Run Discordance on M1 killers and see how broken Gen rushing is.

Push them off one gen, discordance proc on other side of map. Go across the map push them off, discordance proc on the other side of the map that you came from before. Once your down to 3 or less gens left this is completely uncountable if all 4 survivors are alive and you haven't killed anyone and have no mobility. Why killers tunnel and camp to get someone out of the game early so they don't have to deal with this nonsense. It's totally braindead for survivors especially if they are on comms. I can't even reach the gen before it completes half the time when I get the discordance proc.
Map split with the gens and 4 survivors still up because I didn't play like a scum bag and camp tunnel and set up a boring 3 gen, discordance procs twice at the same time gens on opposite sides. My chases weren't bad. I had two people on the floor at one point and gens are still popping left and right. I'm playing fairly but also having quick chases at the same time but the killers don't have what they need in their kit to compete with this crap. Super frustrating, my main is totally outdated and the devs ignore and say he is fine when everyone agrees he sucks without broken add ons.
I don't like playing Nurse and Blight I play on ps5 controller and it's a total pain in the a$$!
the game tends to be unbalanced for those without mobility... seriously its bad. Throw on lethal and you see that most of the time survivors spawn on the gens. on most killers its pretty simple to win chases but as M1 you cant really be everywhere at once, or have the pressure to avoid that necessity consistently.
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I promise you it's honestly not supremely difficult to win DBD games.
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Yeah if you camp, tunnel, and play like a scum bag sure it's easy. I don't enjoy playing like that.
When your at a higher mmr and you play 5 or 6 games in a row where you need to sweat to just get a 1 or a 2k its pretty tiring and starts to feel more like a job then a game that you are playing to have fun. And by sweat I mean sweating going for multiple chases and spreading hooks also while pressuring as much as the map as you can. When going against good survivors teams it can in fact be supremely difficult.
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Your comment is also smug and doesn't address anything in my post.
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Discordance doesnt show "genrushing", it shows inefficiency.
It's 2023. We all know the efficient way to do Generators is to split up and repair separately. Discordance shows the polar opposite.
If it was Gearhead, I would agree, otherwise, no.
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If you don't enjoy playing like that OR against super sweaty gameplay, then I don't understand the point of this post. You've stated that you aren't playing optimally or efficiently (and the Survivors aren't either, judging by what you're telling me about Discordance) but, let's say they are, somehow, playing efficiently by grouping up on gens. Why should you be able to win, whilst admittedly not trying very hard, against people that ARE trying their best?
There's really only two options for you, you can either:
A) Decide that winning is more important and that you'll match sweat with sweat.
B) Decide that having fun and playing you're way is most important and that the outcome of the match doesn't matter so long as you do what you enjoy.
Will this suffice as an actual discourse opener?
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idk what to do about survivors spawning on gens but hopefully behavior address rushing your objective (tunneling/gen rushing) on both sides in their next road map. People been asking for corrupt and ds at basekit and for gen repairing perks/items/addaons to be severely Nerf.
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Once again, 'genrushing' has been defined as 'people doing a gen'.
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They are grouping on gens with a couple left or 3 max which is perfectly efficient. It's NOT efficient to group at the beginning of the trial. So what you said isn't true. I know when I'm going against an efficient team I have plenty of hours in the game. If I'm getting downs rapidly and gens are still being completed that's efficient. This game has a massive problem right now where the killer can outplay the survivors in every chase and it doesn't matter because the survivors still blast through their objective.
It didn't feel this way when I first started playing as much as it does now. As far as the two options I have neither feel great to pick from. Tunnel and camp and become one of those killers or play the way I want to play and lose more which I'm fine with. What I'm not fine with is losing when I feel like I've outplayed the opponent. Sometimes I suck and I can admit I deserved to lose and other times I feel like it wasn't deserved.
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They are grouping at with 2 gens left not at 5 gens. Grouping up towards the end is very efficient.
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Its not over till the survivors are out the trial (one way or another). You need to pick and choose which gens you want to keep the most as trying to defend each gen like your life depends on it is futile without mobility. We're not saying camp a 3 gen at the start but if discordance is proccing across the map and you know your not gona make it in time, why go?
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Yeah, that's called Survivors who can play the macro game. Not many people do it. Unless it's the last gen (or if two gens have a lot of progress) it's almost never worth it to group up. You need to also play a good macro game, it's one of the reasons I don't really have any issues with pub Killer. However, you've said you don't want to do. That's totally fine, but you've got to accept the consequences for rejecting efficiency.
When you first started playing, you probably weren't as good as you are now. You weren't matched with these people, presumably.
I will say a harsh truth. If they are splitting pressure on gens and forcing you into these bad aren't outplaying them. You may be better than them in chase, but they're still winning the attrition, gen and macro battle and that is absolutely something within your power to stop. Like you said though, you don't want to be an ######### and play like that; which is totally fine and I get it! You don't need to play that way.
I get that it can be frustrating to feel like you're winning chases. And DBD does a good job (at the average and above-average level, which is where I suspect you are) at reinforcing the idea that "short chase = I win". Once you start finding teams that can play macro and understand how to really push a Killer WITHOUT being good in chase, that's when you start to exit the "Above-Average" tier and get into the tier of people who really really understand DBD and WANT to win.
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It depends.
Since splitting Generators even when 2 Generators are remaining STILL can be insanely viable and more efficient depending on the perks the Killer is bringing.
Pop Goes (which is in the current meta) can only be applied to one Generator at a time, splitting your focus heavily restricts the value the Killer can make and requires them to make a choice between how they use it.
So late-game doubling Generators is a huge "maybe" due to nuance at the end of the match. However at the start of the match? Nope.
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A version of corrupt should be basekit. I was playing pyramid head alot today and i saw so many Times survivors just spawning on top of gens with lethal.
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Why would you go across the map to push survivors off a gen. Feels counterintuitive. Actually would make sense why some killers are having such a hard time right now, if you're trying to enforce all gens on the map you're probably going to lose because you're not putting any strategy in your gameplay. You can get one person out by having a set area that's more than just a 3 gen while there are 4 survivors on the map.
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Discordance is useless pick on non-mobile, non-stealth killers. If you chose Corrupt instead it probably would've been ggez 4k
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Getting discordance procs is actually nice because I'd rather they group up on gens than split up and pop 3 different ones simultaneously. You're better off chasing the 2 off a gen, then chasing one, getting the down, getting the hook, then going back to pressure the other survivor. This forces one of the two to run across the entire map and suddenly you've gotten a lot of pressure.
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Go against a real efficient team - you will see 4 Gens pop without seeing Discordance. But the fun thing is, people dont go against those teams at all. But think they do, because they lose.