Am I the only one tired of seeing Wesker?
He's a good killer and chapter but going up against him so much honestly I just get tired of him 😅
I've seen him once today, i've seen clown 4 times (3 in a row at one point).
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Ive said it countless times and I’ll say it again. Give. Me. Your. Matches. All I ever get is Nurse, Blight, Skull Merchant, Blight, Legion, Clown. I maybe get one Wesker a day and sometimes not at all. It’s really unfair that y’all get him this much
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I am tired to see high prestiged Blights. I don't know why people hates Wesker that much. He is much better than busted killer Blight.
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Lower your mmr. Problem solved.
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Problem is not solved. Real solution is nerfing him. Making him balanced and fair for both sides.
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Luckily I haven't played against him much.
Maybe its just a skill issue for me, I don't know.
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The vast majority love wesker. I’ve seen him called the poster child of well designed and balanced killers on here more times than I can count.
There is no need to nerf wesker. Maybe you need to get better at looping him.
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I'll take 10,000 Wesker matches before I take 1 match against like 80% of the killers in this game lmao
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Just wanted ya to know... I JUST bought Wesker along with a bunch of other licensed killers. Figured I'd take advantage of the sale going on right now... Your post incentivized me to hold off on PLAYING him for now. Figured after 4 Weskers, whoever I'm facing could appreciate facing a Myers or Bubba. Tried playing a few rounds of Pig but ppl kept trying to be my friend rather than run...
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Funny but we both know i meant the Blight. Wesker is just fine.
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How would you nerf blight? (please tell me you just want his addons nerfed, not his base kit...)
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I mean, with the add-ons like Compound 33, Alchemy Ring and the speed add-ons being allowed to stay powerful for so long, I am wondering if the devs will actually do anything about Blight. He has been a chart (tier-list) topper alongside Nurse for a long time now. Spirit got nerfed hard, even though she was not nearly as powerful as the Nurse (even during her prime, with Prayer Beads and Dirty Uwabaki).
As for Wesker (being the topic of this thread). I can say that I am really sick of seeing both him and the Huntress at this point during the event. I'm not joking when I say that 90-95% of my matches lately has been against either one of these two. I do see the occasional Legion, Nemesis or Blight, and believe it or not, I ran into the Twins yesterday.
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I am so bored of seeing him I have reached a point where seeing Nurse is a welcome change.
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I mean I just went against him 6 games in a row most randoms just give up on hook when they see it is wesker from what I have seen in my recent matches.
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My entire event has just been ghostfaces
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My last Wesker was 18 games ago. Crazy.
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I get Huntress, Legion and Nemi the most. If I am lucky I see a Wesker once in 10 matches. I love to play vs Wesker, especially those who can do the funny stuff.
Well maybe they regretted their decision in their next 1 hr SM match or Blight/Spirit with OP addons.
I would always take Wesker instead of that.
To do the funny stuff, you need a lot of practise. Urobends and Rebounds are quite easy, Skywesker is different from hill to hill, slides need timing and hug-tech needs hours to even get it once. Still trying that myself.
So wesker is a lot more complex than you might think.
Not 80% but SM, Blight/Spirit with OP #########, Nemesis (I don't like his hitbox), Trickster, Hag, Twins and Bubba.
What about him is not fair? The only argument I see is that he can tunnel almost as easily as PyH.
And that is fixed by removing killer instinct upon spraying and setting infection upon hooking to 1% instead of 50%. Nothing else is needed.
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There's been like a dozen posts complaining about him in the past couple days. So, no.
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-Hugh tech fixed.
-Pallet breaking removed from his kit, so if he miss he is no longer will be rewarded by breaking pallet.
-Speed add-ons, C33 and Alchemist's Ring nerfed or reworked.
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Come now, we all know there is no such thing.
Now on to Blight in a wesker forum? lol
Alc ring is fine. I don't see the fuss. If you assume they have it, its easy to bait the oncoming rush.
C33... eh. I dont care either way.
Remove these things and he's basically... a bland killer.
I still need to find a great Blight. The ones who have reached out have canceled or failed.
Any takers? :)
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Stop with the MMR argument already. There basically is only two MMR brackets in DBD, the beginner one and the 200+ hours playtime one.
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I enjoy versing Wesker so much I want every killer to share the same run animation as him.
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I still remember how so many players on this forum complained that all they ever saw in their matches was spirit nurse blight before wesker was a thing.
