Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

When is Skull Merchant being killswitched/removed/updated?

Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

So I just sat down to play some Dead by Daylight to add to my already eight thousands hours. I wondered which killer I'd face in the fog. As that load-in screen was almost finished I was super excited to hopefully verse anyone BUT Skull Merchant.

My heart continuously sinks to the middle of Point Nemo when I hear her terror radius.

Her chase music overstimulates the hell out of me.

She can hold games hostage forever

Extremely tedious gameplay on the survivors end

The game may go on for 50+ minutes.

And in solo queue, you're often 3 genned with legitimately no way to escape.

I understand that winning isn't everything, however, Is it wrong for me and my many friends to just run up to the killer and kill ourselves on hook?

I have heard that she is being updated soon, however we find no enjoyment in versing her. It's a shame because her character design is pretty cool. I just wish her whole kit was different.

But her kit and playstyle is the WORST in the game.

I would rather verse a nurse any day of the week than a SM.

Do the game developers intend on changing her playstyle?


  • ClownGuy5
    ClownGuy5 Member Posts: 85

    Not everyone wants to play dashing catch up killers tho and not everyone wants to have to play top tier killers, hell, some killers are legit built for PC gamers only aka Billy, Oni, Trickster, Blight, etc.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Skull merchant has desired kill rates of around 60%, she is doing fine/s

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131

    Uh, I mean sure.

    If you are gonna play someone like Freddy, I don't think you can expect to win a lot of games.

  • ClownGuy5
    ClownGuy5 Member Posts: 85

    Allllllrighty then, lets stop complaining about SM and Knight and stop wanting more of the same killer since almost every other M1 killer is weak😁

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131
  • ClownGuy5
    ClownGuy5 Member Posts: 85

    Go work for BHVR then and float your boat when you get rid of her

  • ClownGuy5
    ClownGuy5 Member Posts: 85

    So you are saying no gen defenders? Hate to break it you but that is the killing meta rn hate to say it. BHVR can make as many anti-loop killers and they will all end up being the same.

    Gens are crucial to surv as well as killers. Killers dont like seeing gens go down and surv love to. So when a killer can defend them hard and better than say a bunch of other killers with just Pain res or kicking a bunch people are gonna play them.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131

    Thankfully, you don't need to be a game designer to recognize bad design.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,901

    No we just want more killers who aren't oppressive like Nurse but have good chase powers that don't shut down loops and result in you having to hold W.

    Killers like Wesker, Demo, Oni, Blight (without busted add ons), Billy (pre-nerf), Singularity, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head or even chase powers similar to Doctor. I even think Dredge's chase power is fine because it requires some skill to outplay someone at loops with it.

    Killers like Skull Merchant, Artist, Knight, and to a lesser extent Hag where their main anti-loop is just "drop power and now survivor has to leave" are not fun. And then add on to that, their powers also work as gen defense. So you can't loop them or do gens. That's why these killers are hated because there is no scenario where you can have fun because all you do is just pre-drop every pallet and hold W and spend a couple seconds on gens before you have to repeat it all over again.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    Yeah, I guess you could say that I'm saying gen defender Killers shouldn't exist. Killers like SM whose whole gimmick revolves around delaying the game as much as humanely possible are awful for the health of the game, and no, gen defense Killers aren't the meta at all, not sure where you pulled that out from. Do you wonder why Killers like Blight, Oni, Wesker, and Hillbilly are not only more prevalent than gen defense Killers but also more highly regarded? It's because despite not having built-in slowdown like Knight, Cenobite, or SM their lethality in both chase and map mobility more than makes up for it. You don't need to have built-in game delay if you have lethality and map mobility because just being able to down survivors faster than an M1 killer and being able to traverse the map already puts a ton of pressure on the survivor.

    Killers like SM, Knight, or Cenobite don't have much in the way of lethality or map mobility so they have to make up for it by having built game delay which forces survivors in extremely unfun scenarios. No one wants to spend 30 minutes in a game against SM trying to break a 3-gen, having to constantly solve the box to avoid having a million chains interrupt you or being constantly chased by a Knight.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,514

    Billy having high rewards...thats a good one.

