Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

7th anniversary, let's sum up the actual state of the game

  • 3 failed chapters in a row
  • good SWFs still way too strong
  • killers camping and tunneling right at the start
  • busted nurse
  • huge pull of perks, 80% of them are useless
  • no server hit validation (do not lie, it does not exist anymore)
  • garbage MMR system killing all the fun of the game for both sides
  • many bad game design choices (bodyblocking pallets, adding time to solo-gen, self heal nerf, too many pallets, infinites still in game etc...)

Well, you guys clearly do not know how to improve this game, it feels like you are completely lost about it.


  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    Best anniversary of dbd in 7 years

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    Yup, the last perks changes have promoted gen-rushing and tunneling, the two worst aspects of the game.

    It is really hard for me to enjoy playing any side and i have 2500h on DbD...

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    Why are you referring to it as 7th anniversary when the event will only begin next week?

  • OwlWithMustache
    OwlWithMustache Member Posts: 57

    Knight was bad, but is pretty alright now although I will admit Skull Merchant isn't... well she really sucks and the game would be better if she wasn't in it. I don't know that the new killer is a failure either.

    Good swf being too strong is dependent on the killer. Against trapper or pig, it feels unwinnable. Most everyone else though it's more likely a skill issue than swf actually being op.

    Killers camping and tunneling has been a thing since the beginning and it's not going to change for quite some time.

    Many perks could be better, but 80% is an exaggeration, its more like 30% tbh

    No server hit validation? What?

    MMR is fine, if anything it should be more strict.

    (bodyblocking pallets, adding time to solo-gen, self heal nerf, too many pallets, infinites still in game etc...)

    I don't see how body blocking pallets is an issue, the increased gen time was fine, self healing was brokenly strong, too many pallets in what maps, and there are literally 0 actual infinite's unless you're allergic to breaking pallets

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    Only negative things were mentioned

    And then you consider this chapter (failed)?! Because you just didn't like it?

    Well, I considered the Resident Evil chapters a flop because I didn't like them or The whole game is a failure because I did not like it

    (Failure) is a strong word

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    Doubling down on time limits for purchasable cosmetics is also notable. And depressing.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,381
    edited June 2023

    "good SWFs still way to strong"

    and they always will be. You can't make good players play badly. Especially not when there is a full team of them. That team with comp players that hens put together severely limited what they brought in their 200 game win streak and they were still winning. Good players will always be good. I don't see how you can nerf a player's skill. There aren't any nerfs that can stop a SEAL Team Six SWF from dominating against randoms in public matches.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    I mean even then we have had great changes that the community themselves have been asking for, yet you still have a good chunk of people bitching jusr because they can

    What happened to the people who were there during 2.0.0? The patch that launched roughly around the same time the forums did (in fact its when I joined the forums) and there wasnt many complaints back then, just lot of people discussing about how to make the game better.

    Its one of the only things I really miss about old DbD. The community.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited June 2023

    They nerfed all good perks because they used so much. This was the worst decision ever they made.

    Some perks needed nerfs for sure. Gen-kick meta was so busted. DH was broken. NOED was unhealthy etc.

    But why Ruin, Pop, DS, Self-Care, Calm Spirit etc nerfed?

    Why self-heal nerfed?

    Why we are still getting very unbalanced maps? And then they are saying they are gonna rebalance maps but when your newest map is unbalanced, it just makes you very questionable.

    Solo-q ignored and keep ignoring.

    Terrible 3-gen holder killers released in row 3 times! (Knight, SM and Singularity).

    Blight and Nurse are still cheating and breaking all of game rules.

    With every new chapter, they are adding another gen speed perk for survivors! Why? Just why?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Wouldn’t call the end transmission a flop. The killer is cool and fairly viable and the map was mostly fixed

    SWF is an issue the devs can’t solve tbh

    While I still personally hate nurse I’d argue blight (add-ons specifically) is a bigger issue

    Agreed on perks. So many just suck tbh

    Validation is still there and working mostly fine unless you’re in a super laggy game

    Honestly the games in a pretty good spot right now and the devs are clearly taking feedback regarding issues (Just recently with singularity)

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    "They nerfed all good perks because they used so much."

