I have one rule:

deathsia Member Posts: 250

You treat me with dignity and respect, I'll treat you the same with a fair game and good sportsmanship.

If you do any of the following:



Abuse ingame mechanics(example: pallet Looping)

Cheat(using maphack, esp hackengines, ect)

I will do my very best to be the most sleezy, underhanded, and piece of ######### killer YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN!

Think your going to escape after doing any of the above all game? HA! I have my ways of making sure you NEVER make it to that exit...



  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited March 2019

    @deathsia As much as I hate to say this, pallet looping isn't an exploit. It's annoying as hell and if you're playing as the Huntress on Ormond then it's bordering on sadistic, but it still remains as the "Loud" option of Dead by Daylight.

    Body-blocking is also not an exploit in most cases. If a survivor is holding another survivor hostage in a corner, yeah that is actually bad. However, taking hits to slow your advance towards a hook is not only legit, it's a way to get WGLF tokens. In fact in's the only other way to get WGLF besides safe unhooks and hook farming.

    Gentapping, eh, I dunno. It's cowardly and lame but it mentally screws over the survivor in the long term as it prevents them from practicing great skillchecks.

    If you do actually encounter a cheater by all means tunnel the heck out of them. Then insult them post game for losing even with cheats. Don't say anything rash that'll get you banned but rub it in their face.

    Post edited by Peasant on
  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    Body Blocking is a reportable offense in game so don't even try that one. Hell, I bet you already knew this but you don't care you just want to troll the ######### out of me. Also, is that image your go to insult for players you think suck? If so, you gotta get better material because frankly, its just pathetic.

    Secondly, the devs have openly stated that pallet looping is heavily frowned upon in their eyes. The only reason it hasn't been patched out as with many other OP advantages survivors have is that you all would riot till they were put back in and they know it so they left it in to avoid unnecessary drama.

    Thirdly, I'm rank 11 so yes, I do know how to deal with ######### like that, that is unless you still wanna call me a nooblet for some stupid reason(what am i saying, of course you will because you have nothing better to do.)

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Bodyblocking, Gentapping or Looping... So basically, if you play the game correctly, I will become an ultra whiny noob, who has no idea what the game is about. Yikes. Legit, I am not using the word noob here as an insult. But you seriously have to be new at the game to think any of that is BM.

    A killer bodyblocking a survivor is a reportable offense, because the survivor has no way to get out. A survivor bodyblocking a killer is NOT a reportable offense because the killer can hit the survivors to get out.

    Gen tapping is a counter to Ruin, not the most effective one, but it is one that literally does nothing against you. Your Ruin is still working. Generators are progressing much slower through gen tapping, what exactly are you complaining about?

    And lastly, looping. Looping is the only thing survivors can really do to survivor. You will find that about every survivor main can loop to some extent, because it is part of the way a survivor, survives. Literally watch any DBD streamer on Twitch, looping is part of the game, not abusing in game mechanics. If you can't handle it, then I am sorry to tell you, but you might just not be good at the video game.

    And where exactly did the devs say they are heavily against pallet looping? I sincerely doubt they actually said that.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Gentapping and looping is not toxic at all. I don't like bodyblocking if everyone is preventing the hook, most of the time those people are toxic.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    A killer bodyblocking a survivor is a reportable offense, because the survivor has no way to get out. A survivor bodyblocking a killer is NOT a reportable offense because the killer can hit the survivors to get out.

    Wow, that's one hell of a double-standard you have going there... It's perfectly okay for survivors to stand in front a killer because he can hit them? You do realize that the ENTIRE POINT of bodyblocking is to either physically block the killer's movement or to bait them into a swing, all for the purpose of wasting time when carrying them to a hook?

    One survivor, fine, i'll just smack them and move on but it's RARELY just one. In 99% of cases, its 2 or more standing in my way knowing I can't get past them and hitting one of them does jack ######### since the other can just take their place. Explain to me how that is fair again?

    But if I go to block a survivor so they can't escape and down them as a result, I'M EXPLOITING?! Once again, that's one hell of double-standard you got going there.

    And lastly, looping. Looping is the only thing survivors can really do to survivor. You will find that about every survivor main can loop to some extent, because it is part of the way a survivor, survives.

    Uhh, do you even survivor? I've encountered MANY survivors who have juked/lost me, all without running me in circles for 5 mins followed by dropping a pallet on my head the moment i'm within striking distance. So your argument falls flat on its face there, sorry.

    And before you even say it, I know when I'm being pallet looped and are wise enough to ignore them in most cases unless they are last survivor left in the match.