    But I agree, we need killers like those (high skill high reward), but not including hillbilly as he requires high skill yet countering him is incredibly easy.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 786

    Wheres the fun and interesting counter play to wesker and billy? Probably some of the most boring killers to face even wins feel like a snoozefest

  • ClownGuy5
    ClownGuy5 Member Posts: 85

    and no, gen defense Killers aren't the meta at all, not sure where you pulled that out from. do you think Deja Vu got a buff and considering Knight and SM released basically the same shows that gen defending killers are being tested in the waters despite heavy backlash and heavy nerfs on kicking gen perks but still being used as opposed to pressure surv with slow healing or hit n run.

    Do you wonder why Killers like Blight, Oni, Wesker, and Hillbilly are not only more prevalent than gen defense Killers but also more highly regarded?

    Idk lets see they all have the mechanic behind zoom around map and get fast downs, they favor the people that can flick with them so that makes them even more appealing to the opposing side, and oh yeah majority of players like fast gameplay. Not everybody wants to play fast.

    You don't need to have built-in game delay if you have lethality and map mobility because just being able to down survivors faster than an M1 killer and being able to traverse the map already puts a ton of pressure on the survivor.

    Does every killer have map mobility? No. Does every killer have map lethality? No. Are maps all a reasonable size to accommodate for the weaker M1 killers? Nope. Sooooo why doesn't every killer have zoom powers and easy fast ways to get hits? Oh, it makes the game repetitive and no diversity and everyone would play the same.

  • ClownGuy5
    ClownGuy5 Member Posts: 85

    That's repetitive and boring not everyone has a MnK to be able to flick not everyone has fun playing zoom killers and being disorienting and not everyone wants to keep going to loops hoping to outplay someone.

  • clowninabout
    clowninabout Member Posts: 133

    You literally cannot be held hostage as a survivor in a 3 gen situation. If it's getting tedious or you're out of ideas, just push a gen.

    Either she downs you and hooks, you get out that way, she slugs then you're out in 4 minutes max. Or if they are determined not to down you then you finish the gen and get out that way.

    I get the point that this isn't an optimal idea for people but no killer can completely hold you hostage in a game. Exceptions here would be bannable stuff like trapping you in a small corner or something, but thats irrelevant here.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 680

    Since is "buff", I never get a skull merchant who three gen at the start... She try at the end, even if the gen is far away from each other

    I dunno for the other people who play survivor, but, in my case, I find her better like that in a way, you have to think if you are going to deactivate is drone, when you gonna do that,...

    I know there, lot of people are like 'Us vs Them" and, because some people find her fine now, the other are like "that's not enough, she's too weak/strong, if you got down by her, it's because you are weak, it's impossible to loop her,..." She's good for me, people gonna tend to play her in a some "easy way" like Less effort for a bigger reward, but this, if for every killer

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    Just to clarify. I play killer and survivor equally. I'm just generally curious because playing against her is complete and utter torment. So I understand why so many of survivors just hook and go next when they hear her terror radius.

    By all means, when she gets changed yet again I don't mind if she's strong, but her playstyle is just untolerable at least for me.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    I agree. Wesker is amazing killer. I'd say he's quite balanced.

    Skull merchant is just a nightmare. Obviously this is my opinion but others are of course able to like her.

    I just don't find her to fit amongst the other killers at all. Would rather have her removed in totality.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,610

    Twins? Is that a new Killer? Never seen one.

    With a population the size of DbD's playerbase it's kind of like posting on the Internet. Somebody somewhere will find fault no matter what you do.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,384

    Still refusing to play any Skull Merchant until they change her powers completely

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,336

    i pretty much only run the hyper focus build in solo q because of her.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    Not only are you confusing an extreme minority of the community with the majority but you're literally just cherry-picking examples. Just because one survivor complained here or there doesn't mean they represent the bigger player base.

