Option to bleed out on the floor

IronArtemis Member Posts: 24
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think there needs to be a way to bleed out faster on the floor as survivor. Way too many times have I seen the killer bleed out survivors for the whole duration just to bm them and as a survivor you just have to take it. Especially during the event which seems to bring out the most toxic of killers have I been slugged to death way too many times.

I can't see why it would be a problem since killers like this basically never hook anyone anyway so it's not like it would effect the mmr or anything in the end. Survivors shouldn't have to dc or be forced to bleed out because the killer wants to act scummy

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I think basekit unbreakable with three or four survivors is a recipe for disaster.

    That said, once the game is down to two survivors, basekit unbreakable should absolutely be a thing.

    The whole slug the last guy and then hang just out of terror radius or wait four minutes while the other survivor hides is so atrociously boring and should not be a thing. Hell I'd even trade to make it where BBQ is basekit when it gets down to two people as well just to further pursuade killers to hook and find the last survivor.

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    Slugging the second to last survivor is a really a waste of time unless the other survivor is within sight tbh

    the basekit unbreakable thing with the last man standing mori mechanic seemed a little too overkill when they announced it, with some tweaking it could be ok though

    but I really just don't know why there are so many killers bleeding survivors out for 3-4 minutes just to bm them, I have had it way too often during this event and as a survivor the experience is miserable. I would just dc but it would just end up ramping up a dc timer with how often it's happening and dcing or doing nothing should not be my only options against this

  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    So long as it’s only an option. If everyone’s slugged I personally want to waste every second of the killer’s time - they want a 4K, they get to wait right along side me.

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    Yeah exactly that. If I am being slugged I should have an option to bleed out faster instead of having to wait for the timer to run out

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Can we add the option to kill all survs standing inside the gates after 30 secs if they have nothing to do as well?

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,260

    I really don't know why BHVR haven't brought in anything to reduce the time wasting potential of bleedouts yet.

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    The option is going to the gate and hitting them for 5 seconds until they leave

    survivors can't do anything about being bled out on the floor for 3-4 minutes

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    even just a button to speed up the bleed out time, or a hold x button give up, dcing or waiting should not be the only options

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2023

    Not saying that at all, but I'm saying a killer can push survivor out and still play the game where a survivor can do literally nothing but bleed out for minutes

    killers can already force the egc which is a 2 minute timer to force survivors to leave which the killers can actually pressure the survivors to leave

    survivors just bleed out for 4 minutes, given the killers don't waste even more time by picking them up and hooking them when they are about to bleed out

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,260
    edited June 2023

    Maybe not kill, but I think an option to force all living survivors to escape when the gates are open would be good. The less opportunities for BM the better if you ask me.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369
    edited June 2023

    Im not attempting to say one is better than the other, i agree its a crap way to spend 4 minutes, but so is having to force survs out who can leave freely.

    But what i will say i guarantee you more killers will have time wasted by survs at exit gates than the amount of times you're slugged for.

    If there is nothing to do, as in all survs are in the gate area, its just people being duckheads for no other reason than to waste someones time.

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    yeah its stupid that survivors will do it, but the egc was a feature already added to force the survivors to leave where survivors have never had an option for being bled out

    they could 100% reduce the bm that survivors give while in the exit gates by adding something to it like moving the exit further or adding some more lethality to being in the exit gates

    but I do think that a the few seconds it takes to hit some survivors out the game vs the minutes spent on the time being bled out is a pretty noticeable difference in how long each can bm each other

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Also it would be hard to distinguish survivors buying time for other survivor vs BM. Say 3 survivors wait at the gate and 4th is injured. Why are those 3 standing at exit gate not going out? It's not to BM. It's to give time for that 4th to open the other gate (this happens a lot). Another case - healtech. Someone dropped at the middle of exit gate - but he has 3 other healthy survivors there. Those 3 will healtech for him so that the 4th gets out.

    Sure. If all 4 survivors are waiting at exit gate and killer is not even close, then it's either BM or farming last bloodpoints (healing, protection hits, etc). But it's kinda hard to always know if it's just BM

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I will never understand why slugging is seen as toxic and hated outside of "slugging for the 4k" when there's only 2 left

    The killer is literally allowing you to stay in the game longer than you normally would, so I don't get why its hated

    And tbh I can also see why they do it during the event also because they don't want anyone to suicide on hook

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I mean they have, it was basekit unbreakable but they decided against it because it was hated even though it would've been fine with some tweaks

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    because nobody wants to be "left in the game longer" when there is nothing to gain. You don't get bonus bloodpoints, you don't get extra chances to do anything, you are just forced to wait there and do nothing

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    Yeah but that was overkill for both sides. It was basically like if they added old moris, bnps and instas back into the game. It was simply too strong for either side and incentivised slugging over hooks for killer and made the last person alive not want to do anything to be caught

