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As I expected, post-buff Singularity is obnoxious.

Member Posts: 498

Same exact problems as Knight and Skull Merchant. When will we learn? If they're going to nerf EMP's to not be usable in chase (fair.) Can they at least put a limit on how many times he can teleport in chase?

Only saving grace is that all three of these killers are super rare.

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  • Member Posts: 223

    The fact that singularity can shoot a pod at you and tp on you is nuts.

    He should have to use a mounted pod.

  • Member Posts: 498
    edited June 2023

    Knight counterplay is way better imo.

    Pre-dropping doesn't really do much when he gets increased breaking/vaulting speed. That's not even counting perks, good Hux's will also teleport in areas where the counterplay is even further minimized, which is fine. Killers should be rewarded for using their power well.

    My issue is that the spam teleporting becomes very brainless very fast, you either waste 4+ pallets to go down anyways or you get screwed by bad rng and die instantly. Its a very annoying gameplay loop imo.

    I still think his buffs were warranted and EMP's feel way more balanced now, but they absolutely should tone down his chase power to compensate. It wouldn't even be a big nerf since well-timed teleport still completely shuts down a loop. It just removes the spammy gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I disagree. First of all, EMP's can definitely still be used in chase, you just need to be a bit more mindful about it.

    Second, predropping works sometimes, even if it doesn't gain you as much distance as against other killers. Windows are also still useful against him, tiles like T-L walls are actually pretty decent against him.

    Also, if you are at a loop, and he teleports, sometimes the best thing to do is to not drop the pallet but just keep looping the loop. Depending on the loop size, you will have enough distance to him to make it back to the pallet after he loses his overclock, at least in my experience.

    He is strong in chase, which is a good thing, but he does still have some counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 1,198

    Not a massive fan of singularity still, he feels rather bland to play and i don't feel the extra effort of trying super hard is worth it where i could play nurse or huntress even with a lot less effort and have the same if not better results.

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    Not even close

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    No? Hes completely different from both of those killers... those two click a button and suddenly looping is a death sentence. Larry teleporting just gets pallets down quickly and can get easy hits at vault outplays. also, you absolutely can use emps in chase... just because they slow you doesnt mean they dont exist. Use it after he streams you like right after you wont lose much. or when you drop a pallet.

  • Member Posts: 498

    10% hinder is a death sentence against any competent killer player. Especially since its basekit. I will agree that you can still use it against most players though, but I don't have an issue against the killer when he's played by someone average/below average. So I'm not referring to that as I can handle him.

    It works -sometimes-, and that's my issue, I personally do not enjoy diceroll gameplay. And Hux is riddled with it. T-L walls do work the most against him, I agree, but T-L walls are gambles by nature (which is fine, that's how they were designed.) I do not enjoy him extending that nature to most loops in the game.

    Against Knight, good pathing avoids a lot of situations where he can pincer me with his guard due to how the AI works, there are plenty of loops that Knight can't really control.

    Against Skull-Merchant, her power does nothing if I am already injured, and is mostly useful for gen control, but even in a fresh chase, it doesn't deny much due to the windup on the expose.

    Against Singularity though? If he waits until I'm under a pallet and TP's, I'm screwed, I can't make enough distance to get to another loop since he's not slowed very long, I can't pre-drop in that case. Which again, I'm totally okay with, he used his power well and gets a well-deserved hit. And in some contexts, there are resources to handle it. But my issue starts when if I managed to outplay it, he just does it again a few moments later and again its back to the 25-75 at the loop. I dislike it, it feels very cheap to be honest.

    Spirit also makes chases a gamble, but I don't mind her nearly as much because at least if I win the phasing game, I get rewarded big time with distance since she's slower by default and has a decent timer on her power.

    I compared him to Knight and SM because like them I feel like his gameplay pattern is very uninspired anti-loop that keeps getting released.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Singularity has still plenty of couterplay.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Teleport doesn't even guarantee a hit for most of times, why are you caring.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I mean it's fine not to like certain killers. Everyone has certain killers they do not enjoy going against. But I doubt that Hux will see any nerfs in the future.

    Also, him extending most loops to "gambles" is kind of the point of his power. Ideally, the majority of loops should be "gambles", or mindgameable, since that's when both sides have counterplay. Killers want to have fun too, you know. Survivors being safe just takes away counterplay that killers have.

    Him being able to stay on top of you with his teleports is also necessary, since he is a chase killer. If he loses that, he'll just end up in low tier again.

