Twisted masquerade masks

I'm unsure if it has already been mentioned but do you have to survive the trial to get a mask? I know you can use the "charges" on vaults but if unused do you get a mask or must you survive?
You don't have to survive to get a mask. You just have to pick up the invitation,
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I grabbed an invitation and escaped, no mask. I've also used all invitation charges and no mask. It might be random? i have no idea.
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You need at least one charge on the invitation, then wait until the gates are powered. It details all of this in the game
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You need to have atleast 1 charge and survive until the endgame
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Do have to collect the invitation as the character?
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No. I have gotten 2 masks so far. Neither as meg.
Edit: I just got the Oni mask while playing Meg. You just need the last gen to be finished I believe which kinda sucks when you get a wesker that tunnels you out.
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how it works on killer do you need kills to get it?
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Ah okay, I was just asking because I kept my invitation and didn't escape but got no mask which was odd. Ah well Ty!
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Honestly it confuses me as I escaped and got one but didn't escape and didn't get one which is why I was curious on if I had to escape.
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Thank you!! I'll have to double check stuff in game tysm for letting me know. :)
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The Wesker tunnelling comment made me chuckle as my last match was a hard tunnelling Wesker. Guess I just have to grind and get lucky.
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U must stand till all gens are done or u are the last surv
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You have to have one charge on you, and make it to the gates being opened or hatch opening.
Fun fact, I was in the sky portion of being sacrificed and they opened the gates, still counted. ❤️
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Yep. Luckily, I have only seen one wesker so far.
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Super silly, too. First game of the anniversary was a facecamping Oni who tunneled out everyone who got an invitation. Events clearly bring out the best in low-skill killer mains.
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Had a blight slug everyone literally 3 minutes in. That's with him using a cake too...
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I think it might be a bit buggy survivor side, I definitely had an unused invitation and escaped.
Killer side it's a breeze, so guess i'll just do that until i get the masks i want.
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Ohhhh that's good then! I'll try to hang on as long as I can then aha.
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I've noticed that BP events and events in general seem to bring out the worst in killer mains which is sad tbh. We should all just have as much fun as possible and not sweat it.
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Swearing it is how some people have fun.