Flashlight Nerf Backfired (In A Fun Way)

A few months ago, a hard limit was put on how often a flashlight can be turned on and off, to prevent rapid clicking and epilepsy risks.
This resulted in a slight flashlight nerf : 1 click = 1 charge spent.
And now, in order to use the flashlight's charges efficiently... Survivor bots click by default !
Since bots are going to replace DCs in real games soon, chances are the ghost of that survivor who DC'd on the first down is gonna come click at you later ! X)
Bots also know how to tbag, they've grown so much :')
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Even though the clicking makes them lose a ton of distance, they still go down slower than my solo queue teammates so I can't wait for them!
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It wasn't really a nerf, given how much easier they made it to get a flashlight blind to compensate.
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The change wasn't ever meant to be a nerf, it was purely an epilepsy issue. Those who used those flashlight macros could send some players into seizures. While there is always some risk with every video game, developers of games still want players with epilepsy to be able to play their games, so they fix things like that.
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Not really a nerf anymore when they buffed the buffer timer to .4 seconds to make anybody able to hit one.
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Whether it was meant to be a nerf or not, or that it was compensated or not, functionally, that part was a nerf, so that's what I'm calling it ? I'm not saying it's a bad thing (I'm even mentioning that it's for accessibility and not for the fun of it) or that flashlights came out of that update ruined. I'm just calling a cat a cat for simplicity.
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Sorry, but given that it's easier to blind the killer now how was that a nerf?
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Honestly that probably is not "fun" I think...?
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it was just a nerf to not being able to give certain killers headaches namely me lol.