Getting Spanked as Killer Lately

Anyone ever seem to be getting trashed as killer lately? It’s been rough. ???
It's been business as usual for me. I'll sometimes lose when I go against a really good SWF but they are usually trying pretty hard so I respect it by giving equal sweat. Regular Solo Q gets dominated so have to ease off the clutch a bit.
But with the event I go perkless and just have fun trying to maximize BP with everyone.
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I've only went against one SWF (I think) and They were all near P90. I lost, because I suck and run at a very smooth 20 frames (switch).
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Yeah been hearing horror stories for the switch. I honestly don't even know how you can play on it, you've got my respect.
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On the recent discussions, a Gigachad has been making a post(s) for it to be recognized. might want to check some of those photos out lol.
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I lost one game today on my blight. Superrrr good p400 SWF. Brought me to mac M with BNP’s. Won everything else besides that.
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I just played a game as M1 only oni with bad perks and still got the 4 down (I let them all go ofc.)
I think its just RNG. Though a lot more veterans are probably playing again to farm the new stuff so on average you will get better survs.
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Have you recently come off a series of wins? Might have been bumped up into an MMR above your comfort zone
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Not really. Been losing for a while now. Seems like I’m getting two or three survivors in every game that just know how to run loops and gens ‘seem’ like they’re going faster.
i get the occasional game where I will get two or three kills but it’s maybe one in five?
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Yeah I switched to playing surv for the most part. Killer isn't fun anymore. I noticed a lot of high MMR killers that I know, have also stopped playing killer. Bhvr only wants killers at high mmr to win what was it, 60% of matches? I'm good with all the gen rushing, click clik, navy seal squads and tbags.
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im a mediocre killer who don't tunnel or camp and my win rate never even drop below 75% (Mainly staying in the 80). Even when i get my ass kick it just one to many weak teams to boost my rate back up i feel. You probably just going through a rough patch. Hopefully you bounce back
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My condolences about how BHVR did the Switch dirty.
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Yeah, I'm having hard time right now, but in part I understand why. I'm learning to play Singularity, I'm off my usual meds and it's weekend, so I'm playing against waaay more swfs. Since there's an event going on right now I've decided to let it go, collect my masks and play like a potato - I'm getting into very long chases, ignore people with two hooks and stuff like that.
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I use my Bubba build. Nothing can stop me, not even flashlights.
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I resorted to a full slugging build because of constant flashlight saves, deliverance, BT, gen speed, any means, etc.
I figure knock out keeps them off gens to go look for their friends then I down them all at once and hook them
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What can BHVR do about the switch’s poor outdated hardware though? If they started removing foliage and stuff to improve framerate, switch players would have an advantage over other platforms
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I had rough time while trying adept singularity. I played 12 games with results 1×1K, 8×2K and 3×4K if we count dc:s to kills. Win rate of 25% is lowest I probably ever have had. Gens were going crazy fast I could just not keep up in most games.
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I was as singularity but then i went back to my pool of killer that i usually and i am getting good results. I think the new anniversary powers are very helpful for killer
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I mean they pretty much already do that, there's lighting on other platforms that are there no matter what like in the game map that isn't there in switch making it darker than normal.
Too many games get butchered down for switch, giving the players a bad experience and giving the devs a hard time. It's bad for the industry. Who is gonna dead by daylight on the go, anyways.
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That's a 60% kill rate, so you're right on target.