I think since he came out many ppl just switched to him since hes not as opressive as those killers but still decent enough to make an impact when it matters. Its honestly a byproduct of killers not being able to switch killer in lobby anymore.
U get an absolute beginner Team while queuing as nurse and u feel bad, u get a super high Level team while queuing as pig ur f.....
Wesker is just the solid middle ground that is prepared for everything without having to invest super much into learning him cause hes not hard to Pick up. So many ppl play him
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Most definitely not true. I have seen the various levels of MMR. I have a buddy that has 4500 hours and gets the easiest killers I’ve ever seen because they die most of their games.
I’m waiting. I’ll happily show you a great blight. I added you on steam.
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And you had to finish a game with your friend. Never heard form you again. All good, we're random people on the internet lol.
If I sweat a bit and actually work on escaping I'll eventually run into these blights. At least that's how the mmr is supposed to work? I think?
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I'm never tired of seeing Wesker.
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Same. Wesker, Blight, Nurse and a good Pyramid head are my favs. Not weak, not unfair, and satisfying when they just cant get ya lol.
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I can understand Hug Tech and his add ons being nerfed, but removing pallet breaking from his power would straight up kill him. He used to not be able to do that and it was awful.
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I wish there was a pig only game mode.
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I forgot to add, if they can't fix hug tech pallet breaking should go. If they can fix his bugs, base-kit nerf is not needed.
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90% of my matches are against Wesker, Nemesis, and Legion right now. I like playing against Wesker when it's not every other game (like it is right now). But Legion and Nemmy are both in my top 5 most hated Killers to face (not because they are good, just extremely annoying). Hopefully it goes back to normal after this event (still lots of Resident Evil but not THIS much).
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You managed to turn this topic into another nerf Blight thread. Bravo /s
I like you on this forum but it gets a bit much sometimes.
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During Wesker's killswitch I had some of the most fun I've had in a while as survivor. The killer variety was fantastic. I saw a lot of killers I hadn't seen in a while. Sadly the game's back to Wesker being what seems like 1 in every 3 matches.
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He's a strong killer from a popular licence, wat u expect? We need more big chapters F13th, Alien to move away from too many wesker players.
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The main reason I don't prefer Wesker is because getting grabbed and slams into a wall completely stops your momentum and disorients you, and I find that really annoying in video games. DBD may not be a movement shooter, but I still like to have a comfortable flow.
The fact that a sizable amount of RE killers (Wesker, but especially Nemesis) seem to love tunneling doesn't help much either. Still though, there's plenty of killers I'd prefer Wesker over.
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if only more killers were A tier we'd see more than just wesker blight nurse and spirit if only....... i'd love to play someone like sadako but she's soo bad and so is the other half of the killer roster deathslinger was played pretty often back then as well but he got nerfed cause survivors complained and now no one plays him gee guys i wonder why we only see wesker it's almost as if he's one of only 5 good killers atm.
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Before Wesker it was mostly Blight, Nurse then spirit.
Now it's Wesker,Blight,Spirit then Nurse.
I could counter the s tier killers with my poor ping but not wesker. He grabs me from Mars.
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Wesker mains on this forum has caused me to hate Wesker with a burning passion, i've reached the point where i just want him nerfed into oblivion purely out of spite.
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They all say he’s balanced blah blah blah, he’s balanced in the sense you are guaranteed to see him 4 plus times a day that’s about it
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Not only do they insist that he's the most balanced killer in the game, but whenever you say that you don't think he's fun or that you think he's boring regardless if they say it's just in your opinion, they'll simply just use the excuse of ''the majority thinks he's fun'' in order to invalidate yours and any opposing opinions on him or any other idea of fun.
That's why i firmly believe that the only thing more insufferable than a Blight stan is a Wesker fanboy.
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Because it would be all nose boops, reverse bear traps, and Shawnee Smith everywhere.
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That.. is a very good answer. Wow.
BHVR, Pig game mode plz!
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I don't mind him and he's easy to kite, but after having 10,yes 10 matches with him in a row I had to walk away from the game today, so did my friends I was playing with.
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Had a random Blight do a massive curve that seemed to last forever. Best hit someones got on me and i loved it lol.
Buuuuuut it was only once. M1 the rest of the time. Ah well.
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We really need a system that doesn't let you face the same killer twice in a row, unless its a new killer the week of a chapter release.
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I don't mind too much. What I mind is how much he benefits from the game's wonky netcode and hitboxes, similarly to Huntress.