The fact Made for This went live in its current state proves the devs only play S-A tier killers.
This perk is so overpowered it's not even funny, how this went live at all is beyond me when literally everyone said it would be a problem, and here we are, it's a huge problem. At least it's a problem for killers that aren't Blight, Spirit, Nurse. Playing an M1 or a 4.4 killer when someone has this perk is way too hard. Please just nerf it already, there's no excuse for it even making it out of PTB.
The nightlight annouces the perk usage rate at 4,8%. That about sums it up how "OP" the perk is. For comparison, Lithe has 24% usage rate...
2 -
Nightlight uses the statistics of last 14 days, do you remember when the patch with made for this released?
9 -
You are right. it was released 13th of june = 8 days. If we use those 8 days as the average and prolong it to 14 days (which is not fair, as people want to try new perk at the beginning even if they will never ever use it again), then you still have 4.8%/8*14=8.4% usage rate. That's quite a number, but it's still very far from it's contenders - mainly sprint burst and lithe.
1 -
Maybe I just lucked out with bad survivors, but I've faced it in almost every match I've played since the patch (insofar as at least one survivor had it, albeit usually only one) and I can't say I've noticed much of a difference. This is as Singularity, Legion, and Clown, mind you, hardly top tier killers.
I have a strong suspicion there's some kind of feedback loop at play here. People assuming MFT must be overpowered, and noticing that they're losing chases, which must be because MFT is overpowered, and so on and so forth.
4 -
The perk has been out for barely over a week lol. And 4.8% for a brand new perk is insane.
12 -
it is at 14%
10 -
Sure. OK. I didn't see that. But that still only points to the thing, that the perk is still less used then lithe (21% at the same time ) and about the same as sprint (15% at the same time ) . As we are considering brand new perk that people will drop - when they realize they don't like it (new perks always get higher usage rate at the beginning, because people want to try them out) - it's still just worse option. And yet - I don't see so many threads about need to nerf lithe or sprint burst.
Still I wonder how do they really calculate it and nightlight. Like how could these numbers add up into 5% they show in main page (but I guess they take into account longer time frame than just those 14 days).
1 -
Well for most players this perk will be worse than other exhaustion perks just because those perks are easy to get the value while MFT isn't. If you last 30 seconds in chase with nothing then a perk like lithe or SB are going to be much better perks. I don't think a perk like this will ever have a high usage unless it was game-breaking.
I would assume it's just the average of the 14 days, but I'm not sure. I just look at the perk page to see what it is looking like after a patch since that will give you an idea of what it's looking like more accurately.
1 -
To me it proves devs are totally ok with a perk giving you a huge effect that mostly or only affects weaker killers with no effort as long as there's some sort of exhaustion condition. Lithe gives you a massive speed boost literally just for vaulting a window? Slap exhaustion on it. SB does the same literally just for pressing your shift and W keys? Slap exhaustion on it. Overcome is the epitome of taking no skill? Exhaustion.... And now made for this, you get the idea
4 -
nightlight tracks stats on a biweekly basis. It collects the numbers from the past 14 days, its only been 9 days since release. Plus other perks are way more fun than mft.
(im agreeing with you just saying nightlight isnt incredibly reliable after a chapter releases)
3 -
I haven’t been struggling going against it, as any killer really.
6 -
Yesterday almost every game i had 2-3 survivors using hope an made for this combo an can say i really struggled as certain killers
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nightlight has to record stats for 14 days and those stats will not be accurate because it is sample. not census. It has only been few days but the perk has decent popularity sitting at 14% usage rate. Dead hard also increased in usage rate from 9% to 10%. It is going to be interesting where DH and MFT sit in popularity. Hope usage rate has also increased from 5.6% to 10%. I wonder how this will affect adrenaline usage rate.
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I've resorted to Nurse and on anyone else, Slugging until it's fixed.
2 -
Chase with Made for this and Dead Hard is very comfortable and I will continue to use it until it gets nerfed. According to CoH standards, it can be used for about 2 years. My condolences to all M1 killers.
7 -
It was already pointed out earlier with response too. We will see - if the combo is in fact really that OP. But I don't know - I kinda need at least 3 perks to get to endgame - so maybe that hope+mft is actually just "win more" (meaning it's not really an issue as it changes nothing)...