    First of all, Blight is the only one who gets hate from survivors and it's not evenly spread across the whole Killer, people only hate some of the OP add-ons he has like Alch Ring or Compound 33 (and yeah I'd know because I main him.) Other than that Oni doesn't get talked about at all because he's a good Killer apart from some issues that should be fixed like pre-dropping against him, Wesker only gets complained about because he was an extremely common Killer to go against which made the game get stale, not because he's op.

    Secondly, I should've specified but pre-nerf Hillbilly was a perfect Killer, and no, he still very much is a threat. I'd know because I main him and those other Killers I mentioned. There's no denying his lethality has been heavily reduced but he's still a very good Killer who just takes a dumb amount of hours to become good at. And once again you're confusing an extreme minority with the majority. Most people who play both sides don't enjoy weak Killers because even if they're weak their counterplay could still be incredibly boring or unfun, and playing as them sucks. Trapper is a killer that sucks and yet despite that you don't see people clamoring for him and yelling out from the top of their lungs that has the most fun Killer to go up against, so quit generalizing survivors into one big group. It shows your bias.

    And most people from what I've seen don't explicitly hate the Killer player, they just hate what they have to do to play effectively. No one's out here saying SM players should be hung from the gallows or anything, they're complaining that the only way SM players can play effectively is by holding a 3 gen which makes the match miserable for everyone. Plus, it's not like it's just survivors complaining about these Killer designs, it's also Killers doing the same. I play Killer and I hate SM because the only real way to play her is by holding down 3 gens because otherwise, she is literally just an M1 Killer with no mobility and mediocre lethality.

    No, you don't get hate for chasing or anything else you mentioned. Just because a survivor or two out of several games of yours decided to complain about you doesn't mean half the community is out to get you. People just expect the devs to at least be able to discern between what is healthy for the game and what isn't. That new survivor perk that gives you 3% haste for just being injured is extremely dumb and unhealthy, the new map sucks for most Killers, especially ranged Killers like Deathslinger who I play a lot.

    Just because I'm talking about crappy Killer designs doesn't mean I'm some survivor main like you automatically assume I am. You keep saying "ya'll" as if I'm someone who has only played Survivor and hasn't touched Killer at all. I have 2.7K hours in DBD and counting and about ~65% of it has been spent on playing Killer. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. I'm speaking as a person who has a lot of time on both sides and has seen what gets people to DC/Complain. Do you actually think I haven't complained about some things on the survivor side or something? I talked about how dumb the Hillbilly nerfs were, I've talked about how most of the maps in the game screw over a lot of Killers, like Deathslinger, and I've also talked about how dumb the new haste perk is on Survivor.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    That's fair, I should've stated it but I meant pre nerf Hillbilly. I used to main him and I still kinda do but it's just not the same anymore. With maps like Tobas landing and him just being not strong enough to counter it, he's just not worth picking up.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    It's one thing to dislike Wesker, but really? Finding Hillbilly not fun is pretty uncommon. I mean, the sheer fact that not only Killers complained about his nerf but also Survivors speaks volumes. Everyone back in the day absolutely hated what happened to him.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    Deja vu got a buff because it wasn't just Gen defense Killers taking advantage of the 3-gen meta, it was everyone. It wasn't a Gen defense Killer meta, it was a 3-gen meta influenced by Overcarge, Eruption, and Call of Brine. They just so happened to thrive in it.

    Yup, you hit the nail on the head. All the Killers I mentioned are more popular because they appeal to more of the community than gen defense Killers. With them, there's very little to no Filler gameplay AKA holding W, trying to get to the next chase, etc. That does technically mean that they're just better designed than Killers like SM or Knight. It's fine if not everybody wants to play Fast, I mean I play Killers like Deathslinger and Nemesis who aren't fast at all.

