Can someone explain to me thier issues with Toba Landing?

Riski Member Posts: 208

I personally have very much enjoyed this map. It's visually very pretty with lovely fuana, the mini hill tiles are unique plus fun and I've not noticed any major balance issues so far when playing survivor or killer. It doesn't look too safe, there are open areas for ranged killers but areas with a bit more obstruction for stealth killers and the main building isn't that safe from my experience. The only issues I've had with the map is that it's a bit big and the main buidling gen was hard to find and get too when I played as survivor. I think the map probably favours survivors but definately not to the same extent as some other maps like Borgo, this feels more in line with Thompson House or Family Resident as a large but not very safe map. Do people dislike it because of what it was like on the ptb? Or do people consider maps with trees to be cluttered? Or is this just a loud vocal minority on the forums?


  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,165

    I personally like the map, as you said, this map is not borgo or garden of joy, I think its the density of the map, there is so much vegetation on the map

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    I like it in general, I think the visuals and sounds are nice. I think they toned the clutter down from what I saw on the PTB streams. There's a pretty open dead zone in one section (I stupidly ran across it and got exposed by GF instantly) and in one of my other games last night there was a hardcore tunnelling Wesker who had no problem finding his target/s on the map. It'd suck more for ranged killers though. Faced a Deathslinger on there also and try as he might he couldn't spear me.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    its really cluttered with way too much unnecessary geometry just blocking vision. its also really big and main builind has 3 pallet loops and 3 god vaults. also 3 floors so survivors get plenty of time to know you are coming.

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    There are some areas that have a lot of red/pink and patterns on the ground where I have found it really difficult to track survivors. It's not as bad as the Borgo but it's definitely an issue compared to every other map in the game.

    So far it also seemed quite RNG dependent. The main building is always safe but sometimes it also spawns a lot of very safe pallets. And sometimes it creates huge deadzones. Both isn't ideal and has actually been improved on a lot of other maps, including the latest adjustments on Autohaven maps.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    1. Very tiny and cluttered

    2. Very strong pallets/loops (and a possible infinite)

    3. Straining on the eyes

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    I haven't played it since the PTB, but my main issue with it was really that it was another map that the killer it debuted with sucked on.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    My eyes hurt playing on that map. I am surprised they watched colour pallete in use and said this is okay, lets roll

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    1) Causes eye strain and headaches, because the map is too red…. and tracking red scratchmarks, red blood, and red auras, on a red map, is physically painful.

    2) Too much ground clutter, and it feels like scratch marks aren’t properly showing up on ground clutter, which can cause gaps in scratchmarks, and more eye strain, because you might second guess whether or not the scratch marks are missing because of ground clutter, or if they’re missing because you didn’t strain your eyes enough to find them.

    3) Still too much line of sight blockers, which makes it miserable to find hiding survivors. Are most killers expected to run around every object once or twice, to check if someone is hiding behind them? How is that reasonable?

    4) Playing against windows of opportunity is awful, because those survivors know exactly where all the pallets are, but the killer is stuck which such bad visibility due to the line of sight blockers, that it’s difficult to know where the tiles are from a distance, and where the pallets are even supposed to spawn.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    My main issue is that the map is red. I'm colorblind, cannot distinguish between one type of red or another and cannot see orange at all (still convinced orange doesn't exist, you all have broken eyes).

    Topa's landing to me is just one giant splotch of red, so I cant see anything on that map as Survivor or Killer. Made a mention of it in the feedback forums but seems BHVR ignored it

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I think it looks great, I love that it's in a crater, objectively it's amazing. I like those... one way dunes too ? It's funny, it reminds me of those Pokemon shortcuts.

    But it's way too cluttered with bright colors, I can't pick out important things from foliage and walls. I haven't seen a lot of lockers too, now that I think about it, so I don't know how Dredge mains like it.

    I think the best way to sum it up is that I would love to play on this map if the game was not DbD but a solo adventure/sci-fi game.

  • MrSheep51
    MrSheep51 Member Posts: 91

    mostly the mess that is the collision with the random clutter and some objects have really low section you can't see as killer