1 -
Usage rates don't really mean anything. OOO is completely and entirely broken in SWF and only has 0.22% usage rate. Self care is utterly worse than useless and sits at 8.2% If we just look at these numbers relative to the average than OOO needs a buff and self care needs a nerf, but in reality those would be terrible ideas, because we know these perks actual power is not reflected by their use rates.
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The perk itself is far from OP, but I would agree that to have this perk able to stack with Hope is silly. It should be a perk which cannot be stacked.
0 -
Hey, BHVR even has a "plan" for fix it if it was problem, you can expect little more.
...oh wait, they really aren't famous for noticing an obvious problem like this quickly, oops.
4 -
Also wanna post again to mention the new meta build for Survivor is out, Made for This, Resilience, Hope, and Adrenaline/WoO/Decisive
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Dev.. play... killer?
Which time line are you talking about?
5 -
dont people tend to player new characters when new characters release, and when new characters release they tend to use their new perks ?
1 -
That's really only true for Killers. I barely see Gabriel but I see MFT everywhere. Also barely anyone is using Singularity's perks so.
0 -
Every killer has their place! It's one of the trickest parts of design, in my opinion. You don't want to release a new chapter with perks no one will use, but you don't want to release a new chapter with perks that are too powerful. It's why the team is constantly monitoring player feedback, loadouts, and other information so things can be adjusted and maintained for overall game health. I can't speak for the whole team, but I play mostly Freddy. 😉
1 -
You really have to like Freddy's franchise...
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His kit is incredible, I find the teleporting and chase mechanics really engaging and he's really relaxing! So it's a lot of things. <3
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He needs addon pass for sure tho.
1 -
I was so excited to see a question AND answer about him in our latest Reddit AMA.
I can't give you any super-secret details but I can tell you that he's on our radar for killers to update.
2 -
here are the stats on nightlight from the past 9 days
4 -
I actually played 50 matches and out of those 50 matches there were 22 Gabriels which is a pretty high yield especially since that number was higher than Feng and meg which are 2 of the most-played survivors in the game. So "I barely see Gabriel" isn't really gonna cut it right?
4 -
it means you see Gabriel, it doesn't mean he is playing against Gabriel.
I have seen some on release, but I don't remember last time I have seen anyone playing him.
0 -
This is a bar graph from my personal matches which is 65 matches as a survivor, the bars are to be ignored they are just the escape rates of each survivor, the lines is what shows you the number of survivors, and since I started recording these matches a week ago this data is very recent, and shows that I simply see Gabriel more than any other survivor in the game
why is this such a hard concept to understand these are quite literal statistics, it's not hearsay I didn't generalize, I DID see more Gabriels in this week than any other survivor
it's not subjective to whether you did or anyone else it's a fact
this is my sample size, these are the number of survs, if you aren't tracking your stats then everything you say is hearsay no? doesn't matter whether you think you "saw some" made for this is a popular perk because Gabriel is a popular survivor right now it's really that simple
2 -
you really should find definition of hearsay. I guess you have watched too much Johny Depp trial...
It doesn't matter even if you face Grabiel every other game. I am sure this is different for each region, MMR groups, time.
You can't really force your experience on others.
Btw if I say there is lot of Gabriels, because of your comments, that would be hearsay.
0 -
Gabriel is the 8th most used survivor on night light
that isn't even my experience he is literally just that high
why are you trying to dance around facts
"it could be different per region" he's still 8th
"it could be different for MMR" he's still 8th
"it could be a different time" he's still 8th
0 -
but that still doesn't have to mean everyone see him. He got to that spot because of players doing adept. Not because he is everyone's favorite survivor.
I am not trying to dance around facts. I am just saying, you don't know what hearsay is. That's a fact too.
0 -
Oh so you’re telling me that players tend to play new characters, and also tend to play new characters perks? Cause ill tell you Gabriel's unique perks only being used is 3rd on the unique load out list but its funny how you just circled back to my initial statement
0 -
Wait a minute.
Aren't those stats from a site that relies on the playerbase themselves entering in loadout information? On their honor? And it's only PC players too?
So we're taking it on faith they're putting in accurate info, and not including the largest portion of the playerbase either?
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I don't even know what was your original statement. I was just annoyed someone was using word, where they don't know what it means.
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That's exactly what it is. And while I don't think there's inaccuracy in the data (I think it parses a screenshot of the end game screen instead of manual entry iirc) there are several issues with using it as the final word.
