Only facts about haste effect and MFT

– Every single perk or addon with Haste requires some kind of work from player, limited in time, or both
While MFT gives it for free and permanent.
No, being injured is not your merit, this is your fault. The killer played better than you and you were injured. Imagine being rewarded for it.
It's unbelievably stupid that Legion should work hard to have 4% in endgame with BFF, but survivor may have 3% just for free for entire game.
– That's not enough? This perk have second strong effect.
Similiar to WGLF. But u know what? WGLF requires some actions to have its effect, MFT is free even there.
Have the balance team seen their game and perks at all?
– Doctor, Hag and curve Billy is unplayable (without exaggeration) against MFT
Almost every single loop become infinite against Doctor who tries to use his power while survivor running MFT.
When bhvr decided to nerf Billy's engravings, it seemed to me that most of the community understands that Billy can't play without them. These people should be well aware of how much 3% can affect him.
Should i say something about Hag, 4,4 m1 killer?
In fact this perk affects all killers, in my opinion, in this order:
- Doctor, Hag, Billy
- 4,4 killers (except Spirit) + Victor
- Demo, Bubba, Clown
- m1 killers
- Everyone others
– MFT obviously is new dh
Since update was out, i didn't see any (among those I watch) survivor main streamer who doesn't run MFT. I'm also didn't see any killer main streamer who thinks this perk is not busted.
In my matches i see it nearly 50-60% of usage, but give it a time.
I just hope we don't have to play another year or two or SEVEN and see this perk every game before the devs finally decide to balance this perk.
Wait, why Victor? Little guy moves at 6m/s
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In some short textures you can run him almost indefinitely, with this perk it's even easier. Yes, he moves 6.0, but to hit he needs to charge power, and that's where this perk shines. Your speed is enough to run behind texture, same with Demo's shred.
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Hag can just put a trap at the loop and shouldn’t be chasing for extended periods of time anyway. If you do that you will lose MFT or not
Not sure about doc and curve billy since I haven’t seen gameplay against them using the perk.
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"While MFT gives it for free and permanent."
If it was permanent, people would have the effect either from the start of the game or from the moment they got hit and never lose it, but the effect deactivates as soon as you stop running around while wounded. It doesn't even help you walk faster.
"No, being injured is not your merit, this is your fault. The killer played better than you and you were injured. Imagine being rewarded for it."
Let's see. Ahem.
Machine Learning: While Machine Learning is active, the next Generator you damage becomes compromised, highlighting its aura to you in yellow, until it is completed.
Upon its completion, you are granted the following effects for 20/25/30 seconds, after which Machine Learning deactivates:
- Undetectable Status Effect.
- +10 % Haste Status Effect.
I don't see you up in arms because this perk activates when the killer loses a gen, actively rewarding them for letting gens be done.
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Curve billy is unplayable against any survivor with half a brain, not sure how that's supposed to be a valid point against MFT
Like, if you load into a game as "curve billy" with the intention of winning and not getting 3 staged 1k in endgame i think you should reconsider the killer you're playing
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I would not say that it is correct to compare chase and generators. The chase depends on both sides, when the generators are the objective of survivors. And there are quite a lot perks in the game that depend on generators, because the killer's goal is not to protect generators, but to kill survivors.
Btw, Machine Learning is another great example killer's perk where u need to collect all stars together in one line to get little value, while survivor's perk is "Here is your value for killer hits you. Limits, condition? Nah, it's only for killer's perks"
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Kinda agree, but i watch some Billy mains, they are doing pretty well in 90% of their game. But the reason is because 70% of survivors are bad in looping and mmr doesn't work.
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He slows to a crawl when charging pounce and the extra 3% really makes a big difference even with toy sword.
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Doctor isn't unplayable necessarily but as quite an experienced doc player, I have noticed the perks effects though but again imo it's not unplayable.
I brought this topic up on another Made for this topic, but consider this:
The majority of killers in the game are balanced in such a way that using or preparing to use their power intentionally causes them to slow down for a time. Normally, this is balanced with regular survivor movement speed in mind.
To better explain:
When huntress is holding a hatchet, she slows herself down to 77% or 3.08 M/S. Survivors by default are faster than this, however if that survivor also has a haste status effect, the killer loses even more distance because of this slowdown. The case of huntress isn't as bad due to the nature of her power being a ranged projectile that does straight up damage but many many killers don't have this.
Another more fitting example - Dredge. Whilst Dredge has his remnant out, he slows himself down to 3.68 M/S or roughly 92%. This makes a normal survivor only 8% faster than him in this state. Now throw in made for this and the survivor is now 11% faster.
Haste amplifies the imposed slowdowns for many killers using their powers, all for the simple cost of being injured and not exhausted. It does seem a little too much even though personally, I think the perk might be okay as long as the haste is disabled in the endgame or haste stacking is addressed in some way.
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No, being injured is not your merit, this is your fault. The killer played better than you and you were injured. Imagine being rewarded for it.
