Is solo queue survivor still a miserable experience?

justalilbit123 Member Posts: 190
edited June 2023 in General Discussions

I haven't played in about a year or whenever they released SBMMR (the "DBD is like hockey" fiasco) and my solo queue teammate quality went right down the toilet. My experience seemed to be shared by a ton of people, that being:

  • Survivors wouldn't do gens, even if the killer was chasing me for minutes on end
  • Survivors wouldn't be able to last more than a few seconds in chase
  • Survivors would often suicide on their first hook
  • Killer would be a top tier pick (blight, spirit etc) with top tier perks
  • Survivors would be running random, low tier perks

I'm just wondering if they ever tuned the matchmaking or if the UI update helped match quality at all. I also remember my killer games being super sweaty and often getting matched against 4 man clans running full meta builds.


  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 373

    All of your problems are mmr issue.

    Just rank up then all of your problems with be solved expect the top tier killer one.

  • MrSheep51
    MrSheep51 Member Posts: 91

    always has been always will be.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,065

    If you can, avoid playing soloQ.

    Best advice i can give you.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    My only problem in soloQ is other teammates. When i see someone hiding in a corner opposite of the killer i know it's going to be fun times.

    I don't mind which killer i go against i think other survivors are the killers in this game most of the time.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    It’s ok. Been getting several less experienced Killers and gen rushing team mates.

  • omelette
    omelette Member Posts: 72

    You can't SoloQ and expect to escape. You have to acknowledge that the killer isn't your worst enemy but your teammates is. I always use left behind or clairvoyance in my build. If you feel there is no hope, just hide until the hatch opens and keep your mmr intact.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    Thats the problem - ranking up is difficult when you need to escape. Which is a team effort.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    As a counter viewpoint to the other posts here, my solo experience feels much different.

    There shall be some matches where things just go completely terrible and certainly there are trials where other survivors make some rather questionable plays. No doubt those who complain are also viewed as responsible by others too, so I do throw a lot of shade on the claims that it's "always other team players". Everyone cocks up, including those who complain.

    However, I've not experienced these trials on such a negative level as others. Often I have been fortunate enough to play alongside skilled players or players who instinctively know how to work as a team with others. I've even been tallying results and, in the last 19 trials, I have escaped (through the exit gate) 12 times and used the hatch 3 times. I guarantee that nearly all those escapes should never have been possible, were it not for the other players I was with.

    So I do feel that, as a solo player, the experience has not been bad at all for me. I believe often a bad experience will always be remembered far more than a good one. In fact, two of my deaths from those games stands out more than any of the wins, thanks to a rather livid Wraith in one and a Meg working with a Huntress in another. Those 2 games stand out. I am certain that, had I not tallied my games, those 2 would marr my experience and make me feel solo is crap.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    its not great! BUT it has drastically improved especially in time management matters. For example, if I see two teammates on gens and one hooked, I'll obviously go for the save, whereas in the past I would've probably stayed on the gen (this is a lie i've always been an extremely altruistic player)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I've also come across those large loss streaks and, despite my current success, no doubt I'll come across another dry spell. So I do empathise with those periods.

    It's helpful to look back on trials to find out what went wrong in each individual one, even if it's just to reassure you it's not always because of a killer "always slugging" or beliefs which might crop up because of a couple of bad experiences.

    As an example, I've had 4 trials today and 2 escapes (one by hatch). The 2 losses was one to a Huntress, who was very angry for reasons I do not know and afterwards decided to slash me to pieces on the hook. Before them, I had 2 trials where another Huntress teamed with a survivor to get me and a Wraith who did the same as the most recent Huntress. If I had not have logged all the trials, I could easily deceive myself to think every killer is an arse. This would simply be false.

    Also, logging it allows breaks between trials. Nothing worse than leaving one bad experience and projectile-vomiting myself straight to another. That reflection makes all the difference.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Playing with a duo recently has enlightened me into how many hours you truly need to get good at this game. My partner has 1000 hours over the course of years still makes some of the most rookie mistakes I’ve seen out of anybody. Bombs hooks, doesn’t do gens, doesn’t know how various killer powers work, doesn’t know what a lot of perks do, chases last 20 seconds, etc.

    I think I genuinely have a higher escape rate in solo queue lol.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited June 2023

    Depends on why you play DbD. I personally find it frustrating and deeply unsatisfying. I've given my feedback numerous times and I barely play but a couple hours a week anymore.

    If you have fun optimizing the game and have a more competitive mindset, it will be absolutely miserable. If you enjoy feeling like your individual performance matters and directly influences match results, it will be absolutely miserable.

    If you just enjoy the experience and don't care about winning or losing, it is probably fine.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    It is still bad in general. The user interface change is very nice though. At the very least you know for a fact if other survivors are working gens or not.

  • Ch0mp
    Ch0mp Member Posts: 20

    Match quality has gotten a bit better with the ui, but solo queue is still solo queue.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    Solo is misery because the game expects you to escape every single time to maintain the rank you need to stay around players that are actually your skill level. Meaning if you lose just because of a bad batch of players it’ll force you to play with more bad players. It’s huge flaw. After all Solo Q is really how the game is meant to be played. Low tier killers can never match up to player comms that allows insane coordination that renders them obsolete.

    They really need to bring hatch escapes back. Maybe make new offerings for hatch: “If there is less than X players remaining in the trial the hatch spawns.”

    Lastly allow hatch to count towards an escape. Since it does take effort, or some hatch build to even obtain the hatch. Survivors should always have this option. Usually as solo if I trick the killer by using blueprints to spawn the hatch farthest from the EG I’m next to. That way I can get EG instead of hatch, and get the escape. It shouldn’t be this way.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    The types of teammates you get are completely random. I could be on a winning streak and still get bad survivors. I could be on a losing streak and still get decent teammates.

    It's just that for many killer playstyles you need co-ordination and the game is still allergic to providing that to solo survivors.

  • Zer0
    Zer0 Member Posts: 43

    Yes it's always been that way. Just do your dailies and challenges and then scram. Unfortunately killers play like if they dont 4k in 5 minutes their family gets executed, so if you're not in a swf on comms you're going to have a miserable time. Nurse blight nurse blight tunnel tunnel tunnel