    Hell, in most cases, a player who pallet loops you will LITERALLY do everything they can to be the most toxic player in the match in order to piss you off bad enough to tunnel them. Almost everytime I've caught a pallet-looper they've rage-quitted the moment i lift them up unless their in a group of equally toxic players.

    It's a little thing called SKILL and survivors who rely on that exploit are as unskilled as they come. And yes, I am calling it that because that's what it is. It exploits the game's physics to make the survivor move slightly faster around corners. It's the only reason the killer can't catch the survivor within less than 30 seconds of the loop being started.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,081
    edited March 2019

    Regarding Body-Blocking:

    There are no Double Standards. You simply complain about things you dont understand.

    If one or more Survivors are Bodyblocking you from carrying one person to the hook, it is not bannable. LIke explained. Often enough I see this happening in the Killers favor, because they dont manage to bodyblock enough for an escape, so the Killer was able to get in free hits.

    If the Killer is bodyblocking a Survivor to get in a Hit (Wraith players like to do that), also, no bannable offense.

    What is considered under non-allowed Bodyblocking:

    As Survivor:

    Bodyblock a Survivor so that he cannot escape one certain area.

    As Killer:

    Bodyblock one or more Survivors so that they cannot escape this area, e.g. Basement Stairs. Doing this for a short amount of time or to get one hit in is fine. But simply keeping them hostage so that they only can DC to move on is bannable.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Sounds fair.

    I have my made up rules aswell and if the survivors dont follow them, then I wont follow theirs eiither

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    G I T G U D.

    No one cares about your rules and why you post them on the forum?

    Seriously? Bodyblocking..? Survivors are just protecting their teammates from a cocky killer who wants to get 4k everygame.. Looping?.. "ABUSE IN GAME MECHANICS".. HA!, That's the only thing that's survivor can do..

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    You do know you actually lose time on generators when you gentap, right?

    I guess survivors aren't the only ones with ridiculous rules the other party is expected to follow, lmao

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    "Many ways survivor juked me"

    Maybe by sneaky/urban evasion? i think you're blind

    JUST understand, the only way to make the killer loose their time is by looping, if you sneaky the killer just will stop follow you and find another's survivors.. if you want to counter looping just use enduring + spirit fury or just use the legion..

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    How does that sound fair? The OP is basically saying don't play the game or I'll ruin your fun.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited March 2019

    Pallet looping is definitely an exploit, as it shares several features with other exploits.

    The survivors' collision is smaller than the killers', so survivors can turn around corners faster and make sharper turns. This causes the killers' faster movement speed to become less relevant, and it only gets worse when you take into account that survivors (the most experienced ones at least) literally hug walls and debris in general, and the killer, because of their 1st person POV, can't do the same.

    Survivors are not passively just using pallet looping because it is there, they caused it to exist in the first place* and they have not practised any playstyle that doesn't crutch with pallet loops in two years.

    *at one point, in the early days of Dead by daylight, survivors started to use pallets to farm and grief the killer rather than escape chases. Killers complained, got told to "just adapt", and we did. We started playing the hokey-cokey at pallets, when survivors were about to drop them. Long story short, the survivor dropped the pallet, missed the stun, and the chase continued. The situation worsened when a bug that caused stuns to award max boldness points was introduced. Some survivors would even disconnect after missing a stun, they were so desperate for the points, lol. Anyway, at that point killers started lunging mid cokey to get hits in and cut the BS short. Survivors went ballistic and drowned the forums in over nine thousand threads about "unfair" hits through pallet drops. So, patch 1.1.1 dropped and brought several buffs to pallets with it, the most noticeable one being the so-called "pallet vacuum". But there were also a set of unlisted changes that included changes to both the range and time-window for a pallet stun, and also a reduction in the survivors' collision box.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    Of course you will still ######### about it, because like the person above me stated: You seem like an entitled brat.

    Oh yes, I'm SUCH an "entitled brat"... I'm entitled to rank 11 and soon to be rank 10 because I'm THAT SKILLED at this game. This won't do me any favors with changing your opinion but i love using secondary definitions to turn insults into complements since most idiots only know the first and most popular definition of words...

    Huh, funny that you only used that word with its most popular definition, kind of like you pointed out the most popular defense players jump to in order to defend body-blocking while ignoring every other part of it.

    I know a lost cause when I see one so feel free to think what you like of me. It won't change the fact that what I've said is true but of course you'll claim its not and that's your opinion which you are of course entitled to but that doesn't make it fact. :)

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Poweas no need to be so rude.

