Nerfed Singularity add ons already huh?
This is what happens when you just make changes based in stats. The kids ball glove was obviously one of his best add ons so why not shave off 10%. This is why I stopped playing him. He's trash on console and yall don't know what you're doing. Don't even get me started on cremated remains and nanomachine gel
Kid's Ball Glove (brown) - Nerfed by 10%. Considering it gave him whole 25% extra time for such a cheap add-on, yea that was too much imo. Also, extending Overload is not always a good thing, in some cases you would rather teleport or use biopod. I think for a brown add-on, +15% extra is pretty good still.
Foreign Plant Fibres (very rare) - Nerfed by one extra rarity. That add-on sounds good so I don't really mind this one, it is just more rare to get it, but the power level is the same.
Foreign Plant Fibres (uncommon) - Good buff. No longe reguires you to be within a biopod. Not a super helpfull add-on mind you, but good buff for what it does.
Nanomachine Gel (rare) - While it was nerfed overall I would say, because the effect itself metters more than rarity of the add-on itself, the add-on still on it's own is not that good imo. You will usualy hit Survivors that you will then chase anyway, so the whole Broken Status probably doesn't do much in most cases. This add-on is just not great before this change and after this change as well.
Denied Requisition Form (Ultra Rare) - I didn't even know it makes it longer for the first EMPs to charge up. That's very good add-on. I understand why you want to put it into the most rare cathegory since it is one of his best add-ons.
Soma Family Photo (Very Rare) - Great buff. Not only this add-on is cheaper but also MUCH better and usable now. Before the change this add-on was the worst and it was worse than his base kit. Now this make you catch up faster and you don't lose as much Overload effect, great.
Iridescent Crystal Shard (Ultra Rare) - Tiny buff. I would say seeing the aura directly is better than just killer instint, while technicaly it does the same thing, it is more accurate now.
Overall: I understand why nerfing Kid's Ball, Plant Fibres and Danied Form, since these add-ons were too cheap for their effect. Nanomachine is the most strange one, since this add-on is just bad and now is bad (worse) than before? Strange change. The rest is buffs and these are good and needed.
This isn't some "omg they nuked his add-ons." No, they just balanced them more. Wish the Gell is reworked tho, is just strange add-on.
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Iri shard was a major nerf, because nothing in the game blocks killer instinct. But there are multiple survivor perks that can block the killer from seeing auras.
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Wait a minute...
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I’d rather have a 100% reliable killer instinct, instead of an iri addon that sometimes just completely fails because the survivor has distortion, off the record, or some other aura blocking perk.
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15% is still pretty good. I do not want to go in math of all possible duration's. Just looking at old duration for 1 survivor overclock vs new one is
5.7(7.12 seconds) vs new one is 5.7(6.5). it is only -0.62 seconds less. I do not think they meant to weaken but they were more re-balancing the Soma add-on family photo add-on. I think it is a bit an over-reaction.
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I thought the only survivor perks that block aura reading are Shadow Step and Distortion. One of them doesn’t fully block auras because one has to be in its AoE to trigger the effect (Shadow Step).
Edit: I forgot Sole Survivor does it too.
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Distortion and Off The Record can block auras, and they are both popular perks right now.
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How is he trash on console?
Can we stop with this?
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they should have just made ball glove a yellow.
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If a survivor spins in a circle while the singularity is in the biopod, you will often lose sight on them breifly. This is not impactful when they are in the open, but it can matter when the difference between tagging or teleporting is literally that split moment of lost sight. Also, you do aim with this killer and his wide object hitbox can make it difficult to target the slimer survivor hitbox with his Gun.
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Sounds like a skill issue to me. We have to stop always blaming the console or controller.
And i play on Playstation myself.
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Your right
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I'm a Singularity main and this a net buff. Ignoring the changes to rarity:
Kid's Ball Glove: in isolation, this is an unjustified nerf but after considering the buff to Soma Family Photo, it was necessary. Realistically, this addon is somewhat useless without Soma Family Photo since it makes your overclock longer than necessary preventing teleports. The change might even be a buff since +25% duration was unnecessarily long.
Cremated Remains: Having permanent Blindness is better. Usually, this addon only works near gens but it was useless since survivors only had to leave the gen for 3 seconds
Nanomachine Gel: moderate nerf
Soma Family Photo: massive buff
Iridescent Crystal Shard: about the same strength. The killer instinct is better in some situations and aura is better in some
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Distortion yes. I don’t ever see OTR. It isn’t very good. You might as well just rely on Basekit BT.
