Killer is Easy? Survivor is Easy?

You want the real answer to this question? The answer is nothing.
Killer gets a swf or a solo team efficent at looping and doing generators so killer goes to tunnel, camp, slug to helm themselve win. But, the killer is bad for trying to win the match.
Survivor enters a match solo or swf and keeps getting top tier killers that tunnel and camp at 5 to 4 gens then the survivor team rushs the gens and get called gen rushers in the endgame chat by the killer.
Whatever side you play depends on your mindset on what's easy. I personally think Survivor is easier a lot of the time when I play it but, there's moments when I think killer is easier. At the end of the day there's never a definitive answer to any of this, it's all dumb arguments that some of the community can't stop arguing over.
No one can even agree about what's a win and what isn't, so I don't know why some try to argue about which role is easier when everyone's experience is different and a game's outcome depends on many things.
If you're playing survivor, the game will be much easier if your teammates are efficient but the game will also be much harder if the killer tunnels someone out. Even those things don't matter one bit considering matchmaking is an absolute mess and we don't really have any way of proving we're against people with similar skills. And it'd be silly to claim a role is easier because you get matched against people you're better than, or to claim the game is obviously X role sided because you got stomped by someone that has a couple thousand more gaming hours than you.
Until matchmaking is good arguing about which side is better is a waste of breath. Everyone's experience is different, for the past couple weeks I've only been getting 4Ks without regression perks or sweating but I'm not gonna argue killer is easy because I'm very much aware it's because I'm matched against very casual survivors who are probably only playing for the anniversary.
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I can't wait to get home from work and tell my wife I actually seen an intelligent person and to boot online of all places. Who'd a thought?
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I’m not going to call one side easier than the other. They both have their cons.
I have to sweat much more in killer to win, but I still win the vast majority of my games.
I don’t win as much on survivor, but it’s much more chill. I can sit on gens and eat a snack, and just relax. Can’t do that on killer.
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As someone that has only been playing this game a few weeks mainly as a survivor I don't know that I am qualified to say whether or not survivor is easy or not. What I can say confidently is there is a large percentage of survivors that make this game much harder than it should be. I am frequently amazed at the things survivors do that lack any semblance of strategy, or even common sense at times.
Perfect example came from a game earlier today. 3 survivors left. 4 generators completed. I'm on hook. Another survivor slugged across the map. The other survivor in injured state. Killer is standing practically right next to me. The injured survivor tried to come pull me off the hook with the killer standing right there. Instead of healing the slugged survivor so there was someone available to help out they decide to play the hero. Of course they got hit before they got me off the hook and everyone gets killed.
I still had fun. Wasn't mad, but truly dumbfounded. I see that a lot. Maybe as I play more and advance I will get paired with survivors that play smarter. But at this point my observation is the hardest thing for most survivors, at least at my level, is to play smart.
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That's something I see many killers say. That's why I don't think survivors and killers agree. Cause when killers say "survivor is easier" they usually mean what you say. But survivors understand that if it's easier to play then it should be easier to win as well, which is not the case for solo survivor, same with this thread.
The OP claims survivor is easy to play, but how easy is to consistently get 3 or more out when you're playing solo? (To be considered a team win and not solo win).
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DBD is a hard game. End of story.
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Absolutely. Especially for players coming in NOW. I started playing at release, and I’ve gotten to learn the mechanics and killers as they came.
My wife just started playing with me, and good lord there is so much to learn in this game.
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Hardest: Solo survivor
Mid: Killer
Easiest: Good SWF
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I play solo most of my games, sometimes with just one other person. I don't typically find it any easier or harder personally but I've also been playing since Day 1. As far as the "team win" situation, I'll almost always go out of my way to save someone if I'm solo, cause there's a higher chance they'll help me out if I do. But I'm also not above leaving someone for dead if it means my own survival. This holds true even when I play with friends, and I play with people that have a like mindset. I'll even specifically tell them to leave me if it isn't worth the save.
If I play with 3 others it's usually a cakewalk.
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You are saying this because you don't care about wins on survivors. If you try to win and sweat more on survivor, you will see it's not that easy and chill.
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It’s the opposite for me. I have to be way more efficient as a survivor whereas when I play killer I can chill out.
