My Poor Whisker

I achieved this great accomplishment yesterday, only to learn he's getting killswitched soon! :(
Congratulations on the p100!
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He’s not killswitched I played as him last night.
The killswitch was disabled. Wesker is so strong he can’t be killswitched
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Congratulations! I wonder how many times you had 7 minutes for your victim survivors till you reached P100. 😅
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By the way he hasn't been killswitched, yet.
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The kill switch is in effect you should not be able to choose to play as The Mastermind
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He only had seven minutes to play with us...
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He is now kill switched
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I got banned apparently what the hell lmao
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That's the reward for putting too much time into this game
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It'd seem so lmfao, I will appeal it (unsure if it's cus I was playing Wesker yesterday when he was meant to be killswitched)
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Did the devs really just ban this guy because their killswitch wasn't working correctly? wow
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Congrats! Just got my Spirit to P100. It really does feel great to accomplish this milestone.
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gz love seeing a daddy p100 wesker or any re char x3.
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nobody is banned due to anything related to the kill switch! We are not banning for people playing as Wesker during the time when the kill switch was unable to be deployed.