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If you were in charge of BHVR, what would you add?

Member Posts: 1,124

Dont be shy, we've all got something. I have some perk ideas, like nowhere to hide except it exposes ppl for 25s. And a perk that gives 1s of SB when you dodge a hit/killer misses near you that isnt stopped by exhaustion.


and I would make the upcoming anti camp 8m instead of 16, and completely stop if theres a survivor in range.

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  • Member Posts: 3,219

    seperate queues for swf and solo survivors, both balanced seperatly for the same kill ratio goal.

  • Member Posts: 1,060
    edited June 2023

    More skins for Thalita and Spirit.

    Perk changes and balances, some perks are outdated or weak for both side and changes for the majority of them will be nice.

    Add-on passes for all killers, and killer power buffs or nerfs.

    Remove Skull Merchant and Knight.

    The ability to hide your prestige level, I’m at Prestige 47 for Thalita and I sometimes get killers that tunnel me out for my prestige, they specifically told me if they “Get the P47 then its a win in my book”. A setting to hide your level as survivor will be so helpful for me and others.

    Thats all what I would do at the moment. ❤️

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Genuine question, but how would you fit 3-mans in there ?

    And how would killers be assigned games ?

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Sounds more like someone from a rival-company who wants to bring down DBD from inside.

  • Member Posts: 1,394
    edited June 2023

    The top of my list would be a PvE secondary Objective for Killers that reinforces "Good sportsmanship" gameplay (But isn't a requirement), and gives the Killer a greater feeling of shaping the Trial. Something for people to latch onto as a "win-condition" that's harder and more rewarding than a 2K 2 Hook (Camping), but is easier and amplifies the agency of a 2K 10 Hook (super-nice).

    Generally speaking making Hooks the Killer Hooks a Survivor onto have a lasting impact on the way the Killer approaches the Trial moving forward (that isn't just "tunnel the ever-loving hell outta this guy"). In a similar manner to how completing Generators shapes how all players approach the Trial when a Generator is completed (EG: Survivors no longer have a repair incentive to be there, but a greater incentive to bring chase to that area, and Killer has less incentive to be in that area altogether)

    Ignore the above, I'd probably address the pallet density disparity between M1 Killers and anti-loop Killers by reducing initial pallet spawns and introducing a Survivor secondary objective of setting up Pallets at pre-defined positions.

    Post edited by AssortedSorting on
  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't wish I were in their place, nor do I entertain the illusion that any of those things would be anything else but self-indulgent.

    That being said...

    Take a break from a content chapter to make balance changes

    Bring back pre-buff, pre-nerf Thana

    Give a couple more basekit frenzy seconds to Legion

    More vegetation on the ground for Hag & Trapper

    115% Hag

    Zombie failsafe for Nemesis (Make them respawn somewhat close to survivors if the zombie is stuck and walking in place for 10s

    Sky Billy is back

    Base kit 40s Corrupt Intervention

    Base kit 3s BBQ

    Base kit 3s DS (deactivate endgame of course)

    Ruin back at 200%

    No synergy between toolbox and Hyperfocus

    BNP reworked to create a safe state/prevent regression temporarily rather than add progression

    Bite The Bullet makes you silent when you're being healed too (for coherence's sake)

    Plague no longer exists (sorry y'all I hate vomit)

  • Member Posts: 300

    The ability to decide to against certain killers by asking if we want to even if it makes my que times 100 more hours or simply SHOW the killer we are going against. Allow hiding all survivor items/names because its unfair the killer can have a FREE advantage and decide oh 4 flashlights=lightborn , a mix of items?=franklins. Thank fully anonymous is back for playstation so its nice to stream again in peace and not have to worry about being sniped even if this hurts my views a little. Funny thing there is no way survivors can stream snipe a streamer killer but a killer can stream snipe survivor streamer lol.

  • Member Posts: 482

    I think the characters are not enough for me to write everything I would rework

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I think the 3-man-problem could be solved if solo survivors had the option to opt in on the swf-matches, although they would be at a disadvantage. Some solos might rather play with an swf than 3 solos, even though the killer would be stronger in those matches.