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funnier that they nerfed / changed some of his addons based in stats with this quick patch, but they just completely ignored how popular and busted MFT still is to the point where the perk has become meta since the first couple of days.
🤔 4 survivors using MFT almost every game is aparently less of a issue for BHVR compared to a single killer player trying to have fun with their addons on a B+ tier- killer (because is pretty map depending).
I dont understand how quick they just said "yeah lets change this addons a bit
some got nerfed,even when people are still learning them"but the MFT situation is like..
*waiting until the perk get out of hand on the stats to realize that the perk might be broken*
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It can be very difficult.
It's one of those things that can be overcome, but the Killer just won't ever be as good as they are on PC.
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OTR gives you 0 sound and blocks auras for 80 seconds and extends bt for 80 seconds as well meaning the kill can't just wait it out. Is pretty strong and I see it frequently and use it all the time.
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Lol. This is a parody post, right?
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I will tell ya my opinion as a Hux player always playing vs people who know looping
Glove+soma photo: Allow you to catch surv on short loops and allow you to force break long loop pallets including .
Without these two addons is better you force drop it and break it.
Foreign fiber plants: Not useful in the begining of the game at all.Midgame you may catch people when not pallet around and they must rely on reaching a window to keep looping.
Iri Crystal: is good but i wouldnt say is the best.
Denied form: Doesnt deserved being ultra rare.Survivors just need to waste 8 secs roughly in printing just the first time.This addon may give u a boost but being not permanent for me doesnt deserve that position.
In my opinion devs just took the addons that people use it the most and the ones that wasnt used at all and change rarity ( yeah basically we did balanced for em).
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I was ok with most of his changes to his add-ons but i find it very odd they nerfed nanomachine gel and buffed family photo. For me it's like they nerfed the worst add-on and buffed the best one.
I also find it really disappointinh that the new family photo is bugged and way worse than than intended (80% overclock reduction instead of 20%) this won't be fixed until july 25th at minimum and i feel like i need that add-on for that killer to be even somewhat worth it. EMPs are still way too much of an issue for me otherwise.
I find it weird what they are doing with this killer. I'm clearly missing something
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The family photo was buffed. But it's bugged atm where instead of -20% duration, it's -80% duration. They mention it in the known issues on the patch notes
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A survivor loses all of that by performing a conspicuous action and because endurance doesn’t stack, a killer can still tunnel a survivor with it. I doubt you see it often; I think you’re being dishonest. I play both killer and survivor, I’m sure I’m in your MMR bracket, and I never see it. Most players just rely on basekit BT. And per Nightlight it has a 1% pick rate.
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Photo was a add on that nerf you instead of buffing you.
I keep saying that to fix emp issue to make the crates a place to cleanse the infection while the emp is for cancel biopods
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Your overclock with glove+ photo was 25% less long so i dont see the point of those together making it longer.
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I found the photo add-on with baseball glove add-on combo to be useful, although i suppose since they nerfed baseball glove photo would have been worse off if they didn't buff that.
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"4 survivors using MFT almost every game is aparently less of a issue for BHVR"
In ALL MY games since the patch it did not have a single game with 4 MFT! And I would know, since I upload nearly every game to nightlight! In the last seven days, the pick rate by random team mates / survivors of MFT is at 18%. Sure thats quite much, makes it fifth most-picked perk, but still way to low for your claim. For MFT to be run "almost every game", it needs to be way higher than that, at least around 50%. Not even WoO reaches that.
So pls, stop such exaggerations. That doesn't help anyone.
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No they don't, they only lose the endurance. Iron Will and Aura Block you will always get the whole 80s (unless being downed, of course). And thats pretty valuable when you try to heal in a corner against a killer with aura reading perks.
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I'm personally using nightlight to record stats of my own matches, off the record is 10th most used perk there and has 15% pick rate.
I wonder how there can be this much of distinction between average and mine, is it MMR? No one knows.
For me it's 35%, which is actually a ridiculously high number but still not "4 mft every match" for sure.
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I'm a killer main and i think it was more a balance change, with a buff at the end more than a nerf.
BHVR made Soma Family Photo usable now, specially when combined with Baseball gloves. The speed you get after teleporting is very good to catch up with a survivor running.
The change in rarities did hurt a bit, but BP farming is very easy these days, so i don't think it will be a problem.