    Not every Killer needs to have map mobility and or lethality, I'm just pointing out that by not implementing at least one of those into a Killer you end up getting Killers who for the most part aren't healthy for the game at all. Anti-loop Killers may have several issues with them but it's an infinitely more preferable alternative than Killers who have to extend the game beyond any reasonable amount to just barely squeeze out a victory. Not every Killer needs to be a zoomy fast hit type of Killer but they need to at least have an ability that gives them one or the other. And just because every Killer should have one of these doesn't mean there won't be any diversity in the cast. Singularity, Dredge, Demogorgon, and Blight for example all have map mobility and lethality, and yet none of them are even remotely similar.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131

    Wesker is mostly hated because he's played so much, which I get.

    Blight is hated because of his add-ons, most of which make him way too good against average players.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Have you read the this forum? Like really spent many hours reading this forum? If you have you would have seen the absolute glut of nonsense threads complaining about people constantly seeing Wesker, complaining about Blight in both just his power function as well as his addons, you'd also see the sprinkle of Oni complaints as well. While I am aware of the fact this forum is ultimately a small portion of the player base it is where I interact the most with the dbd community outside of a tiny bit of twitter. I've spent years reading these things that get said on this forum and usually it isn't great.

    And most people from what I've seen don't explicitly hate the Killer player, they just hate what they have to do to play effectively. No one's out here saying SM players should be hung from the gallows or anything, they're complaining that the only way SM players can play effectively is by holding a 3 gen which makes the match miserable for everyone.

    ^You don't even have to look that hard at the forum to find numerous threads where people's dislike of Skull Merchant goes from "hey this killer has fundamental problems" to "Every Dull Merchant player just wants to hold the game hostage cause their trash". Just to take that point even further to in game where people just dc, give up, and in one extreme case DDOS'd me just for daring to play Skull Merchant. Yeah her problems make her miserable for everyone killers and survivors both, but no killer's ever DDOS'd me so yeah, I am a bit bias against survivors even though I play both sides.

    No, you don't get hate for chasing or anything else you mentioned. Just because a survivor or two out of several games of yours decided to complain about you doesn't mean half the community is out to get you. People just expect the devs to at least be able to discern between what is healthy for the game and what isn't. That new survivor perk that gives you 3% haste for just being injured is extremely dumb and unhealthy, the new map sucks for most Killers, especially ranged Killers like Deathslinger who I play a lot.

    So I guess you're a party to all the endgame chats of I've been a part of and seen everything that has been said in general on this forum. I wouldn't even make that claim and I spend an unhealthy amount of time on here. I've had entire teams try and take the piss outta me for every little thing you can do as a killer. Is it as bad as it used to be? No, but that's mostly due to crossplay matching me with more console players these days than other pc players. I made a general statement of frustration because when you really read what people write and try to parse out the constructive bits and then go into games to apply those constructive bits rarely do I get any other feedback than hate if any all. So for me, for years and judging by again a lot of what I've read here from other killer players, far more hate than appreciation, constructive criticism, or radio silence. Let's be clear about something I made no assumptions about you specifically, none at all. Your post was just a jumping off point for me contextualize rant that has been building for a while.

    I'm dead serious about the things I said, I want to understand what survivors and the devs want, but neither group makes it easy. I can not understand what anyone's expectations truly are because no matter what I've done in this game has elicited much more than radio silence or endgame chats full of some of the most vile text. I respect that your experience has been different than mine and clearly has been much better for your sanity. My experience over the years of playing this game and interacting with it on a community level has left me with a lot of confusion and frustration and no small amount of bitterness honestly. Like I know for a fact I'm not the only person who feels likes this when it comes to DBD. It feels like no matter what you do you're gonna get hassled over.

    I say "y'all" because I write how I talk and when write on the forum I write as if I speaking to an audience of many people not just the person's post I'm replying to most of the time. I am used to people doing drive by comments on my posts who are generally very dogmatic survivor players who even give me hate when I'm advocating for their side. I'm not a passive voice writer, especially when I'm on a rant, so things come out pointed. It is what is take how you will.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    I think she just needs a longer cooldown for her drones. Like make it reassonable?

