished gen until the killer found me. Gen was literally at like 95% when i got chased off. We got into chase and David didn't even move to come finish the gen. I inevitably died and spectated to see the killer find hatch first but let David escape through it. Was really bummed out by that.
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Relax, dude. Unless there's a specific challenge someone is trying to do, it makes absolutely zero difference to anything if a killer does or does not give someone hatch. The game's over. People are just trying to be friendly.
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Iāve been closing hatch these last few days because of the end game hooks challenge. I donāt carry survivors to it or anything but leaving slugs isnāt really much better.
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Considering there are survivors out there that teabag on pallet stun, flash click at windows, and are constantly taunting the killer on gate only to step through and not even let them get a final hit for points... as a killer you have to have thick skin and let these things wash over you.
However, as you go up against better survivors, you have to get more tryhard and ruthless just to even get 2 kills. I always try not to tunnel and camp, but that makes it a lot more difficult and stressful. A lot of the time my wins comes when one of the players I've already got dead on hook is trying to be too objective and altruism focused and gets caught.
If on the other hand I've dominated the survivors, it just feels nice not to have to be ruthless and try hard all the time. I tend to give hatch to the last player when I've had fun... killers are people too dude, most of us are here to have fun, not ruin people's day... giving hatch is a way to be nice to survivors.
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I always give the hatch as a sign of good sportsmanship. 3 kills is already a win for me and I don't care about pips or BP. Killers also often give me the hatch/exit gate.
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For me, giving hatch is a sign of good faith and a way to convey "I had fun, thank you for playing with me" even if my opponents are on console and don't get endgame chat.
It's a very positive interaction that also generally leads to nice endgame chat.
I also give hatch to prevent my mmr from growing too quickly, so that I can stay in a bracket where I can have silly builds and pleasant opponents.
I've also had a survivor give me hatch when I was killer and their team got 3e, and it was the cutest thing ! <3
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To be honest killers do give hatch to the most random people at times. Sometimes I've done the same, it's usually because they/I want to be friendly. If it was always within my control (as in the player I liked most didn't get sacrificed earlier) I'd probably give it to the player I played with/looped the most. I play survivor so I know looping usually gets you killed first and I've seen all those sneaky teammates who hide all game or let survivors hit second stage or die on hook even though they are not that far from the hook.
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I like giving hatch as killer, and I dont expect being given to me when I play survivor which I rarely get.
Its a fun interaction between both sides that I like kept in the game.
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Because it's a casual game and we're all playing to have fun.
"You don't deserve the hatch because you weren't skilled enough" is class A Sigma male bullshit.
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I allow the last survivor to leave via the hatch if there is AFK or DC that already ruins the match for the team.
But DC can occur for 2 people so I let the other 2 finish the gens and exit via the gate.
What I don't like when someone puts down an item "requesting" hatch. Let the decision be made by me.
Not everybody is grateful, though. I let someone go as the gens were done and I was with SM. As I dropped my drones near the exit gates I knew when the last survivor showed up. It was impossible for Jeff to escape but I allowed him to do so. He specifically said he was not grateful because blabla SM blabla. I didn't know the reaction was dependent on which killer I picked...
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I always give hatch to my fav survivors: Jill, Mikaela, Kate, Rebecca...
If there is more of them, most likely i will give hatch to who survives until end.
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Once you realized bleeding out on the ground equals the same as hatch (it's both a draw towards your MMR, depending how many points you made before ofc), it really becomes meaningless. For me giving hatch is just a sign of good sportsmanship which can lead to more positivity. Tho i heard from ppl still flaming the killer, even after free hatch. I personally mostly try to go for the gates cuz i think the majority of the killers expect hatch gameplay. I see hatch as an participation trophy, not a true escape.
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Someone has to live to tell the tale.
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Some killers just don't care at all cuz it's only a game
(Why so serious)
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Yeah that is so pathetic when that happens.
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they give whenever they feel like it, i don't think anyone here can explain the general underlying psychological reasons.
for me; i give hatch if the player is very clearly way better than their teammates, if i had to slug them because i felt petty towards their immersive useless teammate, or they are left behind in end game when it's an easy rescue.
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Honestly there isn't much reason beside "because it exists".
If it exists, people can give it to someone, plain and simple.
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Because if we are already at the point where I can give someone hatch, I have already pipped. There is zero downside to doing it. Like, why wouldn't I at that point?
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The only problem with the hatch in my opinion is that can spawn at 5 gens. it's a useless sop, since even if the surv escapes from the hatch at 5 gen he/she loses the pip, because he/she didn't do ######### the whole game. They should put back that hatch spawns when 2 or 3 gen remain, so at least survs have time to gamble a minimum and don't have a sop, and likewise a killer who literally destroys a team can secure 4/4 if he does 3k on 5 or 4 Jan. Currently having the genrush is a bit tough, but it happens sometimes
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I used to give hatch every single game to a survivor I felt played the best....or was Nancy š.
Now I don't because it makes me lose the +2 pip. I wish they would rework pips and delete d-pips. When I hit Rank 1 I close hatch (survivor always think I am trolling) and let them leave out gate.
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If a survivor wins me over like this I have a bonding moment with them where I stare into their soul then aggressively nod my head like I'm trying to seperate it from my body.
I love moments like that in this game. Those survivors are the chosen ones and should be protected at all costs
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My friend just rolled my solo q group as Nurse but gave me the hatch :) I did not realize it was them playing her haha. That can be one reason why some give it to others. š
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I give hatch sometimes if I feel bad for them. Or sometimes I do it just to show good gesture. If I happen to close the hatch in front of survivor I give them gate I know from experience that it feels bad.
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You can still give it below red grades if you got 9 or more hooks (should be +2 pips). Personally I try not care about pips anymore as the reward is not that big, how much you have to work for them.
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IDK about none of that. All I know is there are too many variable in a match and the loss of a hook/kill can lose you the double depending on what else happened in the match.
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All the "friendly" and/or goofy interactions like giving hatch, survivors pointing at hooks, item gifting, moonwalking and nodding dance-offs at the gates and such are just nice to me as they show you that you're probably not playing with someone about to call you 7 slurs in 3 different languages the first frame the end game chat is available.
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I tend to give hatch to the last survivor so they can spread the fear and tell the next lobby there is a killer out there and is gonna murder them :D
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Sometimes yes but if you know you have done lot of chases and gotten downs and survivors had hard time repairing gens +2 pips should be quaranteed with 3K. But if you're unsure go for the kill.
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Apparently, some players only give hatch if you don't wiggle.
This is the message I was greeted with in the endgame chat by a Skull Merchant.
"Why did you wiggle? I would have given you the hatch."
I asked how I should have known of her intentions to which she replied: "I did a swing."
So, some players only allow you to escape via the hatch by crawling.
Then I explained it to her that some killers do this as a joke since even by swinging their weapon you will not be able to wiggle out by the time they reach the hook.
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What the first guy said, other times I genuinely would rather wait away from the hatch so I don't have to guard gates in a pointless struggle with nothing to gain.