People take this game way too serious

Literally had a game where a wesker straight up tunneled me. I'm not talking about how I ran into him after getting unhooked, he straight up would drop a chase across the map to come find me.
What caused this may you ask. I got a head on stun at 5 gens while he was chasing a Haddie, and there were 5 cakes as well. This was also in solo que.
What fun.
So take off Head On and you won't get tunneled then?
Sorry, I know Head On is fun - I also know it's annoying (as killer) to get stunned by Head On.
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I can't really "take off" head on while doing the "A Stunning Display (Remix)" challenge
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I almost always run the Head On + Flashbang build because it's absolutely hilarious. I also deserve whatever tunneling I get afterwards.
Good thing I'm typically capable of escaping, but the Killer is the one who really dictates who lives and dies at the end of the day, unless you've got a godlike squad that can save you or take the chase. I also pretty much only play solo or with just one other buddy.
It's just the name of the game. Better to come to terms with it now.
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Have you thought that... maybe... you're the one taking the game too seriously?
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I mean…. You’re right… getting stunned by a survivor is not nearly as annoying as getting tunneled or camped yet people want to defend those and then say survivors asked to get targeted by using Head On or Blast Mine. They aren’t just used to be annoying either. Head On, if timed correctly, can help you out of a dead end or assist a teammate. Blast Mine is great for quick escapes and makes killers think twice about damaging gens. When I play killer and I am subjected to these I love it because I love challenging play and I love seeing everyone have a great time.