Singularity summed up in one video
This is why people are saying singularity is trash
Quite literally what happens almost anytime you infect someone with a pod.
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You know you could have just shot them with your gun through the window and teleport on top of them right? The main issue here, assuming you had actually done so, would have been the adrenaline which no killer can control (without terminus) anyway.
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All I see is a misplay into Adrenaline which would of screwed over any killer, not just Larry
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Wouldn’t have mattered cause she could still use the emp to destroy the slipstream I had just put. I didn’t record the match but every single time I slipped someone it would be removed the instant I go to get them.
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It’s such a shame because Hux has so much potential to be fun but is just not quite there yet. They need to make EMPs way more limited or just make their use weaker overall because it is too frustrating to play him at the moment.
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You don’t get my point. I slipped her and as soon as I did she removed it as if it was a roach on her shoulder. Imagine this.
Imagine if nemesis vaccines worked like EMPs, there’s 4 but they’re unlimited. You can grab one out of the box instantly with no downtime and you can use it while running and it disables your tentacle. Imagine if nemesis felt like that.
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Larry? Is that what we're calling him now? He doesn't look like a Warden
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Honestly this reminds me a bit of release Plague where survivors could completely block her ability to get corrupt fountains by not cleansing. There were addons to start with corrupt fountains, so it was possible to still get a corrupt purge and win the game. But it didn't feel great to not have access to your whole power without addons.
Also Plague at least got something out of survivors not cleansing to not give her corrupt fountains. Survivors are just capable of firing off EMPs with no downside to it and they are still quite plentiful being auto charging and 5 boxes.
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You had more then enough time to use your gun to TP in
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Shock. Horror. The Audacity. A survivor using the tool available to them to not allow a killer to teleport directly to them.
Will it make killers more comfortable if we call it an EMP strategy? You know, kinda like the slugging strategy, or the tunnelling strategy or the face camping strategy that survivors get told to just suck it up and go next?
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EMP's in the middle of a chase are the least problematic since its so easy to reapply Slipstreamed. Even with Adrenaline you could have still shot a pod, control it and re infect her in like 2 seconds
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I still think emps need to make you stand still/walk while charging but the singu could have just teleported to the person through the window by aiming at them. They might have been able to get hit before their adren to a fully healthy state for an extra 1.8 second speed burst. Its a killer you have to have a good early game with which the one purple addon thats makes emps generate longer at the start of the trial and they start slip streamed helps with.
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I mean picking up an emp mid chase to just deny the killers power is kind of stupid.
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I dont know if I should feel proud or disappointed at the fact I got this reference immediately
At least this Larry has it a bit better than the other one... come on Ubisoft its been 7 years and hes gotten like 2 breaks
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Feel proud. I literally can't stop playing that game, I love it so much
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So is queuing up for a game just to be slugged, tunnelled or face camped.
Using an EMP is a real strat, trust me. It’s a survivors right to be able to play however they want. My suggestion is as a killer if you don’t like it, play some survivor.
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I don't think you understand how oppressive emps can be if they have just a single person harassing the pods. Picking them up and being able to charge them mid chase is worse despite it being a "playstyle". The biggest issue in the ptb was the availability of the EMPS and being able to charge them while running. The emps are less available but doesn't mean they're fine and you can still run with them. Just force survivors to at least slow down while charging and able to go full speed after the charging sequence.
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Daily Singularity Experience for you.
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I don’t think you understand how oppressive slugging, tunnelling and face camping can be.
And no, a survivor shouldn’t have to slow down or walk in order to charge them. That would make no sense at all. The killer can just pop another one on anyway.
Maybe you would like them to become incapacitated when they get used also? Or maybe just stand there so it’s an easy down and hook? That is, if they are going with the “play style” of downing and hooking, instead of the “play style” of slugging.
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The people kidnapping Victor when the twins were released is another example, haha.
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At least they gave the killer to option to recall victor after 45 seconds going live. Later this got buffed to 30 seconds.
The problematic parts of the EMP were basically left unchanged.
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Slugging, tunneling and camping are oppressive yes but really only for soloq which shouldn't be a reason why emps are as strong as they are now. Cause actual good survivors can outplay singu to high hell even with getting spammed with overclock. There's literally no reason why a survivor shouldn't slowdown while the emp is charging simply because it has a giant range so any bio pod in range is disabled making the singu have to replace it if they're in range and then they can go back into the cam and LOS'ing the pods is incredibly easy if you can already guess where optimal pod placements would be.
People saying emps are fine as is have never played against good survivors and having those games where you don't get good survivors is not a valid reason to keep them as is.
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I 100% agree. The survivors are in complete and TOTAL control of your power. As he is, this killer is complete and total trash, and he'll only get worse as survivors better manage the EMPs. All you need to do is grab one of the infinite EMPs and hold them until you need them.
