so Singularity's add-ons got nerfed

I seriously wonder why they did this, their addons were good as they were and nothing needed to be changed further (IMO).
Likewise, how did Made For This not even get changed?
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Some got nerfed, some got buffed, and some just had a rarity change.
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Well, the kids ball glove one was expected, it was just basically his best add-on and as a brown one, it was abundantly available.
The other changes we will have to wait and see, I guess. Its nothing unusual to shuffle the rarities of add-on around when a new killer gets added to the game, as with the big real field data comes the realisation, which add-ons are actually played and offer a tangible advantage.
I am sad that the cremated remains now only inflict blindness, though, as killer instinct is always more fun. Oh well, lets wait and see and test it out, but I am not automatically opposed to this changes.
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There is a lot different changes but yeah, call them all nerfed lol.
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The cremated remains change has a typo, it was always a blindness addon, it just only applied when near a biopod but now it's when you're slipstreamed.
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Soma Family Photo getting buffed and knocked down to rare at the cost of Denied Requisition Form becoming Iri is fine. Probably the only two that could be justified.
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The Kid's Ball Glove was ridiculously good for being a brown addon tbh, and it's still his best brown addon by far.
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This killer was a MASSIVE FLOP, i think more than The Twins. BHVR needs some few mettings after wesker, because, hmmm, Knight, SM and now Singularity. No man, just no
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Soma Family Photo went from being garbage nerf add-on to being pretty solid and cheaper too.
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worst 9 months since The Legion era
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3% for nothing is insanely strong and hurts lower-tier killers the most. It is an abomination of game design and needs to be killed as fast as possible.
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His overclock duration addon getting nerfed is a good thing. It decreased counterplay on the survivors side a bit too much in my opinion. It also looks like some of his addons got buffed, not nerfed, so I don't think it's fair to say his adons only got nerfed.
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this killer sucks because he has too much counterplay. Some of the most recent killers had this problem like Sadako, knight, and now Singularity. Survivors should not always know what the killer is doing and how to avoid it.
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The counterplay to him is a baked in mechanic that fully denies his power. For as good as Ball glove seems to have been it wasn't wasn't removing that basically in any meaningful way. Hard to see the reason in nerfing a duration add on when it's so difficult to actually get Overclock to begin with.
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Not really you get a 5% haste with same duration basically i think you can eat some pallets and get a hit with it.
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Not to mention that base Overclock duration is super short. It's 5.7 seconds (4.7 base + 1 second for a single slipstream survivor) and 1.7 of those seconds is waking up. So you only have 4 seconds of Overclock.
What the 25% did was make it 7.125 seconds or 5.425 effective seconds of overclock.
The 15% nerf makes it 6.555 seconds or 4.855 effective seconds.
In theory you could get 8.7 seconds if all 4 survivors are slipstreamed, which would be ~11 (@ 25%) or ~10 seconds (@15%) before factoring the wake up cooldown, but that's very unlikely outside of Denied Requisition Form.
His Overclock is simply too short for what it does alongside the emps.
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If you don't notice how survivor making 20% more distance, it's only your problem. Even every survivor main streamer already said it's broken af.
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This week I'm getting all the Knights I didn't get back when he was released (and they're not doing adept). Must have seen more Knights than Hags.
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20 percent more with a 3 percent increase
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I dislike this rarity swap. Denied Req Form is way more interesting than Soma Photo, and the killer has the option to create an early game pressure build around it… But Soma Photo is just a boring +speed addon.
Im not even sure if this is intended to be a buff or a nerf, because I’ve seen streamers use Soma Photo way more than Req Form, so they are probably going to consider this swap a buff.
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Maybe they don't want people to play Singularity? You know any more than the few who do now anyhow.
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There is like only two significant things here. One is baseball glove being nerfed which makes sense because it was very good for a brown, and two is family photo being buffed when it was already one of his best addons, tho admittedly its bugged to be probably really terrible, but still
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Yeah, it's not like Ayrun, JRM, Sweh, Swarm, Skermz and others run this perk literally every game. Not even gonna waste my time on it, you're saying ridiculous and ludicrous things.
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Did you hear something about a math?
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care to show us the breakdown?
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Survivor base speed – 4.0
Killer base speed (mostly) - 4.6
Survivor with MFT - 4.12
0.12 is 1/5 or 20% from 0.6
or 33% with 4.4 killer
definately not broken
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"Fun to use" is just a dogwhistle for strong perks that people can't actually defend.
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Yeah, dh was "fun to use and 100% not broken, very well balanced perk" for 5 years according to people from this forum
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Yet you'll never see people say Head On and Wiretap shouldn't be changed, because they are "fun to use".
The fact is, the only time people bring up "fun to use" when talking about perks is when the perk is in question very strong and people don't want it to be nerfed.