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    Body blocking (Both Survior and Killer) are a game mechanic (unless its abused to interrupt the actual game). Same as gen tapping. You may not like them but just like many survivors dislike tunneling and camping they are part of the game. All the metioned above can be used poorly to the detriment of the perpetrator or done wisely to aid in the desired results. To call any of them skumy is a little silly.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Who gets mad at gentapping?

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited March 2019

    Bodyblocking is not a bannable offense. It even CLEARLY states if you have the perk “We’re Gonna Live Forever” equipped that if you take a hit for a teammate while they are on the killer shoulders you get more bloodpoints. It is pretty much encouraged. Or guess what? You can run Mad Grit and not have to worry about bodyblockers anymore.

    Who even gets mad at gen-tapping?

    You don’t like pallet looping? Play Nurse then you won’t have to deal with loops ever. Maybe even Legion. Don’t respect pallets and run Enduring and Spirit Fury. There are MANY way to stop pallet looping.

    What else are survivors supposed to do in a chase besides looping? Go to an open field and die? It’s stupid to get mad over that because EVERYBODY loops the killer and I’m pretty sure you do as well.

    Both sides can play scummy but everything you mentioned (besides hacking and cheating) are not bannable offenses and not something to get worked up over because they all have counterplay.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Nothing is toxic if done for a strategic benefit. Not even T-bagging (which can be used to bait a Killer away from an area while your allies can get away, heal, do gens there ect) and certainly not any of the things you just listed.

    Same thing applies to Killer. Tunneling? Camping? Mori's? Not toxic if done strategically.

    Toxicity is when you are deliberately and actively trying to ruin someone else's game. Doing a strategy that ruins someones game as a side effect does not qualify, instead it only qualify's if ruining their game is the INTENT

    In the right context never chasing someone and letting them escape as killer can be considered toxic. It requires a very specific and weird situation but it is in theory possible.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Body Blocking and Looping? Seriously you consider that offensive xD I'm a Killer main and I find that pretty silly to be upset/offended by.

    I've personally never seen gentapping but I find that utterly dumb of a survivor to do....just do the gen normally and deal with Ruin or go get the Hex Totem...should be a built in mechanic to counter that very lame & cowardly tactic.

    I dunno what cheating would be, as I play on console, so I have nothing on that.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    i can't tell if you're trolling, but Benevolence clearly states that you gain points towards the emblem if you take a hit for another survivor being carried. Gen tapping is not effective, and no survivor is ever going to just walk in a straight line and not use Windows or Pallets just to be nice to any given killer who can't handle it.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    Looping is an intended mechanic that is designed to keep you alive for as long as possible and distract the killer.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    Btw. Stake Out is the best counter to Ruin. Almost entirely negates it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    That's a very good point actually. Just need to get the stacks for it, but a sweet perk if Ruin isn't found or to jus not waste time on it. Detective T-T-Tapp is on the job!

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187


  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Such an underrated perk. :/ I run it when I face a lot of Ruin gamers.

  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    The devs allow these mechanics that you hate, so you can't really be mad at this.

    You basically say here "if you abuse things that are in the game that killers hate, I will facecamp, tunnel and abuse things in the game that survivors hate." It is stuff like this that is why the community is split. All you are doing here is flexing.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    It's obvious that everyone read the OP and ignored all other posts so I'm not going to bother explaining it again if you aren't going to bother reading other posts because if had it would have already been explained!

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    OH MY GOD... a single dude in this ENTIRE THREAD gets it and also knows even more than I do about the finer details of the pallet looping exploit! Kinda sad actually when I think about it...a single person out of 20 other people used their brain, didn't listen to the countless BS spouted by survivors over the years, and even researched it more thoroughly than me...

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    It's pretty obvious from my previous post that I didn't only read the OP.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    Genntapping - incredibly slow

    Bodyblocking - Hit them. People try and sacrifice themselves in horror movies. This makes sense.

    As far as I'm concerned, for he most part anything that fits a general horror film narrative is okay.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250
    edited March 2019

    I would of replied to your post but that would have been three posts in a row by me alone so let me explain now:

    There's a key difference between a survivor running in front of me to bait me into a swing and CROUCHING DOWN OUT OF MY SIGHT AND CRAWLING IN FRONT OF ME SO MY POINT OF VIEW DOES NOT SEE HIM in an attempt to halt me in my tracks and make me go"Why the hell am i not moving?!" for a few vital seconds until i realize what's happening.

    When I talk about bodyblocking, i'm not talking about those guys who employ legit deployment strategies to bait me into a swing I'm talking about those bastards i just mentioned in all caps!

    Oh, but let me guess... that's a "legit tactic" too right? Fuicking survivor mains and their double-standards... "You're not allowed to hit me when i'm yanked off a hook until I'm fully healed and if you down me because I was unskilled enough to not lose you without pallet looping then then your a POS tunneling killer! But me crawling out of your cone of vision to stop you dead in your tracks is perfectly fine!"