- People tend to post more about frustrating or annoying games, so individual bias might come into play. This is especially true on the forums, and holds true on other sites as well.
- It's far, far from a full player base sample. For example, it's an English website, so basically North America and Europe are the primary sources. Large player bases that don't speak English (China) aren't represented hardly at all.
- Data that is regional is the most noticeable difference. Self care is very popular in Asia, and almost never showed up in the top perk picks on Nightlight. See point #2 above.
I see nightlight as an interesting tidbit, but it isn't always accurate. Official BHVR starts are the only way to really know, and they don't give it starts as often as I'd like.
1 -
So its only PC, English-speaking, regional, hopefully non-pissed off players that make up this info?
0 -
Bro, the devs only play survivors and they are extremely bad at it even on coms.
that's why they keep handing out freebies so survivors can win every game for free with little efforts, its because they believe the survivor main that cries all the time in here.
2 -
May I ask, what are you basing that on?
I was pretty sure the dev gameplay we'd seen before was them playing killer, but I've never actually looked into it. Is there footage out there of them playing survivor?
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I base it on how they chose to balance the game.
you can disagree with me if you like being wrong tho.
0 -
Ah, I see. I was kinda hoping there was something real there, lol.
1 -
..that's not true at all you send in a screenshot and mostly everything is filled out already, yes you can change it to correct the a.i. when it makes a mistake, but the character names are automatically inputted along with whether they're pc or not, I have no idea why you think the people who use night light would have the motivation to skew character numbers out of anything they could alter. that's really dumb accusation and also one done with mostly guesswork rather than actually seeing how the website works.
i have all my screenshots saved to my computer if you seriously wanna dig through all 50 matches and find each Gabriel it counted or yeah, you can sit here and accuse dbd players of not playing gabriel
crazy conspiracy you just went on about there
0 -
I'm honestly astonished right now. Additionally, it's important to note that matches do not contribute to its statistics unless the file is correctly labeled with a matching date, a process that is usually automated. Moreover, the system cross-references submitted matches to identify duplicates and only counts them once if multiple users submit the same match. The amount of effort required for such a rig to ensure Gabriel's victory in a popularity contest seems highly implausible when compared to the likelihood of the statistics being genuine. My point is, it's an excessive amount of work.
0 -
That's the issue, BHVR does not release the real stats in real-time or often, we got a tweet recently and that was about it, with night-light you can do your own research and pull data from your personal matches to gauge some details about balance in the game, so in terms of credibility yeah not 100% but it's really the only website that's collecting data and the most popular one at that. Also, the thing about bias/toxic games is that it comes with tags, you have to ability to tag a match as tunneling or camping, etc. which is not shared in the community pool of stats but only in your own personal stats, no one else can see what you marked as tunneling except you, it's for your own research, night light only shows community pooled stats for Kill rate, pick rate, perks, characters, and maps, and that's about it
it has a large sample size so it's the best we got in terms of being knowledgeable
also if someone else screenshots a match that you were In, it will pop up in your matches, and you have the ability to view it and edit the info given, like the other day someone posted one that I was in, and forgot to label the map, which I promptly corrected, just saying that since multiple people can review the legitimacy of the matches they were in, it gives me more confidence that it's a good source of information
should BHVR release the real-time stats: yes
have they: no
this is all we got.
0 -
also to point out if you're worried about the "honor system" you can also look at your match's edit history
it also lets you know if it was verified, by saying "This is not a duplicate it's original"
as you can see though the edits were all made by me and that was the initial manual entry of the details of the match since end screens do not tell you what map you played on, and the a.i. does not quite recognize the terrormisu very well, there are a lot of verifications to this that sort of outweigh my suspicion of tampering
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Oh I don't disagree that it's the best we've got since BHVR doesn't release statistics hardly ever. I'd love to have official stats every 3-6 months for transparency on how much the balance shifts with patches.
Like I said, it can be a good reference generally, but pointing to the numbers as hard, definitive, 100% accurate is not correct either. It's a sample size, and statistically we already know that sample isn't representative of the entire population.
I generally don't think there's 'bad' data there. But acknowledging that there is potential for biased data, and that it is incomplete data, is the statistically honest way of approaching those stats.
I usually think of the self care example when people start pulling out Nightlight numbers as gospel truth, because BHVR's stats from September had self care in the top 3, but nightlight had it in I think the top 15 or top 20 for that same period iirc.
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But pointing at my numbers is definitive data, I collected it