Killswitch not working

Do you Actually think you can Disable me? @BHVR
I can dodge everything: bullets, and killswitch included. Only devs with a superior DNA can correctly adapt to Uroboros and proceed at killswitching me.
Albert, I have to ask. Why did you flirt with Claire when you've got a thing for Rebecca? What'll happen when Claire tells Rebecca that you call her lovely in-between attempts to kill Claire and her brother? I mean, being a genocidal maniac is generally seen as a red flag when trying to date someone but flirting with someone else as well? Seriously bro, think for a moment.
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Wait, are we talking about Uwu Boris from the UK?
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Oh dear, a very uncomfortable question for him. He will probably ignore it and disappear from the scene. You know, jumping into lava and faking your own death. It's a Wesker thing.