About the Iridescent Shard, people are forgetting that every aura addon can be strengthened by Lethal Pursuer, so its quite a buff for this addon. If the survivor have distortion, you can easily spam the biopods to waste all the tokens quickly.
About MFT, its just two weeks from release and the perk its already the 6th most used survivor. Give more time to survivors buy the DLC with shards/money/aurics and level up Gabriel and you will see that the perk might be the 3rd or 2nd most used.
I don't remember a game with 4 MFT survivors, but i do remember games with 2 or 3 MFT already. We must remember that we are not even a month after the perk release.
I think if the perk is not adressed, it will be like the old DH in terms of popularity
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Its a very cool idea, haven't thought of that.
I just wish the infection where more persistant, althogh, since the changes, i don't feel the Singularity its that easy to counter.
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Thats the issue you should never counter a killer power,thats why people find really unfun and weak a killer becuz the other side can counter your power.
You must make power interactive and killer feel rewarded accordinly
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According to Nightlight OTR has a 1% pick rate. The highest it has ever had was 1.6% earlier this year. I don’t understand why you’re being dishonest
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I'm not contesting that MFT might proove problematic in the future.
But claiming MFT is used by every surv in "almost every game" NOW, not in the future, thats just hyperbolic nonsense.
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Can you enlighten me as to why people (not just you) bring up Nightlight stats in discussions? It's only PC and only PC users who take the time to upload the information. Nightlight is such a small fraction of the player base and I personally don't see how it helps or means anything.
As for OTR the amount of times the killer waits out my base BT is frustrating and OTR can help with that along with the anti tracking aspect of the perk. If you our being tunneled off hook (which everyone claims to be) then OTR should be used to alleviate that.
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I think because it’s a microcosm of gameplay trends throughout the community and, sans the official stats BHVR releases annually, the only way to place a pulse on perk popularity & other usage trends.
If you’re suggesting OtR somehow better insulates survivors from tunneling, a killer doesn’t really need to wait out BT or Off the Record. One hit puts you into Deep Wound. I personally wouldn’t care if you had OtR or BT. Either one cancels out as soon as you’re hit once. And no killer needs to wait 10-60 seconds to render your protection useless.
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Either one cancels out as soon as you’re hit once.
Correct but you are bursting away instead of eating dirt. It's not supposed to protect you for eternity. It does it's job well. You don't like OTR that's fine. Still a good perk.
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So good it has a 1% pick rate, I guess.
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Pick rate does not mean the perk is bad. Nor does 1% of the random players on one platform mean anything either. Autodidact I'm sure has a low pick rate as well but it's came up clutch in more than a few games for me. Good perks are not always good and bad not always bad. That's actually a good thing.
If nothing else I would stop using Nightlight as a basis for arguments at the very least.
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A perk coming in clutch doesn’t make it good either. Any perk can be situationally ‘good’. What makes perks good is that they provide consistent value, not one-off or fluke benefits. Thanks for the tip (Nightlight).
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got 5 games today "not in a row
thank god," 3 to 4 MFTs with DH or lithe ..I guess i should play high tier killers or run 2 anti-exhaustion perks to avoid being outplayed by someone holding W gaining free distance on me.but yeah a perk that rewards you with extra window of time to reach loops and gain more distance by just being injured isnt problematic.🙄 cough cough poor HAG mains.
NOW pair that with hope and there you go the most overkill combo against m1 killers at the end of the game " soo BaLaNcED".
also u right , i should maybe take screenshots the next time to show how miserable my games are with a team of MFTs 👍️
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Many of DBD killers are based on counters: Trapper and Hag you can disarm, Dredge you can lock lockers, and so on...
The problem is when the "counter" negates the killer power totally
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Yes, you actually should make pics when you do such bold claims. Your initial claim of 4 MFT in "almost every game" is just nonsense, atleast for now. That woul require a WAY HIGHER pickrate than the (formidable) 18% pick rate we have now.
The last time we had something similar was before patch 6.1 (perk overhaul), when everyone and their mother only ran the same perks (DH, DS, BT, UB, IW), and DH with a 40% pick rate. There you really could encounter 4 DHs in multiple games in quick succession. But even then, it still was not "in almost every match".
To make it clear: I'm not denying that MFT and stacked speed might be problematic, esp on 110% MS killers (although, hag mains would know NOT TO CHASE a survivor, but rely on trap hits ...). But we should discuss it's impact considering the current pick rate, not some outlandish worst case scenario.