    Killers would be assigned normally, maybe with loadout-options for solo and swf, and would either receive buffs, or survivors might receive penaltys to balance it up. Even things like gen times could be readjusted for swf, but the goal is the same kill/escape ratio for swf and solo queue. Thus, killers shouldn´t mind too much which queue they get.

    yeah, i know,many killers like their easy matches vs solo, and many swf like their easy matches vs killers, and if those were balanced, the ones that are winning is those measly solo survivors noone is interested in.

  • Member Posts: 5,449
    1. Bush cosmetic for all survivors. Claudette will have an extra special version that changes color and shape depending on the map. If there are no bushes on the map then it’ll turn into a rock, barrel or desk.
    2. Revert the nerf to Ruin. (The recent one)
    3. Buff Undying to allow hexes transfer up to two times.
    4. Hex totems will not be lit (even if active) at the start of the match. They will only light after the first gen is completed. The exception for this would be Third Seal because it’s a PITA.
    5. Slugged survivors bleed out 50% faster.
    6. Nerf Pig.
    7. Completely overhaul the character models and cosmetic system. More customization options and slots.
    8. More interactive maps. Slippery floors, quicksand, moving objects and whatever else we can come up with.
    9. Rework Myers to have base-kit wall hacks. No more insta-killing someone who hasn’t been hooked. No more insta-killing a healthy survivor. Base-kit mori for those in death hook. Faster movement speed and add-ons that improve it.
    10. Buff DS to work after both hook states but still keep its current restrictions.
    11. Killers or survivors who haven’t moved from their position in 60 seconds lose collision.
    12. Survivors who aren’t working on an objective for longer than 2 minutes have their aura revealed. This disables if they interact with an objective for at least 15 maybe 20 seconds.
    13. Match limit will be set at 30 minutes maximum. No need for any match to last longer.
    14. Serial DC’ers will be matched with like minded individuals.
    15. Rebalance maps to make most loops 50/50 and then rework Nurse to have 1 blink with faster movement speed.
    16. Remove the screaming/wailing from Nightfall.
    17. New map on Ormond.
    18. New whacky game mode where balance doesn’t matter.
    19. Dbd-Kart kinda like how Mortal Kombat ripped off Mario Kart in one of their games.
    20. Brenda Meeks with Legendary Cindy cosmetic and both get voice-lines.
    21. New female Mr Baldy skin from the newest movie.
    22. Candyman Skin for Artist. Instead of birds, the crows will be swarms if bees.
  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I'd be open to try that in a PTB (though it would be a lot of effort just for a PTB) but I don't think it would really help.

    Why : it's already been said several times by Peanits that the difference between solo and swf escape rate is, in the vast majority of players, within a few %. It only becomes a problem at to utmost top of mmr, where it is at most 15%.

    Casual swf and casual solo are about the same escape-wise because any significant difference is taken care of via mmr, and making the game basekit harder for swf without taking into account the difference between low skill swf and high skill swf would be unfair to casual swf.

    If something like what you offered happened, my bet is that the swf line would suffer from the same problems as live version : high mmr killers complaining and wishing to face solos, high mmr survivors doing okay, and low mmr survivors complaining (justifiably in that case) that the game is too hostile for casual survivors.

    That said, that's only my foresight on it, and no one can really say what would happen.

  • Member Posts: 169
    edited June 2023

    I would add some features from dbd mobile like the special currency you get from dailies that you can spend on outfits, special charms with effects, interesting dynamic outfits, clans, special moris, interesting dailies and leveling rewards, flashlight or toolbox cosmetics, prestige rewards, weekly bloodhunts, and a leaderboard that awards the best players. I would rework a lot of map layouts, make maps more appealing and easier to look at (cough cough borgo cough),

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    1) I would hire C++ coders... and have them recode the game

    2) I would focus on making the game better until the re-coders have finished recoding the game

    3) I would make base game changes... perks would come later

    3A) Increase Gen regression... lower the charges to finish a Gen to 70-80 (but I'm thinking more along 75)

    Then let it go for like 6 months or so

    If need be decrease the Gen efficiency a little bit

    Change all of the Maps... in one way, shape or form

    I would also make an unranked mode (so pips won't matter)