    Also, I have no idea how good killers are always able to get a hit against a survivor because of the 10% slowdown. At loops, or with enough distance, you can still use EMP's perfectly fine. The killers skill won't play a big role in that.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I completely disagree.

    There's still quite a number of things that contribute to his weaknesses.

    Placing of biopods can be VERY hit or miss. Think you can place a biopod in that position because the indicator is blue? Move one pixel in any direction and suddenly it turns red as soon as you shoot and doesn't allow you to.

    You can see 80% of that survivor through the fence? Tough, unless you can see them 100% with no obstructions, you're not infecting them.

    You want to try teleporting to that survivor? Let's try shooting a biopod instead.

    Oh, you've walked away from the hook and decide to check a biopod? Here's an obnoxious 5 second cooldown and slowdown when you come out because we think you're still camping.

    Even with his manual quick pallet breaking speed in overclock mode, there's still a ton of maps where survivors can make it to another pallet before he can catch up.

    He needs quite a few QOL tweaks to be in a better position. Don't get me wrong, he's better than he was before the EMP nerfs but he's still not fantastic imo.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    His gen defence is still useless. EMPs are still more than accessible enough to knock out a gen placed pod before he can teleport to you. So I'm really not seeing where he's similar to Knight and Skull Merchant.

    His power is ALL in chase, which isn't how either of those killers work, or at least, isn't the problem with them.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I honestly think that the Biopod disabeling portion of the EMP should be reduced to 30s. While the reduction from 60s to 45s sounds like a massive 25% reduction on paper, in practise it makes little difference if the pod were disabled for 45s, 60s or 180s, that pod is out of the game and won't serve any purpose; it will either guard a gen that will get completed before it comes back online or be a colateral damage when a survivor removed a pod infection, but in any case the downtime is way too long for a fast game like DBD.

    I think that 30s would be a much better timer, its long enough to put some serious work on a gen and maybe even finish it, but you can't just mindlessly and preemtively deactivate any pod at a gen that you wanna work on, the choice to EMP a pod guarding a gen or not becomes a tactical one instead of no-choice.

    Also, has it ever been tested to give HUX a noise notification when one of his pods gets EMPed? I know that this would give him a big info boost, but maybe this is just the thing he needs, to make EMPs more tactical choices. So this could be an alternative: either reduce biopods deactivation timer to 30s or give HUX a notification that a certain pod was disabled and maybe give them a different color, like white. Its strange that a networked AI doesn't notice an EMP spike in its network, unless its trying actively to establish a connection. I know that logic and gamemechanics can't always go hand in hand, but this is a case, where the mechanics could actually need a little boost. The biggest gripes most HUX players have with the EMP is, how easily their powers get disabled for what feels like half the trial, and part of the reason for this is that a) EMPs are still quite abundant and easy to come by and b) there is no real detriment to use an EMP, if you want to feel a bit saver. By shortening the window and/or letting HUX know which of his pods got taken out, the EMP usage becomes a tactical choice, with different aspects to take into consideration, and this would be a win, in my book.

  • Member Posts: 498
    edited June 2023

    Add-on pass he just got would say otherwise, though it seems to be a mostly neutral change.

    If it stays as is, I would say I am satisfied since reduction of overclock duration should help out a lot with the issues I was having vs this killer.

    In regards to safe loops, I definitely think there should be very safe loops in the game, the biggest problem is when they are easily chain-able or too common like on The-Game or Garden of Joy.

    Killers innately have priority in unsafe loops due to bloodlust among other things, so it would get old fast if every loop was unsafe.

    I don't disagree with you in thinking his power should remain impactful to keep his strength at a good level, nobody likes an F-Tier killer. My opinion is that I prefer infrequent power usage that's more meaningful over a more spammy playstyle since I personally believe it leads to more skill-based gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Yes the nerf to his addon that increases overclock duration is a good nerf if you ask me, as that addon could sometimes take a bit too much counterplay away. If you ask me, they should just rework that addon. The only addon I am now a bit worried about is the haste addon, which saw a big buff. That addon might end up being a bit too strong.

    If most loops were better designed, we could get rid of bloodlust. Bloodlust only helps when the killer already isn't doing that great, at least normally. But I do agree that maps should have a few safe pallets, it's just that right now a lot of maps have too many of those. The bigger reason for bloodlust however are windows that would still be too strong without it.

    I can understand your preference towards less spammy killer powers, but Singularity needs that aspect, or he'd be in a rough spot again. I would also argue that despite this, Singularity is one of the more skillful killers to use, with an especially high skill ceiling. I think Singularity is in a great spot now, especially with the addon changes.

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