It's not like killers have a basekit mechanic that rewards them with a speed boost when they can't catch a survivor in 15 seconds, or that the longer the survivor beats them the more haste the killer gains...
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Remember when old Tinkerer affected charge times?
It made charge addons, base charge times difficult to balance since there wouldnt be any reason not to run it.
Kinda the same with MFT changing survivors from the standard 100% to 103% movement speed.
None of the maps were made in mind with 103% speeds for the entirety of the match.
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The maps were made with 100% speed in mind, sure, but they were also made with the idea that survivors have two health states in mind, which they don't if they're running at 103% all the time. Surely that'd make a difference of some kind?
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Blood lust really isnt a comparison mechanic.
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Why isn’t it?
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– That's not enough? This perk have second strong effect.
Are you sure you play the survivor enough?
-First you need to be injured
-Then look for another injured survivor as well
-Then you have to heal him (16 seconds)
-Then gain Endurance for 10 seconds
-Then the killer should appear and hit you within ten seconds without you doing any of the Conspicuous Actions
You're not trying to fix the perk, you're trying to kill it
Also, it is normal to see it a lot because everyone wants to experience the new chapter
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the arguments people bring to defend this abomination is truly hilarious, every one of them. this perk need to go asap and you also know it.
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You can prevent blood lust really easily with the amount of pallets maps have and you can shift tech it. More reliable ways to extend chase time than a killer vs MFT.
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I am not a big fun of bloodlust, but it only helps to the weakest killers. I don't even remember i have bloodlust in my games, because every killer i play (besides Oni) need to use his power, so no bloodlust.
Even with the weakest killers u just drop good pallet to cancel killer's bloodlust, it's not hard. So even bloodlust have conditions and limits.
If they will buff all killers at least to Demo / Slinger / Pinhead level and make all maps balanced, you can remove bloodlust, i won't even notice it. Unless window into pallet into window into pallet into another pallet into window exist, it's not even a question. Indirectly speaking, bloodblust is the recognition of developers in their own inexperience.
And yeah "one stupid thing exists, so other stupid things must exists too" isn't a good argument.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say "BL exists so MFT is fine", I was just trying to imply that this particular point was bad considering "rewarding losing" is common enough that it was made into a basekit mechanic (and yes I know what it was made for but considering BHVR has been reworking maps but still buffed BL and have no intention of deleting it it's clearly not just a tool against infinites anymore).
Anyways, most perks aren't here to reward people who play well; not to mention perks that have conditions are usually not worth bringing; and second chance perks that 'reward losing' are quite common (from NOED to the survivor perks that give you buffs when your teammates die...), so I don't believe getting a buff when you're injured is a problem. More conditions would probably make MFT unusable, so I don't think that's the thing a possible nerf should target.
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- Made For This isn't free or permanent. You have to be injured in order for it to work. Being injured is a great risk. Also yeah it's a perk that rewards the player for being outplayed. But Bloodlust, NOED, Machine Learning, etc. Also exist. All perks/mechanics that reward the killer for being outplayed.
- The second effect isn't even that strong and it DOES require you to do things. You have to 1. Be injured, 2. Find an injured survivor, 3. Finish healing them then finally 4. Gain the Endurance effect for 10 seconds, which isn't that much.
- "Made For This is the new Dead Hard". Just because MFT is strong doesn't make it OP. How dare survivors actually have a decent and viable perk, right?
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Being injured is a great risk.
getting injured isn't a risk you can choose to take or not. you get injured after the killer manages to hit you and unless it's a oneshot killer, this is what happens every chase. shouldn't be that complex of a concept but here we are and this is like 10th time i saw such a comment about this damn perk.
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I wish machine learning was actually free so I don't have to kick two gens, then wish survivors to finish up that EXACT gen, to get the value.
If that perk activated upon every gens finished, literally everyone would complain about how broken it is, because it's absolutely free, doesn't require any work unlike current machine learning, then it's effect is strong as heck.
on the other hand I don't think being rewarded for losing is any way unhealthy though...
It doesn't make them broken or anything, they still have two health state, it just buffs one of it.
I mean, it feels strange you say that because I actually wish anyone running MfT made survivors to have one health state.
How about adding it's effect for no mither? that could be interesting LOL
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Not if they're running at 103% all the time, that's what I mean. Either they're not running at that speed constantly, meaning it's a lot closer to other "burst of speed" perks or limited-duration/radius Haste, or they are running at that speed constantly, meaning they're injured the whole time and they're down a whole health state.
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So they are running 103% half the time, I don't get how can this makes it any better.
I could simplify it like basically giving sprint burst on every pallet break or god windows even without counting additional loops/power/lunge interactions, as long as they are injured.
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Except that perk has a time limit and can only trigger 5 times, it would be like giving the killer perm speed whenever a gen got done, that would be crazy. thats the equivalent
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0.6% additional movement speed per every generator has been finished, now that seems so interesting... we can even stack it with NOED and fire up!
