Disappoint transmission

Title says all.
The Singularity is boring to play, with a weak power and I think a lot bugged since even if I can see a surv with the biopod, if the surv has a finger hidden behind a rock or wall, the biopod doesn't target the surv. I managed to win without using Singularity's power, only used the biopod like cameras. With what I saw, its power is top tier for camping, but for everything else is D tier.
The new map is abominable. Orientation is impossible (which as far as I understand is what the devs wanted, congratulations they have fully succeeded), it is too huge and the central gen is practically a gift.
So, basically: 3 original chapters, 3 disappointment. As expected, it's sad to say, but I expected it. And it's so sad because I love Singularity's design, IT'S SO CREEPY.
So, what other players think about this chapter? Are you happy about the Singularity and the new map? I didn't mention perks since both Singularity's perks and Gabriel's perks (the new surv is Gabriel right?) are useless
"Singularity is D-Tier", "It's power is top tier for camping", and "Only used the Biopods like Cameras" tells me everything I need to know.
Just because you fundamentally do not understand how the play the Killer does not make them weak, let me question you this, is Nurse "weak" because some people suck at her? No, we see people play Nurse at the top level and comp for a reason, because she is one of the strongest Killers in the game.
The issue that you are having is that Singularity's Biopods are not like Cameras, you can infect Survivors with them, and it forces them to respect the sightlines of them. And once a Survivor is infect, you can directly hit them with your ability (no need to use Biopods) to teleport to them. Placement is insanely important to get that initial infection, and if your placement sucks, you will be punished heavily.
Also their Biopods shoot significantly slower when near a hooked Survivor, making his ability to camp not as strong as people make it out to be. Yes you can get information from it, but unless you are sitting right by the hooked Survivor you have no realistic way to capitalize on that information... which basically means you have to actually camp for them to be good at camping... which effectively accomplishes nothing productive.
A lot of other stuff isnt really listed in their power, the description could be improved, but it takes like 5-minutes of research to learn how to use their power on a basic level.
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Well I saw some people saying he is really strong but I don't see it so far. He feels not so easy to play, his cameras are cool but sometimes makes you dizzy and confused, when you switching between them you can easily get lost. There were many times allready that I wanted to watch a different camera but instead I switched to totaly different one.
I think he is okay so far. He is cool, but I don't see such power in him as many people see. I don't think he is weak tho.
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I understood how to use biopods. I won with the Singularity, don't get me wrong, if we talk about winning I don't have this problem, but it's not strong. You have to understand this. The Singularity is not strong at all. Maybe it's too early to say this, and I know, but for me now it's D tier. Max C tier for the teleport. I will come back after some days and I will say if it's strong or weak.
I didn't know that near the hook are slower at shooting, since survs I met literally used the EMP (it's EMP right?) to block the biopods.
I know that Singularity's biopod are not cameras, but have you red what I said? I got survivors literally in front of my biopods, highlighted in white so they were in the range of the biopods, but they had like a finger behind a rock, so the biopod didn't target them.
What about the map? Am I the only one who feels it a lot surv side?
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It's not strong, but it's too early to say the tier. I probably forgot to say that it's to early and this are my day one opinions. But since I have a long career in dbd, played every killer, manage to win with every killer (even the Singularity), I don't think I'm wrong this time. It's not strong, a bit bugged and it needs a bit of touch. For example, as I said in my main post, the fact that if I see a surv, he's highlighted in white, and it's not half behind a rock, the biopod should shoot at him. No, if the surv has a finger behind a rock and the rest of the body is uncovered, the biopod won't shoot at him
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The omly thing i agree on is the map. Personally i think the singularity is pretty balanced and alot of fun to play. In my opinion this is a pretty good chapter.
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Yet I can use an EMP and his power goes..ploof aout the window.
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I hope I'm missing something on Singularity's power, because right now is D tier.
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Well, yeah. I don't have anything to add but just its just boring. ;/
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"perks since both Singularity's perks and Gabriel's perks (the new surv is Gabriel right?) are useless" Not sure what you mean, Gabriel has 2 extremely good perks which I've enjoyed using so far. The Singularity also has pretty good and unique perks.
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Unique perks I agree, strong no. Gabriel's perks? Which and can you please summarise the effects? If I missed something, I always correct myself
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I find "made for this" and "scavenger" pretty strong.
Made for this: When Injured, you gain a 3% haste bonus, when you heal a survivor, you gain endurance for 10 seconds. Does not function while exhausted.
Scavenger: Hit 5 great skill checks, fully restore a toolbox to 100%, and complete gens at 50% speed for the next 30 seconds after restoring a toolbox.
Soma's other perk allows him to see the killer's aura for 6 seconds after dropping a pallet, not as strong but definitely useful for aura builds.
First 2 I'm pretty sure the community agrees are quite strong survivor perks.
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I had the same experience on ptb so i believe you 😔
Although i don't think the survivor perks are bad i actually think he's the best survivor since Mikaela.
Map yeah i agree was horrible on PTB as well
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I get where the people saying he's strong are coming from. If you were the remove EMPs from the picture, his power effectively means survivors can't Hold W against him, while making play around pallets and windows much harder due to the speed increase at breaking and vaulting.
The problem is you can't really isolate his power from EMPs and EMPs in their current state are just effective at shutting down the killer's power with very little breathing room. Singularity can be a monster if survivors fail to utilize EMPs properly, but it's misleading to judge the power based on facing survivors who don't use EMPs.
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I would say he's B tier at most. It's way too easy to just pre-drop, bodyblock or EMP his power away.
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Honestly even b tier is a bit much
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I forgot about made for this, my bad. But I don't think is this strong, is like 0.12 the speed boost right? Ok that it can't be too much, but at this point, since it's either too strong or too weak, rather do another perk right? Maybe I'm the one who doesn't see the possible combos though, so if you have any idea of a possible combo correct me if I'm wrong.
Scavenger is a weaker version of another perk, I don't see the utility of it. In ptb was too strong, now it's quite useless (and it must be useless since gen speed is a problem in this game)
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Can't lock on to the booty. I wonder how much of a survivor needs to be visible for that to work. Feels like old stalk mechanic.
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They need to be completely visible and still, I ended now a match with the Singularity and the biopods didn't target even survivors who were completely visible.
This killer is D tier, wasted design.
I hope bhvr wake up and rework completely the power, it needs only that the biopods can also shoot automatically, and with only this it could be a lot stronger.