Pre-Anniversary: How Much BP Do You Have Saved Up?

- How much BP do you have saved up for Anniversary offerings? What are your expectations for the Anniversary?
- If you did not save up BP for the Anniversary, is there a reason for it?
At the time of writing this, Im sitting at 400k. I havent been able to play much today because a storm keeps knocking out my internet and power. But it seems like things have slowed down.
I dont plan on saving up bloodpoints tbh. Already have party streamers/even last yr cakes to start off contributing to the lobby. And eventually, im gonna have so much cakes anyways after playing alot that i wont know what to do with them.
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2 mil
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Around 1.5 mil i think, i was gonna go for 2 mil but i got lazy.
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5 mil
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Two million right now. About two million more over five tome levels. Then another 100k from dailies sitting.
I figured I'd put one million into my survivor main, one million into Singularity, the rest into Hillbilly and Ghostface for being featured in the event.
Pretty stoked.
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2 Mil. I'm hungry 4 cakes.
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None. You earn so much with the cakes + bp incen that there's no point for me to save bp.
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I'm tryna start my endless supply of cakes on my Haddie. ALL THE BLOOD POINTS!
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I'm still playing at the moment but I always hover between 1.75M and 2M for PTB purposes
Plan is to get 1,000 cakes on Wesker (my main) and then 500 on some of the other killers I enjoy playing like Wraith, Oni, Pinhead, Nurse, Singularity
I already have 120 BPS ready to go on Wesker too lmao
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Currently i have 135 BP.
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I have 1 bloodpoint,
but 2 million of them.
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Haven't saved up any. The offerings are really easy to get in the bloodweb, judging by the last couple anniversaries, so one game and I'll be set.
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Around 1.7 million
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2.3 million !
I knew I wouldn't be able to play much in the weeks before the anniversary so I saved my bp at the cap, and then got a few codes and daily rewards.
I'll pour those into Legion and Haddie first and then start prestiging Singularity. =)
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’cause I am a dumdum that wanted to level Dredge GPT.
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2m bp saved, also got 211 of last year's cakes on Artist and 151 on Dredge respectively. So will probably try and get a lot of the survivor side this time and save up the new cakes and use the old one's i have left for the event.
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I spent it all already on the latest chapter... I didn't know people saved so much for offerings, I rarely use them after the event is over so I'll be able to buy more than enough with what I earn during the event itself.
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Nothing. I wanted to P3 Singularity so that every killer perk would be unlocked at max level.
At least I'll get to play during this anniversary!