Myers QoL Buff

Hey there. Id like to suggest a QoL buff for Myers, even though this will likely be ignored.

Myers is already a strong killer. I think he is just close below Billy and Spirit(which in my eyes are the most balanced killers so far).

Soo, everytime Myers is stalking once his Evil Within level is full, it automatically levels him up. Now what I would suggest is, that once the bar is full. Instead of automatically leveling it up, he has to release and press his right mouse button again and then he levels up.

This means he can stalk and level up his Evil Within at a later point without having a survivor in sight. Hopefully I could get across what I mean,lol.

Good luck have fun


  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    I'll +1 this post.

    I also think there should be a cool down on stalking a victim.

    Example: I stalked Meg and she's now red. After X amount of time, she can be stalked again.

    Myers can have his powers utterly castrated by players who know how to kite very well. Which no other killer can be nullified this way. I can see Dead Hard against a chainsaw or a NOED M1 which makes sense. But making a killer unable to use their special ability keeps me from enjoying Myers fully.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Myers close to Billy???

  • PwnyFish
    PwnyFish Member Posts: 70

    I do think so, yes.

    I consider Billy A-Tier and Myers B-Tier. Why? What do you think?

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Insta downs?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    I consider Myers Mid Tier. Way below the usual top picks (Nurse, Billy, Huntress). And still below Hag, Spirit and Clown.

  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    Hey man I love Myres but if you did this buf he would have alot of control on his Insta downs and it would suck to play a Myers who can't make a stalking Mistake. It is often the case that while stalking you will go too far and pop tier 3 early. This lets the survivors have more time to escape which is kinda of needed. With his insta kill addons this new mechanic would BREAK them beyond reasonable control. Unless this QoL had a balance like Loosing stalking charge over time or somthing. There is alot of balancing that would go with a change like this. Maybe expand your idea a bit more?

  • PwnyFish
    PwnyFish Member Posts: 70

    I dont see how it would break him with his addons. It wouldnt really change anything there, since you need to be on top of a survivor to kill him, so you will have line of sight anyway.

    It would give him more control, thats exaclty the point. I dont think Myers is in a bad spot, but he is a killer that needs a small push upwards to be able to compete with good survivors.

    The change would help a lot in higher ranks, while in lower ranks it wouldnt buff him too much.