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Name One Killer Who can Do This!

Except Blight ofcourse.

Who can win games with using only 2 meh-tier perks? Only Blight.

He would finish this game with 3K but he greeded at end game. So this ended with 2 escape. But he would 4K easily if he had any of gen perks.

Why this killer is allowing to do this? Why Blight is never getting any nerfs, only love?

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  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Yes. But how many killers can do this against skilled survivors?

    You can't do this with Trapper. You can't do this with most of killers. Even A-tier killers, i highly doubt.

    But Blight can. I wonder why.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    When i was on break, Nurse nerfed. And after i back, i am not seeing her so much. So i don't know if she still can do this or not. She is strong for sure.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    Nurse could

  • Member Posts: 376

    Nurse def, I'm currently on a no perks or add-ons p100 trek at p45 now and while some games i do lose, because of my own mistakes, i win a majority. She simply doesn't require perks even in the least bit.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Literally no one, considering how this game had "do everything you want" tournament and it was full of blight/nurse, and still had 50% ish kill rates.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    You can say skilled survivors but I doubt they really know how to play vs a blight well. You can be skilled vs huntress and m1 killers but suck vs blight.

    Realistically you have to be a good blight main to be able to play vs him really well or at least watch a blight main streamer and have good memory. It's unreasonable to ask that of people but that is the case to an extent.

    Any killer can 4k with no perks with just a one good snowball or repetitive wastes of time from survivors.

    I'm sure you don't want to hear that though.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Most killers considering the average survivor is really bad.

    But if they were on the same level, still most.

    A single basement hook can sometimes be enough for Trapper or Bubba to win.

    Myers can with Tombstone. Sadako can with condemn build. A skilled Huntress is a threat against most teams. Hillbilly can win in a few seconds with just Lethal Pursuer.

    Nurse is Nurse. Spirit with Mother-Daughter Ring is busted.

    Skull Merchant because everyone DCed.

    Any killer with an Exposed perk against a cocky team.

    A camper against an altruistic team.

    I've gotten my ass kicked by an Oni with just Shadowborn.

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited June 2023

    He was good Blight, he knew what he was doing. But team was good too tho. So i think we gave him good fight and like i said, he would win if he was not greed for 4K. He just tried slug us and get his win but we managed to open one of the gates and stop slugging. After that, he just hooked the last slugged person and game is over.

    But just because Blight is hard to master, this does not mean he don't need nerfs. Because he does. Not all Blights are playing that chill.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Any Killer can do this perkless if they get a good match (bad survivors or great map with not so great survivors, RNG, etc.)

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Problem is non of us was bad in this match. But he got 2 kills even with garbage perks. I doubt any killer can do this against good survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    But does it mean when Killer can win againts good Survivors without perks that the Killer is OP? So does it mean that all Killers without any decent perks should then auto lose againts good Survivors?

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Speaking as someone whose experience has only been on the receiving end? Nurse. She can do this to. If allowing addons, Spirit. And I know many will vehemently disagree with me on this, but Hag as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    Any killer can do this when survivors are potatoes.

    But when they are really, really good, none.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    It should not be auto-lose, no. But it should be very hard but for Blight, it's not the case.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Uh I can't help but to think it's just a skill issue, how can you be so confident when you lost like this really.

    I thought you were at least decent at survivor and not extremely entitled like that...?

  • Member Posts: 4,155
    edited June 2023

    Matchmaking isn't as strict as it used to be, and we have zero evidence that all 5 players are near the same MMR. When I'm playing survivor, I sometimes get matched with 8000+ hour killer streamers, and I certainly don't think that is a fair matchup, considering how rarely I play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I did not lose?

    And even team did not lose, it's draw.

    And if this killer is that skilled, they are wellcome to try this against my team with Trapper, Wraith, Dredge and other weaker killers. Or it's just Blight's busted power makes this possible.

  • Member Posts: 1,919
    edited June 2023

    Any killer can do it. Of course if you are versing a pro team you can't, but the average survivor team isn't that good.