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    It's not an exploit if smaller characters have smaller collision. Killers have bloodlust, faster base speed or in the nurses case, going through walls, long lunges, the ability to hear footsteps, the ability to see scratchmarks, the ability to hear breathing. All of which can counter this. Simply put, OP can do as Yamamoka said and Git Gud.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    He literally explained the details of how and why its an exploit...how do you even-*stops and sighs*

    You're just arguing for the sake of it now, aren't you?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited March 2019

    One, that's not a reportable offense either. The devs have explicitly stated that the only time a Survivor bodyblocking is a reportable offense is when a Survivor does it to another Survivor to prevent them from moving and either allowing the Killer to just get them or to hold the game indefinitely (though the latter would most likely require teaming up with the Killer, which is its own reportable offense).

    Two, I BARELY play Survivor. In fact, 90% of my games these days are as the Pig. Not even Killer. The Pig specifically. Why do you think most of my topics are about the Pig?

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    Assuming I believe you for five seconds:

    You play the freaking pig only! They already have a short enough height that the crouch bodyblocking doesn't work so of course you would have no idea how this exploits a taller killers cone of view.

    Oh and I suppose I should also mention that IN ORDER TO HIT A SURVIVOR CROUCHED IN FRONT OF YOU you have to tilt your camera down so you're looking at them or your swing will ALWAYS WHIFF!

    If after hearing this you STILL believe this form of bodyblocking isn't reportable then just don't bother replying because I am not wasting anymore words on you.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433


    How to counter bodyblocking: Mad Grit

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited March 2019

    I mean, I don't see why you wouldn't believe me, but if you want photographic evidence, I can give it to you.

    I can hit bodyblocking Survivors with other Killers too, you know. It's called "looking down" when I noticed I hit something seemingly invisible. That's something worth reporting?

    You should try reporting someone for bodyblocking you in the way that you describe and see what the devs say. I guarantee they will tell you it's not a reportable offense.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    If they have ds one or two hits are enough for them to use it if they are not obsession. Good luck chasing them again.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Dude how the heck is pallat looping an exploid? Its part of the game, its MENT TO BE that Survivor have a smaller hitbox. Is it an "exploit" because the killer is faster then Survivor?! Man, ur logic..

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Omg. The first three points are viable game mechanics. Learn to deal with it Instead of being toxic.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831

    I am not sure if I understand you correctly, but you really think that you have to look down to hit the survivor (to not whiff)???

    There's NO DIFFERENCE between tall and small killers when it comes to hit registering. As long as there is a survivor in a cone in front of the killer, they'll get hit. This is why there are these strange 180 hits.

    Also, I don't think that using your own character model (that is smaller than the killer's model) is called exploiting. It's called using sources to your advantage.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I have never laughed harder on here, please give me my lol button.

    I'm talking specifically on the body blocking.

    The kind you are talking about is not reportable, you hit them.

    tHeY'rE oUt oF mY vIeW sO i CaN't SeE tHeM


    It's always been not only mine, but everyone i watches' first instinct to immediately look down. Try it.

    THE ONLY REPORTABLE BODY BLOCK IS WHEN A KILLER/SURVIVOR IS HOLDING A SURVIVOR IN ONE SPOT SO THEY CAN'T MOVE! (There was the time when survivors could hold the killer in the air)

    Yes, it does take your time and can save survivors.

    That. Is. The. Point. It's teamwork. A survivor strategy.

    But they're also risking their own lives because then you can hit them...

    That is if the killer is actually trying to play and doesn't give up the second they can't move...?

    It's not that bad. You're like my friend who recently started the game. They'll take the tiniest, really not that big of a deal thing and make it seem like a huge deal because they're pissed. cmon fam

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    And I though that survivors rulebook for killers was funny, but you sir have topped off.

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    You misunderstand body blocking. It's not reportable if a survivor bodyblocks the killer (as you can just hit them). The reportable action is if a killer/survivor bodyblocks a survivor for a prolonged period, effectively taking them hostage and disallowing them to play the game (since they can't hit the killer/survivor who is blocking).

    You can play the game however you want of course, so if you decide to face camp someone who plays altruistic, that's up to you. You probably won't get out of that rank 11 though.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,081

    You are also not reading other posts. Or at least you dont even try to understand them, you just have your point and want others to agree to it.

    So yeah, basically, everyone writing here (including me right now) is wasting his/her time.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Surveillance is the best perk to help with that. There are many perks to help keep generators under control.