Does facecamping also annoy you more during events?

With the recent event u can get up to 500% the bloodpoint per match if everyone plays ball and burns a terrormisu.
During non event days I get why killers sometimes facecamp to create pressure and make sure that survivors are busy rescuing. But I have to say that I get super annoyed at killers hard facecamping during the event. Like the survivor loses one chase and is more or less dead. Even if u manage to unhook them they just get tunneled to death again.
I have to say it annoys me so much more as during non event weeks. Seeing that everyone could get 500% the bloodpoints and 1 survivor gets like 3.5k just cause they got camped to death on first hook.
Have you considered playing killer during the event? You can play as farmy as you want and the only thing that can ruin it, is survivors rushing out.
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If your solution is to play a certain role during an event because the other one has too many issues, then clearly something is wrong and should be changed. (IMO)
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At the very least, with the killer being the power role, you can play a full, proper match with that. Can't do that with survivor.
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I was going to get face camped regardless of the event, at least I made 500% more BP.
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Play killer and find out what the issues are.
I guarantee you, its not as one sided as you think.
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Yeah but that's not what this thread is about. You don't need to derail every thread with "well, what about killers?!"
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Full, proper match is subjective. Completing all gens with barely any killer interaction would be considered a full, proper match for survivors. Meanwhile the same match would be considered a gen rush for killers.
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Not derailing anything. You want a 100% solution to getting face camped? Play killer, no one will face camp you.
Btw. i haven´t seen any face camping during the event so far. Maybe i´m just lucky.
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Unfortunately the disdain some of the people DBD community hold in their hearts makes it impossible not to encounter this sometimes I believe.
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Yeah. Usually I am more annoyed at my teammates not doing Gens while I get facecamped.
But it is different during events. Because during events you get some more of those facecampers, often with names like "No BP for U" or similar stuff. People who really just play to be annoying. And I dont really know what kind of person you are when you can afford to spend your freetime just to annoy other people in a videogame. Only that they probably have a lot of freetime to do that...
I also see an increase in the use of Franklins Demise during events. Which lets me not even bring the Event Items I spend BPs on.
So yeah, it is mostly people who queue up just to ruin the experience for others. And those increase during events. Does not help that the Devs did a few steps backwards with this event compared to the previous once. Which is a shame.
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That doesn't matter for the killer, you still get the full gameplay experience and you get a bunch of points.
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Only if its pointless camping. I don't mind them camping at one gen left or something. When it's at four gens? Yeh that's when it gets frustrating.
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Now make the same statement and switch the roles.
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I've played a lot of survivor yesterday, and the difference between playing in the afternoon and late evening is literally night and day. In the afternoon, you get chill and fair killers, and in the evening, tunnel and/or camp pretty much every game. I usually don't mind a little tunnel here and there, it's a valid strat, but every game it gets aggravating.
Will definitely switch to killer for a while.
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This is so true. After a certain time when the sweaty betties come out, I just don't bother anymore. They don't care about BP, they just care about "winning." Even if it's having games less than a few minutes long, which is cringe.
When they face camp I just alt tab, get up and do something else. When the match ends I see no one get over 10K and I'm like yeh what a victory, score. Game goes off for a while.
Don't hand me a win, but at least do something besides stare at me and then we all get crapola for points.
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My darling, my dude, the 'full gameplay experience' does not consist of one (1) chase and then sitting on hook until end-of-game with 5K BP.
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Judging from the amount of complaints about this, it could actually be considered a full gameplay experience.
Sure, dying with so little points sucks. But most of the time i see those points, its because that survivor suicided.
I´ve also seen killers play a full match with less than 10k points (its possible...) doesn´t happen a lot, but meh.
Best thing to do is move on to the next match and not wait until the match ends, to tell the killer how much you love him. I´ve been at that point, where i was fuming. But at the end of the day, its just a match you won´t remember in a couple of hours(days).
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You can try and defend it all you want, but that doesn't change anything about the argument.
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My point still stands. Best solution right now is to switch sides. Other than that, you can say "thank you" to our community, that sabotaged every attempt from the devs to solve this.
You have been around long enough to see it. How hook progess stop when the killer was in a certain radius, caused survivors to loop the killer around the hook.
Or how swivel hooks (unhook from every angle) just changed the meaning of face camping.
Or how stackable effects from BT, OtR and DH resulted in 5 hits to down a survivor.
The devs really tried to solve this, but our community is really good in... well... sabotaging ourselves.
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I know it isn’t the answer you want to hear, Firellus but Tsulan makes a good point. You can’t really do anything about camping killers (and BHVR hasn’t rolled out their anti-camp measure yet). His solution, so players at least avoid that situation with the tools available now, is to play killer—if only to amass more BPs during the event. Everybody knows killers camp, it sucks, and it ruins the gameplay experience of others. No one appears to be challenging that here. Tsulan is just offering an alternative so survivor players feel less cheated during the event.
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I got a ghostface camping at 5 gens. Fun game
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I suspect you get a very different survivor experience than people here, by your own admission ("I don't see facecamping in my games"), and you are not talking about the same thing as other people.
Let me share a game that I saw last night on Alby's stream that perfectly demonstrates OP's point. It was Alby's 2nd match, and the game already featured tunnel + facecamp.
That Yui who got tunneled got 6.5k bloodpoints total. She did not suicide on hook nor insult the killer. She stayed til end game chat, just to tell that she was just happy to play with a streamer.