    The community REQUESTED a meta shakeup, esp. for surivor. So we got it. Of course the perks being played a lot get nerfed then, while others receive buffs. Thats the whole point. You cannot switch the meta when you keep the strongest perks as they are.

    "But why Ruin, Pop, DS, Self-Care, Calm Spirit etc nerfed?"

    Before the perk overhaul, realistically there were only two viable gen defense options: Ruin+Unduying or Pop. You could enhance that with Corrupt or PR, but Ruin or Pop (or both) nearly always took the gen regression place in a build. So in order to "shakeup the meta", of course this two perks would be hit. For compensation, gen kick perks were buffed profoundly, creating the infamous "gen-kick-meta". It was an attempt to switch from "automatic" gen regression (with ruin) to a more active approach of gen defense. But eventually backfired, bc. it made 3 genning too strong.

    "Why self-heal nerfed?"

    Bc. healing yourself with a busted med kit in 8 seconds or faster, MULTIPLE times in a trial, is really problematic. WIth such speedy heals, it's impossible to build any pressure by hitting multiple ppl. Overall this changes were pretty well received, esp. since the devs heard to the community and did only nerf self heal speeds, but not altruistic ones.

    "Why we are still getting very unbalanced maps? And then they are saying they are gonna rebalance maps but when your newest map is unbalanced, it just makes you very questionable."

    With maps, the devs are really struggling to get it right. No one in their right minds denies that.

    "Solo-Q ignored and keep ignoring."

    Thats a pretty wild take, when the HUD changes with activity icons made playing solo Q WAY BETTER. When you lose now, you can usually tell it's because one of your random teammates made misplays that could have been prevented by just making use of the data the icons give you. It's more of an issue with the players now (instantly giving up or dcing), and not so muhc with the limited info. So claiming Solo-Q gets ignored ist just plain wrong.

    "Terrible 3-gen holder killers released in row 3 times! (Knight, SM and Singularity)."

    Knight is fine now, his last changes finally allow him to use guards in more creative ways, so he's not so reliant on 3-genning anymore. Scully is bad, we all know. Singularity is by no means a 3-gen killer. He can do it, but it's not very efficient, honestly. A single EMP will totally take out your gen defense. Singularity is a chaser, there he excels.

    "Blight and Nurse are still cheating and breaking all of game rules."

    The only glaring issue of Blight are his busted addons, otherwise he's perfectly fine. He also does not break anything, don't know what you mean. Nurse is the only one than can totally ignore game mechanics. But Nurse also took a few hits in the recent past: Range addons got removed / changed, and Blinks attacks count as special effects, making exposed perks useless with her. She's still S-Tier, but her most attrocious playstyles (4 man slugging Starstruck Nurse) got dealt with.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    i do not refer to the event but to the fact the game is 7 years old...

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    I still find the title weird...

    In any case my 2 cents on the state of the game:

    • Improved SoloQ but it is awful against campers (and there are many)
    • MMR system issues: I don't want to play against superstrong groups just because I won a couple of matches as a killer - special mention goes to SWF whose current counter is a pair of good eyes in the lobby
    • Tremendous number of toxicity and questionable reporting system: delays in responses and no confirmation on whether or not the individual has been punished and in what way

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    It is hard to enjoy any positive changes with such a game state.

    The chapter is bad cause it is, once again, not properly balanced. The new killer is powerless, no one plays it and well there have not been major changes to the curretn state of the game.

    Being forced to wait for months for the devs to balance every fail they do is boring and unacceptable, especially considering the money they have made with the game.

    Stellaris devs, for exemple, are way better and faster to balance their games and well Stellaris is a game way more complexe than DbD.