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I’m sure if you keep crying they will nerf the EMPs, it’s only a matter of time. Killer is too easy already, gotta make it even easier. 👍🏼
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I guess you could always try slugging, tunnelling or camping with him. 🤷🏼♀️
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Same here, goal for me is to get all characters to Rep 8 to get some decent looking fashion for every character. Currently have Aramusha, JJ and Afeera left :)
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EMP's are overtuned at the moment. Singularity isn't like Plague. If Survivors don't cleanse, Plague gets simething for it. EMP's force Larry into an M1 Killer with nothing in his kit.
They do need to be nerfed, but we need to be very careful about it.
I'd suggest forcing Survivor to stop moving in order to use the EMP, but reduce the time required to use it drastically. Make it life a half-second channel.
I'd also say that the overall range should be reduced AND if you want to cleanse another Survivor, you need to be within 2 meters of them.
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Killer is only easy in most games cause most of the dbd player base is actually just bad but the few good players are actually challenging 👍
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Can you explain what is happening / what we are supposed to see?
For those not having the killer. Just an idea...
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If survivors are so bad, you shouldn’t have a problem playing and winning as the new killer then. 👍🏼
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You see, I'm not that varied with my ganeplay. I have one main for each faction and then dedicate myself mainly to them. I am guilty of having a rep 22 hitokiri and 16 Warmonger. Worth it though, at least for warmonger. The warmonger I have is decked out in terms of fashion
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How the new killer is way to easy to counter. I infected her with my biopod camera, as soon as I infected her she removed my infection without stopping once. The time it took me to infect her was undone in seconds. That’s what I’m trying to show.
Then we have these guys saying I was outplayed I didn’t use him right. That wasn’t the point it’s to show how easily it is to counter his power!!
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So the workaround is to ensure you have to stop to use the device (similarly to a vaccine or spray).
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Yeah but pub stomping isnt always fun. Playing against good people though should be when its mostly fair. The way EMPS are now do not allow for that. But why does it have to be a "i have to win 100% of the time" thing huh?
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This is just normal killer gameplay. What exactly here shows that this killer is trash? Looks like Adrenaline has the spotlight for this clip. Why aren't you complaining about that?
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The only sin I see here is mediocrity.
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Couldn´t it be possible that another survivor used their EMP to remove their Biopod?
You do get aura reading on podded survivors when they´re within your 16m? range.
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Let the survivor move much slower while using them only
Problem solved
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He's trash because... Adrenaline exists?
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No because you can just grab an EMP mid chase with really no downside most of the time and deny his power. Like even if you're about to go down literally just grab an EMP and another one will print and you will still have yours after you're unhooked.
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I'll see OP's Average Singularity Match and add an Average Singularity Match.
in b4 "b-but!!!" mains.
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Warmonger and Hito have some pretty good fashion and were one of the first characters I got to high rep when I started my journey. That being said I still have my 3 mains; Valk, Law, and Jorm
Also since its a bit off topic here and most probably have no idea what were talking about. If you wanna share that fashion hmu on discord: shro0mpy#2299.
Always love taking inspiration from others , since imo fashion is one of the best parts of the game :)
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You're a survivor though so they'll just say that you need to get good. But not too good, because then you'll become oppressive, deny a 4k, and need to be nerfed.
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Potato or Monkey team mates maybe?
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Slipstreamed survivors should not be able to cleanse themselves! Or make it to where other survivors can't cleanse slipstreamed teammates. Right now they have both. I've noticed a tactic they use is 2 people on a gen near my bipod, I get both of them, they both have emps and one waits for both of them to be slipstreamed before taking out all of my work plus deactivating my bipod. I would be better off walking up to them and just m1ing both of them
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So are you suggesting that survivors actually DO need to shut up about slugging, tunneling, and face camping? Is that your point? I personally don’t think they’re very fun, but if you insist I guess I could try when I play killer.
EMPs do need adjustment in my experience so far. As a survivor I never feel like I might not have pretty immediate access to another one so I never put any thought into using them if I happen to be carrying one. I mean, if they’re spitting out of printers like a malfunctioning vending machine pelting you with Doritos and I can use them while moving there’s only 1 reason not to - possibly alerting the killer to your location. There was a game earlier where I worked on a gen right under a pod and didn’t bother EMPing it until I saw it activate. Still had plenty of time to finish the gen since the EMP goes off faster than slipstream can be applied and a teleport triggered.
Singularity feels fun to play but EMPs do feel overtuned. Survivors need a repeatable but realistically limited way to counter infection and pods. They got the repeatable part, but with printers as they are now they aren’t realistically limited.
They could do something like add increasing print times per printer or add a debuff after using one to where interacting with a printer for a period of time after using one fries the printer.
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Larry is in!
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This game is a joke. Killers a joke. Devs give survivors all the tools they need to make the killers laughably bad. Your skill means nothing.
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If you allow yourself to get tunneled out at 5 gens you suck at the game. You have 100 pallets on every map to use and main building with broken windows on most maps. Maybe learn how to abuse all the BS survivor sided loops in the game and the killer will stop chasing you and go tunnel soneone else and by that time multiple gens should be done if your teammates aren't morons. (Which to be fair they probably are.)
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That was entirely your fault for not shooting them threw the window