Since the killer plays Spirit (A-tier at least) and enduring+spirit fury, it's understandable that Yui lost the first chase quite fast.
After she got unhooked, she got immediatly tunneled out and facecamped. So basically, her whole gameplay experience was the 1st chase.
I'm not saying there's an obvious solution. But there's an obvious problem. There are 5 players in the game, not just 2.
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Yes, everyone switch to killer so that there are no survivors to play against. Makes sense! You are right, some of the fault lies with players as to why some things can’t work right such as when survivors griefed others with Reassurance so they had no choice but to nerf it. That doesn’t mean that camping isn’t a problem, and sometimes when they try to balance things they just make things unnecessarily useless. Look at Decisive Strike… did it need fixed? Yes, but they went too far. There’s no reason it should deactivate when the exit gates open. Some players don’t get hooked until the exit gates open and then they lose any advantage the perk would grant them. It’s like they’re saying that if a killer downs a survivor after the gates open then they DESERVE the kill which is problematic. You only get to use DS once… choosing when to do so is part of the survival strategy. So, yeah, instead of trying to give survivors ways to combat lazy and toxic gameplay they should instead work on penalizing the killer instead because whatever perks survivors are given to help often get made irrelevant anyway.
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Had a Huntress do the same earlier. And a Wesker hard tunnel me (I usually don't use the word tunnel but he was literally ignoring an injured survivor trying to go down to save me and upon accidentally downing that survivor with his dash just dropped him and continued to chase me (I escaped)).
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The faster you die the faster you can play another game. You will get your BPs don't worry.
What makes you lose more BPs is playing long games. As long as you can avoid Skullie you are fine.
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I can't say that facecamping annoys me more beyond a general "whyyyyyyyyyyyy? we could all get so many more bps without this."
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Yep. It happens quite frequently too, especially at 3-5 cakes, which is why I just gave up on bringing Terrormisu.
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I do want to point out survivors didn’t grief each other with PTB Reassurance. It was something a handful of players hysterically floated so that the perk was nerfed because they believed it would be too strong. I played that PTB. Never saw any hostage situations.
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I never said Killer didnt have issues, I said Survivor has too many issues, I said that for a reason.
When I bought DBD, many years ago, I bought it to play Survivor and Killer, I do not want to be forced to exclusively play a single side because BHVR has neglected issues with one side.
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I was unaware of that. My apologies.
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Thank you, there really is little a single person can do to prevent this. Unless we all change how we play.
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Of course, my view on this is subjective and shortly after my comment i had a camping nurse. I also had a teammate (streamer mode) who refused to heal me after a nice killer only injured me, when i was afk for a minute at the start of the match. Or a survivor who dropped a pallet in my face, when i tanked a hit for her.
Those things happen, i´ve seen those things on stream, but they are random. Are there a lot of campers? Absolutely, i won´t deny that. But it does not happen every single match. This is the difference. Bad stuff happens, but not every match.
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Nah, not anymore. I enlisted in reagent crew. If you see a dette with reagent that's me.
Happy event.
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Nice hyperbole. Do you really think, every killer face camps?
Punishing players for playing in a legit way (because lets face it, face camping is not against the rules. Its not a reportable offense). Is a good way to get rid of the playerbase.
I really don´t see the problem if everyone, who is annoyed by this situation, switches to killer. Best case szenario is, that camping is greatly reduced, since we all get matched against killers who don´t want to camp. Worst case szenario is, that killers get a long queue (longest queue we had a couple of years ago was around 45 minutes) and the devs see a problem.
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Not everyone cares for bp and ranking. To me its a bi-product of the game.
If a killer is playing a certain way within the rules what does it matter? Every has their own version of what fun is.
Some people find playing with their friends fun, some find standing at exit gates fun, some find t bagging fun and some find standing in your face with a chainsaw fun.
Make your own fun. (within the rules)
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Which happen everygame lmao
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No one is forcing you to only play one role. The "just play killer instead" is meant more at situations, where you feel that you had enough. Play a couple of rounds as killer and switch back if you want.
Its better than getting burned out and completely stop.
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Do what first post said and play killer. As for facecampers that is baffling since its one of the worst ways to make use of the 5x points. Since you get so few.
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Much like how the first snowman event was with survs getting a free hit.
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When did I say every killer camps? If you’re referring to my DS comments stating that it should still be able to be used during endgame isn’t implying the killer is going to camp. Sometimes other survivors see no benefit in going for the save when the exit is right there and other times you might be the last one out. And let’s be honest - even killers that don’t usually camp are more likely to do so once they hook a survivor during endgame.
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Your first phrase?
Yes, everyone switch to killer so that there are no survivors to play against.
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That was deliberate sarcasm because if everyone decides to play killer there won’t be as many survivors to go up against. In what way did it imply all killers camp?
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You're implying every killer face camps ergo every surv will have to switch to killer.
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No, I made that comment in response to Tsulan’s original comment in which he stated the solution to not being camped is to just switch to killer. Regardless of if every killer camps or not if survivors all start switching to killer out of fear of potentially being camped that presents a problem.
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Yes, dude… if anything it was your original comment that implies killers camp. If not you wouldn’t be offering a fake solution for survivors to just switch roles to avoid it.
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I don't think I've had a face camper during this event yet. Had a Nurse of all killers proxy camping today but that was about it