    Some are saying the game is in a better state than before. If you compare it to 2017 yes it is better but compared to the previous patch (before the gen regression nerf/healing nerf), it is worse.

    Tunneling/camping and gen rush were way less of a problem before cause players had perks to play for fun and winning.

    Now everything has been nerfed to the ground so ppl are just playing not to have fun but to win no matter what.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    If the best killer player cannot win against the best SWF, it is not a skill nerf that is needed but a proper balance to the game.

    The game should be balanced around high skill level, not around average players.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185
    edited June 2023

    You cannot use a SBMM system if you do not balance your game towards high level of play.

    Either you use SBMM and you balance the game either you do not use SBMM and balance is not that important.

    Today you have a SBMM system with a game totally unbalanced, it is impossible to have fun with such settings.

    There is not a single/close trial now it is either stomp or get stomp, it is awful.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    What do you say about the improvements to the killer in the next update?

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 169

    I stopped caring after they added slower chest opening to calm spirit.. like … why..?

  • JackOfTrades
    JackOfTrades Member Posts: 463

    I know. Something that didn't even have to do with the perk. Seriously?!?!?!?!

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    The thing is Nurse is the slowest Killer in the game (base speed not TP speed) so until they buff that her "Ignoring Game Mechanics" has to stay.

    Even at T3 Bloodlust she's barley faster than Survivors and Nurse probably never will reach that unless Survivors don't run away.

    Now I agree God Tier Nurses are not fun to face but that's a VERY small number in the whole Nurse players. Most are more casual and can be looped if done correctly.

    I agree Blight kit if fine but addons need a overhaul.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Don't forget:

    - Nerfing every good perk in the game just because they were used too much. Worst decision ever made. Perks shouldn't be nerfed because of high usage.

    - 2 new terrible maps (Decimated Borgo, Toba Landing) + terrible map reworks (Shelter Woods, Autohaven)

    - Solo survivor getting thrown under the bus and forgotten time and time again.

    Forged In Fog actually isn't that bad now compared to it's release. Tools Of Torment was a flop of a chapter and missed the mark in every possible way. End Transmission is actually pretty decent, Singularity just needs some balancing done (Also Toba Landing needs direly fixed).

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    There won't be anything good enough to fix the game.

    The game is in such a state that it needs a complete health update to rebalance everything from scratch. Everything feels clunky, broken and boring for both sides.

    • 20 safe loops with 15 pallets to break = boring for the killer
    • ages to heal with sloppy = boring for the survivor
    • facing Tier S killer = boring for survivors
    • playing a tier B and lower killer = boring for the killer
    • gen rush = boring
    • camping/tunneling = boring
    • filling bar for 90% of the trial = boring as a surv
    • strong loop into strong loop RNG = unplayable for the killer

    Well there are so many game design problems... that the game ahs become a chore to play.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    skull merchant release was the worst

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    It is not because something is strong than nerfing it is a good idea, they can buff the opposite side to balance it.

    Why is self healing and global healing nerf bad ? cause it takes ages to heal now and it is an extreme nerf to soloQ players. Forcing team healing in a game where selfishness is incredible was not a good idea.

    Why is the increase to do gens a bad idea ? Cause it is boring to fill a bar.

    MMR is not fine, more strict MMR result in unplayable trials for killers as top MMR (strict) ends up being strong SWF every trials. You are surely a new player cause we have had a strict MMR and killers were massively quitting.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    End transmission has many good ideas (the killer) but once again it is not balanced and survivors' counter measures are way too powerful atm.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,842

    I wouldn't call End Transmission a failure, just because there's a very easy way to salvage Larry's kit. Nerfing the EMPs, if done correctly and in the right way, will fix most of the glaring issues with his kit, unlike Knight and Skull Merchant who just have glaring problems at the fundamental of their design. It isn't a failure if it can be saved, which unlike the last 2 it can be.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    Knight is okay, it requires teamplay but it is not broken.

    Skull Merchant however is completely broken.

    And for the Singularity, i agree with you.