    Bring back the ranks but in a different form

  • Member Posts: 498

    I'd make David King the male survivor equivalent of Feng as far as skin frequency goes.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I would add rabbits to the game, and they'd function similarly to crows, but remain on the ground and only move, not make a sound. Bunnies would only get scared of killers, sprinting survivors, or survivors touching the rabbit. This would be a subtle feature that's honestly pretty useless, but idk, I think it would be really funny knowing there's a T1 Myers right outside because a rabbit dashed by your gen.

    also i like bunnies

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited June 2023

    Rework Legion & Wesker's chase music to actually sound like chase music, meaning something you're suppose to run from rather than jam out to

    Bring back Ghostface's original chase music

    Remove any and all existing content from mobile and never add anything new from it

    Add more indoor maps

    Replace Base Haddie with Tome Haddie

    Make Hillbilly's overheat increase, unable to lose heat gained and make the saw unable to recover if he's camping a Survivor until he leaves the hook and chases another Survivor or the hooked Survivor gets sacrificed

    Bring back Singularity's PTB chase music

    Bring back Oni's PTB chase music to play from Oni's FOV only

    Bring back Myers' stalking sound que when stalking a Survivor and only be audible from Myers' FOV

    Updating all Killers visually from Wraith to Oni (Discarding Nurse, Doctor & Clown)

    Updating Swamp visually

    Bring in more Cult Classic horror movie licensed chapters like Phantasm, Re-Animator & Pumpkinhead

    Remove Renato & Thalita

    Give more modern or future cosmetics for Vittorio

    Make the bathroom in The Game map more blue in the tint as it was originally during the ptb

    Give more shirtless cosmetics to more Survivors

  • Member Posts: 6,340
    edited June 2023

    Fresh recoding of the game, followed by a thorough optimization by an outside specialist company.

    All platforms can participate in the PTB, and in the Fog Whisperer program.

    Respectable controller options & settings. M&K support for the consoles.

    Anonymous Mode works for all platforms.

    Look into Console testing. if it exists improve & expand upon it; if it doesn't exist it now does.

    Add in a trial replay ability. Rework the reporting system accordingly.

    No longer have visible lobbies. This would drastically cut down on the lobby dodging thereby improving and stabilizing MMR. It would also get rid of the blasted last second surv switching.

  • Member Posts: 795

    I'd get the license to the Blumhouse Halloween trilogy and add new Myers skins along with other stuff. No idea why this wasn't thought of at all. At the bare minimum update Myers model.

  • Member Posts: 654

    More time.

  • Member Posts: 144

    Every second chapter now is a rework of a broken Killer, Realm and set of Perks instead of the release of a new one.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I would bring back the balanced landing stagger passive and then immediately quit after

  • Member Posts: 735

    Search Bar without that popup,

    Extra objective for survivor/killer something like Glyphs (gives 10 iri shards or charms)

    Xtreme content for killers such as new moris, classic chase music option & addon recycling

    Better auto bp spending

    Yet another Feng skin

    Daily login rewards

    Auric cell giveaways

    Your own customizable lobby

    Like system having a tracker to check how often you got liked

    Inventory being shared between survivors

    Golden skins as Devotion rewards

    Healthier perk & killer design, no three campers/ hold shift+W in a row

    Time limited skins being non limited, again.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    this entire thread is a gold mine lmao

  • Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2023

    Remove all the stupid reskins. Actually come out with some cool skins for most of the killers. The fact that the community comes up with way better ideas than the people they’re paying is sad. Remove map offerings. Increase bleed out time speed so it’s not forever but not another tool to dc. Base corrupt for the weakest 5-10 killers. Actual map balance/some type of system to slightly increase weaker killers potential but something that doesn’t make blight nurse stronger. Idk how bhvr can try balancing the game when killer balance is so out of whack.

    Post edited by robrob909 on
  • Member Posts: 1,003

    Slenderman and Springtrap as a Single killer DLC with their own respective maps that also include interactive easter eggs similar to silent hill map.

    Bug fixes to killer powers

    8v2 mode

    Survival mode

    Killer perks that mostly aim to scare survivors

    Buffs to Trapper and other older killers.

    More lockers on map when selecting dredge to prevent lack of lockers depending on maps.

    More Dredge Cosmetics without turkey neck.

    Customization to Huntress Hatchet, Twins' Victor, Nemesis Zombies, and Knights Guards.

    Hit box fixes on maps and more improvements on AI

    4-month make your own perk contest to add a new perk to the blood web with no DLC

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