Singularity needs buffs, here's the idea.
I have played 4 hours with it today and it is more than enough after the PTB.
It presents a big problem and it's still the EMPs.
The survivors constantly have EMPs and they completely penalize the killer to their power without hardly being penalized themselves. The only penalty is that they lose a few seconds that they are not repairing, but it doesn't matter because 2 survivors are repairing while you are completely nullifying the power of the singularity with EMPs.
The range of EMPs is too wide. This means that if a survivor enters to protect a teammate, they can even eliminate the biopods of the survivor who is in chase and several that are placed in the survivor's area, this wastes a lot of time for the singularity.
1.- Eliminate the possibility of speeding up the time to make an EMPs.
This will make survivors have to think about when to use the EMPs they have.
2.- EMPs manufacturing time from 90s to 60s
In compensation for the removal to speed up the process
3.- Reduce the range of "width" of the EMPs to 1-2 meters above you (height stays the same).
This will make the survivor who is going to remove biopods be forced to get closer to the target they want to remove and if they wanted to protect the survivor who is in chase, they are forced to get closer to their partner to remove the biopods from above him. This comes with risk, as if you get close to removing your partner's biopod in chase, you will be infected but you will remove your partner's biopod.
I think these changes will make the singularity much better and less frustrating to play when survivors constantly have EMPs in their possession.
Your changes are a nerf. The problem is that they automatically generate, not that survivors can make them faster. They basically happen for free.
The simplest change is to make them automatically print to 75% and then survivors have to interact with the box for the last 25% and probably reduce the speed boost survivors can give it to 3x instead of 4x. This would make a survivor take 30 seconds to fully print one from 0. But the last 25% will take them 7.5 seconds to collect one. That way they can't pick them up mid chase anymore.
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nerf? No.
It is practically automatically printed at the beginning of the game after 60s in all 5 boxes. Any survivor will be able to take it, but they will not be able to speed up the process again, they must go to another box if it is printed, otherwise they will have to wait 1 minute to pick up another EMP again.
On the other hand, reducing EMP bipod removal range isn't a nerf, it's a buff to singularity. The idea or the changes here, is to reduce the elimination range to about 1 meter, to make the survivor have to take more risks. On the other hand in chase to help, getting close to a partner carries another risk with this change, you will infest yourself in exchange for removing the biopod from your partner's back. Or you'll probably get hit from the singularity.
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Make so u have to chose between removing ur infection or the biopods, so u can’t do both, and add a cap on the passive generation at 50% so survivors need to make the rest by then selfs, done killer fixed
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The range isn't the problem, nor is disabling the pods. Its that they can have one, get tagged, use it to remove it, then pick up another one WHILE being chased.
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I think being able to run while you use an EMP is ridiculous. It's a simple fix which I think would make a considerable difference. To EMP mid-chase would require being a safe distance from the killer or risk being hit. This would also fix the altruistic EMP scenario which has happened to me a lot. Cleansing mid-chase should be risky for survivors or at the very least give the killer a chance to catch up some.
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I dont think reducing the timer is the right move, even if we cant speed it up. i think a better move would be that they dont print themselves at all, and you need to speed it up for the full 20s. Also reduce the duration of emps by like 15s, and have the small range you suggested.