Deja vu

Is deja vu this year's must have accessory?
6 games in a row at least 2 survivors running it.
Just what the game needed another gen repair boost and survivors wonder why some killers camp/tunnel - I don't before you come back with some toxic comments.
For the first time since the beginning of time I'm actually not playing the game for days on end. It's just not fun.
If people would stop 3-genning incessantly, I'd gladly take it off.
As it is, I have to break 3-gens constantly
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Blame all SM players who 3-genned and hostaged survivors in game. There was no 3rd option, only 2: play +30 minutes game or give up.
Devs needed to fix this issue and Deja Vu is our band-aid fix
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I don't think it much helps againts heavy 3-gen. In heavy 3-gen you start the match with your optimal gens and never let anyone touch it for more than few seconds.
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I thought reason why survivor would use deja vu is to gen-rush constantly.
Killer players could say the same. survivor gen-rush constantly and 6 minute games are unfun for killer. Survivors often tend to pick farm maps and all these crazy map offerings as well.
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No it's because nobody wants an hour long game.
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Several months of too many stalled games, that's why. It's a decent temporary solution. Some games have 3 gens spawns so close I just stand there looking at the auras thinking, seriously? Then I make it my mission to break it up
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I can exaggerate as well. I do not want to play 5 minute killer games.
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Hostaging people in game is different issue than gen-rush.
Devs never intended make matches for a hour which SM players did. They are looking 3-gen issue atm but while we are waiting, they gave us Deja Vu for helping.
So again, blame SM players who did this.
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how is it different issue? it is two sides of an extreme.
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Gens are different topic. They can look stats and decide to nerf gen times again if killers have hard time to stop survivors. But for now, they are look like okey with gen times.
But holding 3-gen and making game a hour is never intended. So they are different problems.
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Isnt it only a 6% repair boost???
thats barely a 5 second difference from start to finish
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It's a godsend for solo not only because it helps prevent monster 3-gens, but it helps even when the 3-gen itself doesn't materialize. Too many times it happens that on 1 gen left nobody has any idea where the last of the three gens is, so the killer can essentially defend a two-gen.
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I really, really doubt that 1% buff is causing your generators to go faster than they would've pre-buff.
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Yup. It's only 1% more than it was previously (5% to 6% boost) when barely anyone used it.
Most people are likely using it to track gen placement, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was mostly solo survivors bringing it (who can't coordinate with each other to bring the perk obviously, but they'd have been disproportionately affected by the 3 gen from the start strat)
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Survivors have had to deal with almost a year full of 3 genning and games lasting way longer than they should because killers would rather bore them to give up than chase them. The perks buff and newfound popularity is just karma hitting those killers in the back of the head. Sadly it also punishes those who played fair, but a 6% difference is only like 5 seconds. Not like it's gonna make a big difference in situations where killers pick a 3-gen from the start(looking at Skull Merchant), but can be used to help prevent accidentally causing a 3-gen situation.
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Hasn't been said yet, but i'll also point out that the perk was just updated and players are obviously going to want to try it out. As surprising as it may be, when a new perk comes out or one is updated it'll have a higher usage for a time.
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I'm afraid I'm not exaggerating.
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I mean I thought the gen placement was obvious, the 6% is just a nice little bonus
But hey if people need a perk to complain about, Deja Vu it is I guess
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So, assuming that nobody in this thread is bs'ing, Deja Vu is both vital in preventing 3-gens but also has too little of an effect to make a noticable difference...
But honestly, I think the big difference new Deja Vu makes is actually not its repair speed boost (though buffing a repair speed Perk during a gen rush meta will upset some people), but the huge improvment to the efficiency of less coordinated or map savvy Survivors.
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Then consider this the exact same reason that locker grabs got base kit light born and the rpd library was changed twice before being removed:
Some percentage of players were abusing the ######### out of it and got it nerfed for everyone. This is the same thing with holding games hostage with a 3 gen from the start of the game.
Does it suck if you don't use those stats? Sure. But blame the players who are literally 'not playing the game as designed' in BHVR's own words on this particular issue. In this case, that would be killers clinging to 3 gens with a death grip starting in the lobby.
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Never thought I'd see someone complain about Deja Vu, of all perks.
The perk just recently got changed, therefore a lot of players want to try it out. Also 3-genning is very prominent nowadays and Deja Vu is the only thing that can counter it.
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He isn’t exaggerating. Mandy said on the forums that games were going 45 minutes to an hour / until the servers kicked the game.
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I've been running Deju Vu pretty much every match since it got updated and I have to agree, it feels very strong. You can see half or more of the gens all match and, assuming you always do one that's highlighted, you have a permanent 6% speed boost for nothing.
No matter what map you're on, you can always find a gen, and the gen you find is always the one that's most advantageous for you to do, and you get a speed boost while you do it.
I get that it's a band-aid fix to break 3-gens, but it does a lot more than that.
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25 seconds out of 450 with all four survivors equipping it doesn't seems to be strong tbh, and I don't care about aura part because any competent survivor I match with always know what gen to do.
And I believe that is false, flat 6% speed boost will not really help breaking 3 gen that much, you need toolbox/prove thyself/potential energy and all such burst speed.
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I swear its always some perk that people start complaining about. Whats next? Power struggle op?
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This too. It's the same with the MFT + Hope stacking that after a few days people are trying to call the "new meta." People like to try new things. They've forgotten that after Hyperfocus came out, everyone used it with Stakeout for like a week or two because it was something new, then dropped it. I never see that combo now.
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Being held hostage for an absurd amount of time is entirely different from a game ending quickly, lol.
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It's a pretty good perk to run in solo queue and not that great in a SWF, which is a nice change for once. I personally think it's the most balanced repair speed perk.
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It's usually easy to identify a 3-gen setup on your own. And if the killer is actually playing for such a setup, knowing about it won't matter. Deja Vu only shaves off a mere ~5s of repair time required, and that is only if you work on a gen alone from 0 to 100%.
Not having to search for gens on indoor maps can be nice, and a yellow bar is nice to look at. There's also something to be said about the benefit of instantly tackling a potential 3-gen setup before the killer thinks about playing for it, something many players wouldn't do without the perk incentivizing them to go for those gens. Still, if you are a reasonably good and smart player, you are better off using other perks.
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I am either the luckiest person in the world or there is an echo chamber here. I have had 2 games where the killer grabbed a 3-gen from start that we had to break. One was a Hag (can't blame her) and one a Huntress (weird).
Maybe I am just lucky? Or maybe perhaps maybe there is some exaggeration of how many times these "Hostage" trials happen. Please don't come at me with a streamer video showing one game....does not have anything to do with my point.
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Nobody is going to use it to gen rush. The buff is laughable.