BHVR… PLEASE, for the love of everything..

Let DC’s count as kills. I am constantly robbed of adepts because a survivor decides to rage quit, or better yet DC on purpose when they realize I’m running adept perks. It is quite frustrating.
Hopefully with bot replacements being implemented soon this will not happen anymore. Just a little bit more of patience, it’ coming soon!
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I think for the purpose of achievements they should have already made this a thing. I mean, if a killer disconnects any remaining survivors get counted as escaping, no?
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Ah I didn’t think of that. HOPEFULLY that will be a fix. Fingers crossed.
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I FEEL YOU. I just finished grinding out every single adept in the game and boy oh boy did this make me wish I had just loaded up minecraft. but with dc bots it shouldnt be an issue in the future :D
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Evil Within trophy is one I won't even attempt until DCs becoming bots is a thing XD
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Its likely bot replacements will fix this.
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That still won't help about survivors just jumping in lockers tho
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I tanked my myers MMR until I played against potato survivors who didn’t know to hop in lockers. Best way to get it. :D
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Aren't they fixing this with bots?
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Maybe the achievement itself is the true Evil Within xD
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I was down to my last tombstone when I finally got mine. Thankfully the last person standing in this particular group knew what I was doing and while still giving a good game, didn’t immediately run for hatch or a locker the second I downed the penultimate survivor.
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It does work like that; I play a game or two as a Survivor for adept challenge every new chapter update; and It works if the Killer's decides to quit or lose internet connection in the middle/beginning of the match. It greats for adept Survivor whom don't necessarily need to escape to win the escape achievement to get it; meanwhile. Killer's on the other end; need to balanced being a hardcore killer with their own teachable perks which mostly doesn't benefit their playstyle and go for kills but not kill too fast as all it takes is to rub one baby Survivor ego to the point of pressing the pause and disconnect button. All it takes is for one survivor to ruin a killer adept Achievement, yet when a killer quits, they can get their adept Achievement with ease?!?
A DC should have counted as a kill; as it is beyond the Killer's control. And should be the same as a Survivor Giving a free adept Achievement.
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I actually only got mine because of a kind survivor as well. The Nea saw me kill the first survivor after taking ages to get into Tier 3 and ran to me and told me to follow her and she pointed out the other survivors and then sacrificed herself. In endgame, she said "I still don't even have that achievement bro, I'm just glad someone can get it."