  • Alec_Morgenstern
    Alec_Morgenstern Member Posts: 20
    edited June 2023

    For those defending SM, please direct me to the other killers that get the following from basekit of their power:

    1. Can defend 4 gens simultaneously
    2. Can lose their terror radius within the drone radius
    3. Can cause exposed by not disabling drones
    4. Can cause exposed by mis-clicking on the drone input
    5. Can track survivors with a claw trap
    6. Can cause a pallet to break immediately when vaulted by a survivor with a claw trap

    I think that covers everything that's just basekit (no addons) I feel like there is some sort of speed boost as well based on trackable survivors?

    Survivors are also punished for both disabling and not disabling drones.

    Multiple gens camped requires survivors to try and have multiple drones hacked at the same time to prevent quick re-deployment, which if it's a bad 3 gen, then SM can easily prevent this from happening.

    Under what circumstances is this sort of gameplay fun and/or balanced in comparison to other killers?

    It's got nothing to do with "survivors wanting M1 only killers with boring powers", or survivors unable to prevent 3 gens. It's simply a fact that there is too much benefit to her power for 0 effort.

    It requires 0 effort to deploy a drone at 4 gens and then simply rotate between all 4 and slowly wear down the survivors.

    Is there actually any thought put into killer gameplay when new killers are designed?

    In that it's considered how they will work across all combinations of current perks, maps and the overall gameplay?

    Or is the push to ensure a new killer is sent out on-time the only thing that is really driving half-baked killer concepts into the player base and making us flesh out how they should work for BHVR?

    Last I checked, we don't get paid to explain how their game works to them, we're actually paying them to give us poorly thought through killers, survivors and perks and then we wonder why we're left with the bare basics of a game.

    Is it really that hard a concept to simply take the time to fix up current and outstanding issues, plan out in-depth how killers should work, how various combinations of perks will work amongst different killers and maps etc?

    Because if it is, maybe BHVR is getting in over their heads and they currently have too much content to manage and therefore unsure what to do?

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    edited June 2023

    If you couch it in terms of drones then no, no one else does these things. But let's break them out of a drone box into their more general actions

    Hag, Trapper, Demo and Singularity can all to varying degrees defend 4 gens simultaneously

    Again snapping out of drone focus, any killer can lose their terror radius as there is enough perk support to make that generally accessible. On her own without addons or perks her stealth isn't even good and is actively defeated by the fact that to get and maintain it she has to stay in an Active drone's field. So you know exactly where she and if she intends to maintain that stealth where she is going, but it falls off really fast once she steps out of a field without the adaptive lighting addon.

    Exposed is something that is a feature of several killers powers by default or through addons and there is enough perk support for basically any Killer to punish a survivor whether they took an action or didn't take an action.

    Clawtraps are unique to Skull Merchant so the closest equivalent would killer instinct which is far less conditional and harder to deal with.

    Clawtrap pallet breaks also break the clawtrap along with it so it isn't as there is no benefit for survivors. You can get a similar effect on any killer if you run Dissolution.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131

    I would remove Trapper from that list. He cannot reasonably trap 4 gens. Hag, Demo and Larry can.

    Out of those four, Hag's traps can be removed easily and I do not think she gets a notification for it. It also does not debuff the Survivors to remove it. Demo's Portals are annoying to deal with, but they ultimately do not allow him to win the time war against Survivors, it's close, but not quite because you have ample opportunity to run away if he TP's. Larry gets cucked by EMP's right now, so he's out of it entirely.

    Dull Merchant's Drones give her a swath of benefits for holding a 3-gen or a 4-gen. She gets faster, stealthier, built in Dissolution which allows her to play almost any pallet and she gets tracking. Couple this with the fact that Drones CANNOT be disabled immediately, provide Exposed (making working on gens inside of them unviable) AND provide adequate time for gen regression perks like Overcharge + CoB to work and you have a Killer built to hold gens in a way that no other Killer can.

    Hell, she even has add-ons to make skill checks horrifically difficult. Have you tried to hit the Overcharge skill-check with those add-ons?