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    yeah, i think unless every survivor is in the exit gate ready to leave it's usually survivors buying time for their team to heal or get to another exit gate

    if all 4 are there tbagging and clicking etc then of course its bm and there should be stuff to prevent / de-incentivise it as there should be things to prevent / de-incentivise bleeding people out for 4 minutes

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    yeah basically anything that would help de-incentivise slugging for the 4k. But specifically here is to make it so the killer doesn't bleed the last survivors out for their entire duration. Hell even a surrender option where every survivor has to accept the bleed out instead of being forced to dc or wait

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited June 2023

    There is though? Pip points, points in categories you are missing, etc

    Especially during the event there's even more opportunities to get points with the extra generator points

    And also, yeah I would, and by the poll I took here, the majority would rather be slugged

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747
    edited June 2023

    The day they add a system to gives Survivors the ability to bleed out ans die faster on the ground will be the day they add a system in place, to ensure that Survivors staying near exit gates and "BM" and teabaging, when the killer isn't near; should be penalized.

    Would be nice along with a bleed out buttons for slug Survivors, that we also get some sort of Blood Warden effect for extend stay inside the gates, so that the killer can take advantage of cocky Survivors abused their free escapes. It can be like 5-10 seconds of being inside the gates and not being able to to leave until they exit the gates for a few seconds, unless there is a slugged Survivor.

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    you would rather be slugged to death and left to bleed out at the end of the game? instead of the killer just picking you up and putting you on a hook anyway?

    I'm not talking about slugging for 20 seconds mid match, or when the killer slugs you to chase a teammate, I'm talking about when the killer manages to down the last 1/2/3 survivors and instead of ever hooking them they just sit there for 4 minutes bleeding out slowly.

    If I am being bled to death on the floor I am no longer able to participate in: Doing gens, getting bloodpoints, pipping etc.

    Correct me if I'm wrong here but there is no way of doing anything when you are being bled out on the floor. Unless you have perks to pick yourself up, in which the killer will just 1 hit you down again because they will basically stand on top of you while you bleed out.

    The killer is not going to pick you up here, it's not like maybe you can wiggle or 4% off hook, you just slowly die and that's it, I don't know about you but I would rather die faster instead of having my time wasted

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    I am not against anti bm mechanics in any way, but I don't know why they would have to do both at the same time.

    The difference is there are still things a killer can do and bloodpoints to be earned by both sides even if they are sitting in or near the exit gates.

    Survivors sitting in the exit gate can be left to buy time for other teammates to heal or make it to a different exit gate. They can heal tech each other to get each other out safe. Sure if they are sitting there t bagging and clicking that's bm but a lot of the time it's because they are trying to get all of their team out.

    What can a (basekit) survivor do when they are being bled out on the floor for 4 minutes?

    The end game collapse is already half the time it takes for a survivor to bleed out and the killer can actually push the survivors out of the match at that point making the match end faster.

    Why can't survivors choose to give up as well instead of having their time wasted?

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited June 2023

    Yeah I'm not supporting that, I meant against killers that don't hook at all or only 2 hook everyone, not after they've sacrificed 2 already

    What I was referring to is when there are survivors still able to pick you up outside of only 2 survivors left

  • Duskztar
    Duskztar Member Posts: 5

    I'm okay with survivors being able to die on command while slugged if killers can instantly end a match during egc whenever they want, let all living survivors escape even if they're on hook, I don't care. Anything to stop them from just sitting at the exit gate waiting for me to come watch them t-bag.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,017

    After a 3 man slugging and refusal to hook anyone Deathslinger that just sat and constantly BM'd through all our death timers... and altruistic bleed out option that you allowed you to quickly drain your health would be good.

    I'd also consider the idea of like a "Dying sprint", where you sacrifice bleed out time in favour for moving in a faster crawl.

    I love taking Tenacity just to crawl away when slugged, it's actually fun to try and escape while downed... having this at base kit would be cool πŸ˜…

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    yep it's exactly that kinda scenario which I think you should be able to just choose to die. By that point in the game the killer is not going to pick anyone up, anybody that had perks like unbreakable has probably already used them and can no longer do anything and the killer is not participating in normal gameplay.

    The survivors in that situation should no be forced to bleed out or dc just to get into the next match

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    Yep, a concede option for both sides is 100% needed in certain situations

    Killers should not have survivors refusing to leave the match just to bm the killer.

    Survivors should not be forced to bleed out just because the killer wants to bm.

    I do think that there should be a requirement on it (like EGC for killer, or when you have fully recovered as much as you can from the dying state) as to not make people use it as an alternate way of dcing without a penalty

  • IronArtemis
    IronArtemis Member Posts: 24

    yeah that exactly. When it's no longer in normal gameplay for both sides and it is clear just.

    In all of my time playing I think I have only ever actually bled out a handful of times due to something like sabotage plays from my team (leaving the killer no hook to put me on) or when I am actively crawling for the open exit gate and it's between my bleed out timer and the egc timer.

    Basically every other time I have ever fully bled out is because the killer wants to bm (especially now with that new humping thing they do)