I played all day and night as survivor but not a single singularity found

I guess this anni is a flop lol. All I got was trapper, nemesis, wesker, wraith, hillbilly, huntress, doctor, plague and legion.
Hard to play and the game is aimed towards casuals
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Not sure if he is harder than trapper tbh.
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Yesterday roughly half of the Killers I faced were Singularities.
But yeah, this Killer is not easy to play, quite demanding. But this was already obvious on the PTB. But there are easier Killers who are stronger than them, this is for sure. (Not that Singularity is weak)
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It kind of feels like he's as hard to play as nurse/blight/billy, without being near as strong, while also being twice as frustrating to play
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I've had a few but it's being rivalled by Wesker, I'm assuming since he's bugged atm and apparently can become invisible (haven't seen it yet)
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I played last night with a swf and every single killer bar the first one was the new killer and he is HARD to go against! I didn't see anything about the new killer so it was all new to me but eventually worked out what the wands do! But think the placements and number of cctv pod things needs a nerf!
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The anniversary literally hasn't even begun yet ? By the time it truly begins the people who want to put in the effort will have a better handle on Singularity. Their mmr on the killer will also have adapted a bit and made their games more bearable.
I think it's great that BHVR is making some bolder concepts that require a good amount of experience to be used well. (Though in this case, some QoL to make the POV less disorienting would be welcome !)
No need to get all pessimistic within 24h of it coming to live. =)
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Anniversary chapter is a joke.
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Huh weird. I saw singularity in 3 out of 5 games last night.
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People really wanted to give Singularity a chance, hence why there were so many playing it. But there's so much they can endure being weak and powerless, at some point they just call it quits and return to more fun and capable picks instead. There's limit to every patience you know.
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Trapper gets value from his traps more than Singularity does with its power, in my opinion