Am I the only one that feels like buffs will make this killer oppressive?
He's already really good in skilled player hands, sure against a swf he might suffer a lil bit all killers do....I play solo and honestly he's kinda oppressive especially with team mates that are not the most reliable
I guess it depends on how they handle the buffs.
For my part I think after what they announced with the EMPs, which is much softer a nerf than I expected, the killer really needs QoL more than anything else.
But it does undeniably have potential to be very strong in very good hands.
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If they buff him they should limit teleports per-pod to a single time.
I don't mind being teleported on multiple times but only because I can remove his infection really easily, take that away and his power would be super obnoxious in chase which is why I assume he is the way he is currently.
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There buffing singularity in the next hot fix update next Tuesday
there reducing the cases to 4 and when survivors use emps they will be slowed down. Also they’re going to take even longer now to make.
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Literally any killer is oppressive against solo q because they are genuinely so bad and even has trolls, at least you don't need to be dependent on other survivor to deal with hux, he is fine.
His power isn't even guaranteed injure for majority of situations after all.
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Every killer is strong in the right hands. Outside of a rework I don’t see how this killer could ever be oppressive.
not with Maps the way they are anyway
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I feel like most people, still have no clue how he is working. Some survivers did not leave the gen despite beeing hit by the blob one time.
But the risk for a Hag on steroids is there. Had two very sweaty swfs today. Still managed to get 2 kills in both games. Soloqs can get straight away overwhelmed by his map presence.
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It's alright to give the survivors a counter play option, but when they're given so much that they can just shut down the killer's power should not be a thing. Killer is suppose to be the unstoppable force in this game. The only bullying survivors should be allowed to have is flashlight clicking and tee bagging.
Being able to grab one on the fly, using sometimes 2 or even 3 of them in a chase with no slowdown on the survivor is just unacceptable.
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They should really give him a few weeks for people to learn how to play him / against him.
I've already seen a few Singularities that are very oppressive against fairly decent survivors.
My concern is that they will overbuff him, realise how strong he has become and then give him a bunch of cooldowns that ruin the fluidity of his gameplay.
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I think with the upcoming changes, he will still be fine. The changes should put him into a good state. But it does depend on how strong the slow is going to be. I hope it won't be too much.
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Then they can nerf him a bit if they overbuff him, at this point they are probably just going to do number tweaks. Also people are both learning how to play as him and against him, and will increase at the same rate. So just because people aren't as good at him now doesn't mean anything, because when they get better, survivors will get better at countering it.
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They said the slowdown will be 10%. That's pretty strong.
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This killer is not currently oppressive.
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True, but that sounds like it will be fine. I was scared it would be something like 20% or so. 10 I think will be manageable.
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the slowdown while charging the EMPs was totally unnesesary IMO.
only complain there..
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Play him more like hag and not skull merchant or knight
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i like the new killer but it the same trend of late.
1. A new killer come out with the ability to gate keep a area from a far.
2 The killer is perceived to be weak.
3 The character get buffs to make him more appealing to the killer playerbase
4 the survivors find them even more intolerable because they control areas indefinitely with slow down perks and even once u remove their power it place right back 10 seconds later.
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I think they will be ok
really they are just making emps more smart to use instead of mindlessly using them in chase for no effort
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Cant wait for the Tantrum when they nerf overbuffed stuff. Will be as easily accepted like other overbuffed things which got nerfed...
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First off, a killer should be oppressive. Anything else puts them in a spot where they can be toyed with by the survivors.
Second, for a power to deserve a hard counter like the EMPs it would have to be incredibly strong. Think about it for a moment. If you completely removed the EMPs, would Singularity be anywhere near Wesker or base Blight? Not by a long shot. The teleport is not a guaranteed hit and can be hard countered by the press of 2 buttons (Shift + W). Compare that to really strong killers.
They aren't removing EMPs, they are only going to give this killer a power (maybe not even that, depends on the number changes). That really isn't a big deal for survivors. Or maybe it is. After all, Singularity is mostly a guaranteed escape at the moment.
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Well another killer to play game.Arent surv bored of blight,nurses,spirit and wesker? If u want so we need killers who doesnt have extremely save numbers.
######### right now you can safely reach a structure he doesnt appear nextto your back
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No gonna lie the survivors were bad in the first match
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What's the point of infecting someone holding an emp? So dumb that they can cleanse themselves! Imagine if pyramid heads power could be so easily negated
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I'm glad EMPs are getting nerfed but only 4 crates per map sounds a bit scary on top of everything else tbh, we'll see when it's implemented ig.
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It's gonna be terrible on big maps due to their spread but fine on any small one.
I hope the perks are being adjusted since Machine Learning got three requirements to work and it's not even that great.
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I don't doubt it, changes & hotfixes happen quite fast now so I'm not too worried ^^ and even if Larry somehow becomes too strong I'll still be happy to see him more haha
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Agreed. I think it's too soon for changes as most folks haven't even gotten to know how to play him. My partner plays him regularly and gets 4K fairly easily.
He plays very differently though than most I've come across. It just takes time to learn but what do I know :)
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Que up the streamer did this. The issue with this killer is no matter what strategy you do there is another who can do it better.
Ran some custom matches last night to test some of my theories out. I had the team I was going against keep the pops attached to them the whole match to see if it mattered at all (so no emps). Let's just say it didn't. Now I will admit these were some very good survivors but over cloak is too short to make much of a difference. If trials weren't being speed run each match you could tear through map resources and take over but there is not enough time in most trials.
Also since MMR seems to not exist most of us play better opponents than streamers.
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The most telling sign of this killers sad state is how quickly he fell out of favor. Normally, after a new chapter dropped, you will have very long killer queues for days and see the new killer every second game. But at the moment you can go the entire day without seeing a single hux. Go figure.