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the game is too surviller sided you guys nerf killivor
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That’s not true at all. I’m very competitive, and always play to win. I just don’t need to sweat on survivor. You sit there and click space bar until the gen is done or you take chase, which looping is second nature to me now.
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Which ever side I’m playing against has it easy 😡
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The only true answer.
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Eh idk about that. Sure, it takes a lot of hours to "get good," but if we compare to actual competitive games like LoL or any shooter, DBD is laughably easy by comparison imo.
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HARD disagree.
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I doubt it. In FPS games you can carry over skill that you aquired in different games. In LoL to be somewhat decent you don't need a lot of skill either. You just need to know how the game works and have a bit of a talent for multitasking. You don't need to know what every single champion does.
DBD on the other hand is in a weird spot. There aren't really any comparable games and there are a lot of little things you need to learn. That includes the basics for 32 killers, more than 40 maps and basic game sense. All of this just to get somewhat decent. And it gets much worse when you actually want to be good. Because then you need to learn addons, items, offerings, map rng and smaller details to killer powers as well.
So, yeah. I do think that DBD is a hard game.
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Nah, the amount of stuff there is to learn is ridiculous enough that people with a few hundred hours are still considered newbies.
DBD is only less competitive because MMR is unreliable, its ceiling is low, and there isn't any indication of your skill (SBMM value is hidden, we don't have any stats), and all of that means a lot less people are playing it in a competitive manner.
However going from newbie to average player is much more difficult in DBD, you'll probably reach a thousand hours before you're familiar with all the perks and most add-ons and you need to basically learn the mechanics for two games (killer & surv), and that's without taking into account that all killers play at least a little differently and there's really not that many people at all who are good at playing them all.
It's not because it's less competitive that it's easier, shooter games are easy enough that if you put a couple hundred hours in one of them you'll basically be fine playing all of them.
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Killers have rancor, survivors don't.
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Killer is easier to win but survivor is easier to play.
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It really depends on what you mean by easy.
Killer is much easier to pick up. You have the info you need, gen locations, hook locations, etc. Run, chase, hit, etc. As a new survivor its easy to feel completely lost on maps. There are also things like skill checks which will eventually becomes irrelevant to a survivor, but starting off can make the game more challenging/engaging.
In terms of easy for what you are doing during the match, then its survivor. There will be a fair amount of time where you'll know the killer is chasing another survivor and you can chill out.
In terms of difficulty, well it depends on the old soloq. You can be blessed with a teammate that carries, or, more likely, survivors who either don't know what they are doing or just really don't care.
I think a big factor is also how much you care. As killer I rarely feel like I 'lost'. Bully squads and multiple crouching seems to send some players into a rage, but it really doesn't bother me. If its a 4e but I get a lot of hooks, it still feels good. As survivor, anything short of getting the gens done and escape feels like a loss.
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Survivors is easy as hell, that's why i started play them way more about a year ago. Killers definately more interesting for me, but every time i press "play killer" i just "nah, not in the mood to sweat my ⚽️ out today" and go to play survivors.
Yeah, soloq of course often is a mess, not because it's hard, but because majority of players have poor skills at this game and can't stand even 20 seconds in chase and didn't hear about gens either. When all 3 teammates are good in chase and productive on gens, my solo games almost the same as sfw.
Another reason leading to this experience – mmr is a joke. Yesterday i had a match with teammate who had 220 hours, he just sat on the edge of the map whole game and used self-care. And we were against 6600 hours Wesker. After that, I went to play for killers and on my main Artist I was against a comp team with a total of 25,000 hours and I had only 2 hooks. It was the most well-coordinated team that I have seen in all 3 years that I have been in the game. If my teammates were half as good as these guys, I swear I would win 90% of my solo games.
At the same time, it is impossible not to notice that it has become much easier to play for the killers in recent years and this is good one. At least until they released MFT, seems like we need another 2 years to waiting out they nerf another stupidly unfair perk.
Outcome: I don't like to say that some side is easier, because everything in this game requires experience, skill, knowledge and the ability to navigate in different situations. But if we take the survivors and the killer with an equal amount of experience in the game, survivors will be MUCH easier. Mirror this, if you play Nurse or Scam Merchant.