    This took me one attempt and it was on Toba Landing.

    I do agree that some of Blight's addons should be nerfed though. But this isn't the reason why.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Congrats, it's looks decent win.

    And i still don't think any killer can do that much. Because most of Blights are not using strong perks but yet, they are winning most of games. This is just not possible for most of killers.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    If a killer is constantly using bad perks, then MMR will still try to give them at least a 50% kill rate, even with the bad perks. That's how MMR works.

  • Member Posts: 1,933
    edited June 2023

    2 kills against a blight playing with 1 perk and 2 strong addons, but still only 1 perk

    I call that soloqueue

    This regardless of the fact that Blight's addons need strong nerfs

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    They can.

    Of course Blight is stronger than most other killers and his addons should be toned down, but every killer can 4k with 2 mid perks because most teams aren't good.

    None of these screenshots mean anything because we don't know how the game actually played. You don't know how skilled the survivors in my games were, and I don't know how skilled you and the Blight were.

    If that Blight went against a pro team, or even a team of survivors on his skill level, he probably would've lost.

    Still, a 2k is a draw and I think it's kind of far for someone to be able to tie a game based on skill alone.

    (Also doing this has made me realise how much I love Shadowborn)

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    You want me to name killers that can do this? Let's see. Trapper, Pig, Clown, Wraith, Nurse, Legion, PH, Pinhead, Bubba, Myers, SM, Knight, Spirit, Sadako, Doctor, Hag, Plague, Artist, Huntress, Trickster, Deathslinger, Dredge, Nemesis, Wesker, Billy, Twins, Freddy, Ghostface, Demogorgon, Oni, Singularity and Blight. That's every killer in the game.

    Every killer in the game can win with no perks, if the survivors are bad enough. New survivors will even go down to a Nurse that doesn't use her power (yes, I tested it and even got a 4k). This picture doesn't show us anything yet.

    When it comes to Blight, I think he could use some nerfs. His addons are way overtuned and the more I think about the harder it gets to justify his base kit when you want him to have good addons as well.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Yeah I see Nurse probably once every 50 games. Blight much more often. And Nurse has also been nerfed multiple times now.

    The survivors got like no BP. They basically did not try. Compare that to OP's survivors' BP amounts

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    that was before she got huge nerf I duobt she can do that anymore in fact I escaped last 9 out of 10 times agains't her and only died once when my teammate dc:t and we still got 4 gens done. Blight is much more powerful I almost never escape agains't him.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Yeah that’s my point. Any killer can do this because any game can suddenly go in favour of one side. You can’t judge anything from a random endgame screenshot. These survivors did try, they just ######### up really early and basically gave me a free kill.

    Also I already posted a picture above with similar stats to the OP but again it shows nothing.

  • Member Posts: 144

    The Blight in the picture didn't win, 2K isn't a win by any metric.

    A wellplayed Blight is the strongest Killer, everbody knows that, but I don't see how "the strongest Killer in the game can get a 2K without meta Perks" reveals any balance problems.

  • Member Posts: 750

    demo can!

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited June 2023

    Using a single game result to 'prove' anything is a bad idea, but in this case the game result doesn't even prove your point.

    Yes, Blight is absurdly strong, and nearly everyone agrees that he needs at least some amount of nerfing (reigning in his strongest addons). You don't really need to try and 'prove' that he's OP when most people already agree.

    Also if you play enough games you can get a 3k or 4k with literally any killer running only two perks. And the results screen doesn't really tell you much, like the skill of the survivors, if they were a SWF, if they were just chilling, doing archives etc.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Nurse and Blight can do it with little conditions

    Huntress and Wesker can do it with moderate conditional limitations

    If map rng is good and survivors don't go hog wild with EMPs Singularity can do it, but then you're also talking about a player that has around the same mechanic skill as a decent Nurse and Blight player.

    As someone posted above Legion can do it since they have mobility and decent tracking by default their only hindered by map rng and survivor skill.

    Theoretically every killer has the potential to do it, but some are better than others.

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