Nerf of Cenobite / Pinheads use of Franklin's ?

Did missing something in the patch notes? I main Cenobite, I use Franklin's and it no longer works.
One of the major benefits of Franklin's was that it allowed Cenobite to knock the box out of survivor's hands regardless of health state. Now it doesn't.
I can't seem to find anything in the patch notes or anywhere else that mentions this change. I'm curious as to when and why?
I'm sure someone can give you a link to this. Yes it was changed with the last update. I know you clearly state you play and love Cenobite but this changed was needed for a long time. The solo killer (Cenobite) already dismantles most solos and franklin/hoarder pinhead made this even worse.
Good riddance.
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Yes at the end of last patch notes.
Now special killer items and crafted ones.
PHead box, nemi vaccines, weskerinio spray, crafted flahbangs, MR Robot emp etc... Will use a different hand instead of the need of drop an item and pick the new one.
Now survivors can have their bringed item + those spacial ones. The first that will be used is the special, they dont have 2 buttons for each item.
(F Nemesis)
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Boo! Hiss! My 4k rate has dropped to 85%!
This is Outrageous!!!! ;-)
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This was one of the best changes.
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It was more a general change than a Pinhead specific change, reworking how items are categorized and having Franklin's Demise only affect Survivor items.
Question: Does Hoarder still work with the Box?
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Nope, Hoarder did still work on the PTB but it was removed in the live release.
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Losing Franklins on Pinhead really isn't that big of a deal as Franklins was never strictly better than just downing the survivor with the box.
What really hurts is losing Hoarder which is now a useless perk with no niche.
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I am not a big fan of this update, as I enjoyed Franklin-Horder-Pinhead myself, but I am willing to accept the loss of this one, as I can see how problematic it might have been for soloQ players.
What I don't get, though, is, why survivors suddenly can use their second hand for items. Logics and that stuff aside, before, picking up a killers item had a cost and some tactical decisions behind it, now you can just pick up whatever you happen about and sort through the stuff in a quiet moment. This is a real two-pronged nerf and I just can't see the reasoning behind it.
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Four killers lost their interaction with Franklin ( & Hoarder) because losing a killer item is too OP?
Sure Pinner & Frankhead are annoying to face with how often chases are dropped for the box but now it's 2 free perk slots for other stuff