Dear survivors

Please don't take this post personal or otherwise offensive but some of us are playing really bad. I hope these next few tips will make your matches more enjoyable for you and your team.

  1. Do gens!!! This gets old, I know. However - still true. Especially opening of the match. Those few dozen seconds are the most precious for the whole team. Never again in the match there will be a situation when all 4 survivors can freely do gens. Killers (good killers) know it as well. That's why Corrupt Intervention is so strong, and when killer equips it, he means business.
  2. My second point is close to first one. Opening chests, cleansing dull totems is pointless. Items are nerfed to the ground so time it takes to search them is time that could be spent on a gen. Not even green toolbox can offset that. Of course there are specific situations but those are outliers.
  3. Never do threesome on a gen without prove thyself. It just takes third persons time and adds maybe 4 seconds to gen progress.
  4. Never camp with a killer. It is like a gift for a facecamper when two other survivors look from a safe distance how someone is dying on a hook. Whether you go in or do gen, nothing in between. There is variation for advanced survivors swf but they dont need these tips.

There are some more I would like to add but no one reads posts that long. Maybe will do a part two if this wont cause an outrage.


  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    With all respect

    1. I do, I truly do. I even do gens minding breaking 3 gens or making last gens harder to patrol for killer. And it looks like my teammates do this too majority of time.
    2. I don't very often see people frolicking around this stuff, but it sometimes happen, not very harmful (maybe people do challenge to get at lest some value out of miserable matches). I clear dull totems to charge up IS, which is helpful unless "item 4".
    3. Literally never seen that unless it's the last gen almost done.
    4. That's questionable because camping is exploit and it almost always a guaranteed loss, so everyone do whatever they like (finish challenges or give regards to killer for fine and skillful gameplay)

    In reality I don't see many potato clueless survivors, although I play survivor on low mmr, yet still everyone usually die, because this role is hard as it is, but 8 of 10 killers goes with strategy: feel any discomfort, start camp/tunnel and win. Discomfort usually come at the very start.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    Keep in mind several challenges ask survivors to throw the game. Chests and totems fall into this category. There's a lot of them that are dependent upon what the killer does.

    For example I had 'blind the killer 10 times'. In theory you could do it in one game. Unlikely but in theory. It took me 15 and only one of those was with a flashlight. The rest were flashbangs and blast mines because they kept equipping lightborn to deny me progress or in one killers case, they literally did not break a god pallet for 60 seconds so I could not blind them while they did so. That was the only flashlight blind I did get.

    I digress but if a survivor is doing something that is so utterly useless that you have no idea what they are thinking, it could be a very difficult challenge. If I had my way I'd seriously overhaul these and remove a lot of the ones that are dependent upon the killer doing something. Most of the killer ones in theory can be done if all survivors are afk only things like break generators can't. Many survivor ones are dependent on either another survivor or the killer doing a certain something.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    you are very fortunate that you always or almost always meet team in soloQ that do first 3 points. I am not that fortunate thus writing these tips.

    Your stance on last point is sad. I agree on exploit part but the strategy is unfun.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    Blinding killer doesn't contradict these points. Some challenges are killing teams but many can be organically implemented into gameplay. I would suggest that survivors try not to do whole challenge in a single trial to stay as close as possible to points 1. and 2.

    P.S. Endgame is a good time for some challenges.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited June 2023

    Point 2 : *Exists*

    Me who uses Ace in the Hole / Appraisal for fun lootboxes : =|

    Otherwise I do try really hard to get Point 1, 3 and 4, I even put on Deja Vu this past week to never lose time finding a gen and being mindful of 3gens.

    But sometimes killers really have a good gen pressure and there's not much I can do but respect ! =)

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    Of course you can take any perks you like and play as you wish. The versatility of gameplay is the key success of this game. I must notice though, this build does more damage than good.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    I was happy with progressing ONCE. Ironically most of my progress was made in large strides of 2-3 and in one case 4 where the killer was running overcharge with a heavy regression build and very happy to kick blast mines. Of course some games killer ran ruin and I had to deal with that totem first rather then play the game optimally if I wanted to progress at all. Whoops killer is guarding it like crazy and losing gens everywhere else... no progress again.

    The problem isn't trying to do it all in one go, the problem (at least in this case) is that the killer basically has to allow it for it to work or you have to go out of your way to throw and if they have lightborn, you 100% cannot progress. Which is also why I stopped bringing flashlights and settled on something that would help progress the game (blast mine). As I also said, some killers were actively throwing the game to avoid blinds. It was maddening.

    It's neither here or there though. It was a recent personal experience and I did digress as I said. There's far more challenges especially those with 'do this in one trial' that are far more obnoxious.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited June 2023

    Sometimes opening chests is necessary, if you need a Medkit and your team is allergic to healing you, if you're looking for a key for hatch.

    I had a game earlier where I spawned in front of a chest and opened it in case of Medkit (I already had a Flashlight on me ) and what do you know. EGC starts my team is nowhere near me in the swamp and I need healing since I'm dead on hook, I just got healed at the chest and left safely. It was against a Knight and he had left a minion on the exit gate.

    I try to do gens in the center as they are really important, but I cannot communicate that with my team so many times I get found out. Wish we could set priorities for specific gens. I work on gens even if there's only 2 of us left since usually there's nothing better to do.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Ignoring totems is not an option when perks like NOED and devour hope exist.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    I do a gen, break the totem in the area, then do the next gen. I know most gen totem spawns by heart, so this is an easy process.

    I also run deja vu, and always do the gen closest to the middle of the map.

    I would say i have a 50% escape rate. 40% im tunneled out. 10% im the last survivor to be hooked, last gen pops, and my team leaves me 😪

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,121

    I wouldn't ignore totems. During the gen kick meta, yes, as killers all pretty much ran the exact same build and there was no room for hex perks. I don't go out of my way to find them, but if there's one near my gen I'll cleanse it afterward.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Number 5: please try to understand how long things like healing take. Stop trying to heal under the hook as the killer is starting another patrol. They're obviously going to go right back to the unhook that just happened. I genuinely can't fathom why players constantly get caught out by this. Walk 10 meters to the jungle gym, hide and heal. Don't stand in the open and try a 16 second heal against a double speed Blight who is freely patrolling.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    Those would be the specific situations which I mentioned.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    They should be ignored if you want to save the most valuable asset survivors have - time. 14 sec is a lot. Devour hope is hex, I specifically mentioned dull. Of course you should cleanse hex totem. Risk of NOED is not worth 70 sec plus travel time + risk for Pentamento.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141
  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2023

    Thanks for the unsolicited advice, but people can play the game however they want. I didn’t see a rule book anywhere.

    Who are you to say chests and totems are useless? They obviously aren’t useless to the person doing them or they wouldn’t be doing them.

    Just play the game how you want and if it bothers you how people in solo queue play, find 3 friends you can play with so you can boss them around.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I have seen killers 4k too many times because 1 dull totem was up at the end of the match. As long as that factor exists it is always worth cleansing all of the totems. I use counterforce to speed up the process.