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I did say varying degrees for the killers I listed. The only thing gated Singularity is EMP and his own skill floor. Trapper can do it, but not well, he's very much reliant on a lot of RNG. Demo does have travel time to consider on TPing, but he can also just generally patrol the area at average speed and use portals for tracking which would put him in the same ball park as Skull Merchant in terms of what she's actually doing with the added benefit of having Shred. It's not exactly the same but it is probably the most comparable.

    I'm not denying she's extremely effective at holding a gens just that when you don't limit the scope of the questions presented to "who can do x with drones" and look at just "who can do x" she isn't that different from other killers.

    As for skill check addons Ada Valente 1 and Shotgun Speakers are strong, but only when combined with complimenting gen perks. Like the issue isn't a Skull Merchant issue as much as it's an OverBrine setup issue. When it comes to the tracking aspect I'm guessing they wanted the high level of tracking to facilitate chasing survivors, but they design a power that doesn't really compliment chasing more than defending. Her speed increases are minimal and dependent on clawtraps which at the cost of a pallet can be disabled pretty quick. Her drones can't be disabled immediately, but in the same turn it also doesn't provide instant exposure either. You can only be exposed if you're locked on which takes time from my experience it is very rare to get the exposed even if you do hold a 3 gen. Then again my MMR is extremely skewed because I perform overly well with Legion so I get players who don't really let a 3 gen happen unless I actively play for it minute one.

    She's not even the only killer with addons that affect skill checks and the effect she presents are also effects produced by perks

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273
    edited June 2023

    This is pretty spot on when it comes to her power. She gets everything giving to her on a silver plate.

    She’s busted at the moment. Very boring counterplay as well unfortunately :/

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    Ok, there’s a LOT going on in this discussion. I just want to remind people that everyone has different opinions and what one person likes another might not, or what one person perceives as weak another might not. I saw Sadako get a mention… a lot of people say she sucks.. I do fairly well with her. Better than a lot of top tier killers. As a survivor main some of my least favorite maps are the ones everyone says are survivor-sided. Go figure. When it comes to playing against killers there aren’t too many I think are busted/boring/or just plain unfun to go against. Mostly I like a good variety… I don’t want to see the same killer all the time… I like changing my perks and whatnot to go for a different style of gameplay every time. Getting Ghost Face 40% of the time just becomes boring after a while especially when everyone plays him the same. I get that’s why a lot of people have issues with certain killers like Hag because the gameplay tends to be repetitive. I can understand that. While I definitely do believe a lot of this is dependent on player preference I do have to admit that Skull Merchant is definitely one of those killers who just isn’t very fun to play against. I think the only other three I would include on that list are 1) the Cenobite for the reasons mentioned by others previously, 2) the Doctor notsomuch because of his power but because the ppl I get playing him tend to be very annoying with said power, and 3) the knight for a lot of the same reasons as SM but I don’t think he’s nearly as bad. Now, others might disagree with me and that’s okay, but you do have to admit that something is wrong when a game can last so long that the servers stop. They implemented the EGC to keep survivors from hanging around and holding the game hostage which in turn gave a slight boost to the killer side but holding a 3-gen for more than twice the average game time is a problem that needs rectified. The new Deja Vu is great, I think it was perfectly designed to give a needed boost without busting the perk but its not enough to stop 3-genning altogether (nor should it be as if it were that strong it would then be OP) and I think 3-genning is also a great strategy that shouldn’t be lost but it can’t be used to hold a game hostage… at some point you have to chase, down, and hook survivors even if means some or all of them get out. It happens. I’d say over 80% of my survivor matches end in my death and when I do survive we don’t all always make it out. That’s okay because it’s a game and meant to be fun and even if I die so long as I wasn’t tunneled out or camped then I have fun. But being stuck in a 3-gen for 30 minutes isn’t fun to me. The same when I’m playing killer… damaging the same 3 gens over and over is boring. Sorry for the long rant.