Oh wait, maybe I should make it so it's 1% movement speed up to 3 gens done? or outright 3% boost upon 4th gen completion? it should only activates for like half the game, but with full strength right?
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You need to stun a killer with a pallet to disrupt bloodlust (not prevent it, it can’t be prevented). And the easiest counter to that is just respecting. Lol. I can’t remember the last time I was stunned with a pallet unless I allowed it (farming).
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Didn't know survivors can't force the killers to break pallet.
I think in your dead by daylight there is not a single strong pallet that is faster to just break? like every pallet is dogshit pallet that can be hit with mindgaming.
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Because it takes 15 seconds of killer commitment at minimum, game has infinite, can be disabled with being hit/forcing to use the power/breaking pallet/losing sight.
So much limitation, even though it's a basekit mechanics there can very well be a matches where bloodlust didn't even kicked in, unlike made for this which is pretty much guaranteed to happen.
And not to mention the fact literally everything is balanced around it's existence, which isn't the case for MfT because literally everything IS actually balanced around survivors running with 100%.
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Making a killer kick a pallet gets rid of their current stacks of blood lust. And if they decide to T3 blood lust each pallet then thats guaranteed minute chase at the least compared to extra 1-2 loops from the 3% haste boost MFT gives you thanks to smaller environmental collision box.
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Because the ways to get haste as killer is extremely limiting or downright not worth it to get unless you want to do a gimmicky build like tombstone myers. You can get rid of the current progression to max blood lust by going to a strong pallet which definitely seem abundant nowadays especially with the maps since eyrie.
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Power oriented killers can very well have matches BL doesn't kicks in.
Of course M1 killers would have it and even reliant on it to get a hit, but then none of that doesn't change the fact game is made with this in mind.
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Yeah and that is what makes BL not problematic, made to have extreme amount of limitation to make it not broken.
MfT doesn't have anything like that.
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I've already listed countless limitation and the situations it doesn't work, and stated how everything in this game is already balanced around bloodlust's existence in mind, I suppose it's not my problem if you can't understand it.
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You kinda proved their point with the Machine Learning comparison.
Machine Learning is limited to 30 seconds and requires you to kick 2 generators and wait for them to finish it. And you can't kick any other generators or the perk will move to that gen.
Made For This has no time limit and only requires you to be injured.
So yes you do get rewarded for losing a gen with Machine Learning, but it has so many limitations AND it requires planning to use. It's a risk reward perk. You give up a gen for an effect that may not even activate at the right time.
Made For This has no risks, it's just rewards.
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Well i just played against MFT for the first time tonight and this perk can ######### right off. I have never not been able to catch a survivor around shack, it wasn’t even close as far as me chasing a survivor goes, how the ######### is this perk fair?
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Absolute nightmare in The Game, I can see why my area has an almost permanent 100% killer bonus now.
I can barely play nice anymore just to break even because losing and being taunted and insulted for playing an M1 killer feels worse knowing they're being carried by that perk and pre-dropping. Can't even run fun builds anymore between this and the genrush, meta or be humiliated.
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Bloodlust is to correct horrendous map design.
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- "If that perk activated upon every gens finished, literally everyone would complain about how broken it is, because it's absolutely free, doesn't require any work unlike current machine learning, then it's effect is strong as heck."
Yeah, just like everyone is complaining about Tinkerer. Free value out of losing 70% of a gen. Everyone's complaining.
- "On the other hand I don't think being rewarded for losing is any way unhealthy though..."
Neither do I, mostly because "free rewards for losing" usually are just comeback mechanics. If we had, say, survivors getting gen speed according to the number of survivors killed or d/c or killers getting breaking speed or extra kicking regression according to how many survivors are alive and how many gens got done, that would be "rewarding people for losing", which is... exactly, a comeback mechanic to prevent stomps.
But the OP insists on using this just to call survivors bad and "babied", and the perk overpowered, which is where I disagree.
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You guys are terrible at finding equivalencies.
If you complete chases, MFT only activates 3 times max. Out of those 3 times, only half of the chase would be active. The potential value may be higher if you smack them and let them leave ad infinitum or if they remain injured throughout the match, and the later one would have major tradeoffs like being constantly injured, moaning, bleeding and having only one health state.
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Kinda funny that the moment we get hit and run back we get a perk that can make hit and run ineffective.
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But people did complain about Tinkerer and it got nerfed because of it.
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Your forum name explains it all. Yes, Im not adding anything to the conversation. But I wanted to add that. GL NG!
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MFT activating only 3 times max is wayyy too much of an assumption, I might be facing legion or plague, I might cause the killer to leave me since with a good setup and this perk it is probably taking too much of their time. I might have to stay injured because I cant find a team mate etc. There are so many nuances and even if the perk did only activate like twice even, if it caused us to win because of the time the killer wasted on the person with the perk then it so easily got its value.
With that in mind, what would you say is the killer equivalent? It has to be a perk which gives the killer some easy movement speed obvs.
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this is the best you can come up with? sure, have a nice day