Killers abusing event exposed ability

Wraith just followed me entire chase did not hit me and when he get bloodlust he exposed me and hooked me nice game mechanic bhvr :)
that... would be him using the ability?
I really don't see the issue here.
"Wraith used event ability and i lost because of it". That's literally all this says.
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What does "exposed" mean here? Did you get exposed as in status in the game? Can Bloodlust cause that?
I do not understand.
Matches I'm experiencing these days are the usual - including camping and tunneling. Everything is back to "normal" - people just bring terrormisu add-ons. That's it.
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I mean, it’s not really abuse. He’s just using the event stuff..
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You have more than enough time to reach a safe place before they get bloodlust.
You can travel 60 meters of distance before he gets Bloodlust, and there isnt a single map where theres not at least a pallet or window within that range
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I personally think that’s an event effect they should disable
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That isn't abuse it's just... use.
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Me when I vault the main building window in Garden of Joy and block it off (I am abusing the event ability.)
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Its not abusing.
But the event abilities from killers are way to OP and from survivors way too weak.
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Breaking pallets are not "insta". I didn't know about the exposed ability. Probably, a challenge will be available for this in the 2nd tome.
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I've seen survivors use power struggle build around the event pallets. and you can respawn them instantly with a friend.
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If you think a killer is not hitting you and is trying to get bloodrush to expose you... stop running.
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The only thing anyone is abusing is the word “abusing”
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- correctly uses mechanic in game
- this is clearly abuse
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Exposed, as in the status effect we know.
When the killer gains bloodlust and has an envelope available, they can expose the chased survivor at the literal tap of a button. Not sure how long it lasts, though.
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No way do you think being able to spawn a dream pallet that can actually stun/blocking a window from a killer is weak.
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That's not abusing it though, that's literally just using it.
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Is there a list of the abilities invitation give? because i tried googling with no luck.
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It was explained by the devs during the anniversary livestream, but basically when you've collected an invite and have at minimum one charge available, you gain the following abilities to use per charge during chases.
- Spawn one time use pallets that disappear upon throwing them
- Block off windows for the killer to use temporarily
- Decrease stun time when hit by a pallet for a limited time, basically free enduring perk use
- Destroy thrown pallets or breakable walls
- Cause the Survivor you're chasing to suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for a limited time upon reaching Bloodlust tier 1
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So using a Event Ability is abusing now hmm ok then Survivors who Block God Windows like in the Garden of Pain House is also abusing 🤷🏻♀️
When a Killer chase u but dont try to hit u because he want to expose u just stand still u will get a hit but the Killer wasted time and cant expose u
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I had a group of survivors sending me to Garden of Misery and blocking the window on the second floor next to the gen. That wasn't exactly fun either. At least in your case they didn't send themself to the perfect map to do this.
Also, this is literally what this stuff is supposed to do, so I fail to see how it would be a bad thing they use it.
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Just.....stand still if ur gonna get hit regardless. They dont gain bloodlust at all if ur standing, walking, or crouching. So they cant expose you.
It really be funny when i know they are just all up on me waiting for bloodlust and we just stand there looking at each other having our romantic moment
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Yes, in niche situations. But Solo Q not so much.
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You mean the pallet, that immadietly breaks and the killer can get a 100% counter with endurance from the envelope?
Not to mention, that you first need to spawn it and stand correctly. And it only works in chase.
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Blocking windows in garden of joy for example is not op at all?
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Yes. 1 Map.
While killers get use of their power on every map?
I wish there was no abilities at all, for no one. The event would be 100% better.
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So they aren't supposed to use the event's ability?
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My guy, there are god windows on every map. On some of them there is more than one, survivor abilities are useful pretty much all the time.
You're good.
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Comparing one instance of an event on one map in one spot is absolutely not the same thing OP is mentioning.
That's comparing apples to oranges.
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This is a example, there are more maps with god windows like that, one on the Game map for example.
Atleast the exposed thing you can counter, just dont play greedy or if you really know he wants to expose you, stand still shortly before he gets bloodlist so he is forced to hit you normally for example.
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It's broken, I don't know what the devs were thinking adding this to the game. It's even worse than the snowmen
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It’s not abusing the mechanic. That being said the mechanic in question is dumb and should’ve never been added even as a fun event thing
It’s on par with the snowmen working as shields if not worse
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The pallet one is way worse.