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Did you add hitbox size difference into that equation mate?
Yeah, though so.
Holding W wont do much, looping tightly on the other hand... this perk is stupid, even more if you pair it with things like Resilience, making loops even stronger.
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The addon changes were good imo. The broken addon was not worth the Very Rare price.
Soma Family Photo was no good on release without the Glove addon. With those two it was 75% overclock rate. Now it is cheaper at Very Rare and has a better overclock then before with two addons (80%). Very very good change here.
The minus 20% on overclock pallet breaks was deserving of Very Rare. Arguably his best addon (especially in the Rare class).
The iridescent addon getting aura reading is going to be devastating in the right hands. Singularity’s best addons were already the two untouched Very Rare addons. Both aura reading (on slipstream and picking up an EMP). Adding another option to this, survivors do not even know to complain about this yet because it’s effect is not obvious.
I am happy with the changes across the board.
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often strong perk are fun to use.... its hard to have fun with head-on. the perk is not that great. weak perks are not that fun to use. you get feeling of being apathetic. the feeling of nothing matters and nothing changes. nothing makes a difference.
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This whole 20% extra distance thing is such bs. Math doesn’t translate to actual gameplay. People were freaking out over scavenger because of the “math” when in reality the perk was extremely situational and rng based.
Not saying made for this is bad but people are overreacting wayyy too much
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All I can answer you is here
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I don’t see what this is supposed to prove.
MfT is not stronger than old dead hard, not even close. Old dead hard was the ultimate Swiss Army knife perk that gave you value against not only weaker killers but the best killers in the game (something MfT absolutely does not do). It allowed you to make unreal saves, Sabo plays, chase extenders, dodges of projectiles, last second gate opens, etc.
Apparently according to your post I’m simply bad but I’m not noticing any insane 20% extra distance when I’m chasing people. I notice when people run it but I’m really not bothered by it.
In fact I’ve noticed MfT kill a bunch of people due to them overextending on double backs due to the slight extra speed.
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small correction it's 25% more for 115 killers
0.6/0.48= 1.25
a survivor at 6m distance takes 10 seconds to gain normally and 12.5 seconds with MfT Which is a 25% increase in time
10*1.25= 12.5
What you calculated was how much slower normal is compared to Mft
Yes it is quite the mindscramble those aren't the same number
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Seems alright to me.
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They literally didn't nerf his addons? He's also strong enough that nerfing his better addons doesn't mean much
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Literally why!?
ALL HIS ADDONS SUCK. Except for kids ball glove; and they nerfed it. Spreadsheet balancing at its finest. They cant actually expect us to believe a 1s bonus was sooo broken it needed nerfs. Nope, they just saw that it had high usage in excel spreadsheet and nerfed it for excel spreadsheet.
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The old DH comparison is referring to dead harding for distance, I.E being able to press a button to turn extra greedy play into making a window or pallet you shouldnt have. MfT allows people to get similar value mathematically, passively, multiple times per chase (and still allows for multiple exhaustion perks like DH/BL/Lithe as a "finisher" to get another second chance in the chase later.) The reason its important is because you either reach a resource without getting hit or you get hit (or worse, get hit while using the resource,) with the resource then resetting to the next hit binary: The value of the perk can easily be the difference between multiple potential hits being denied in a single chase instead of only one from old DH.
Its potential is massive, even if a lot of people don't utilize it properly. Its a perk that does the best in the hands of someone who knows how to get the most out of it, which can make them waste absurd amounts of time.
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I agree that in the right hands and on the correct tiles it can definitely extend chases longer than DH for distance. That being said though, if you commit to that chase knowing they have MfT and on those tiles, that’s on you. Leave the chase and get pressure in other ways. There will almost always be a weak link on the team that leads to pressure and downs.
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That sounds so bad. "If they brought this perk, you're ######### and need to ignore them."
Personally, I find that MFT's biggest issue is that it makes bad survivors look good on top of pushing good survivors over the limit of whats fair.
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This perk doesn’t make bad survivors look good lol, if they can’t loop in the first place this perk doesn’t turn them into a god. You need to loop tightly in the first place to get value out of this, bad survivors don’t do this well.
And also, that’s basic killer strategy? You need to know who and who not to commit to chase with. If you’re not doing this and blaming MfT for your losses than you should reflect on your overall strategy and not blame the perk.
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Meh, I probably have more hours than you so... I'm right you're wrong
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So what Im seeing is Larrys are just gonna run kid ball glove still + buffed family photo.
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Oh boy it's time to go back to wesker then.
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Right on man 🤣
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one could say tunneling makes a killer look better than what they truly are. But i know, its "strategy"
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Honestly it doesn't seems to be anything more than side-graded, most doesn't even "nerfed" in a sense.
Was it needed at all? that's questionable.