Do you think Discord SWF unfair?

Xristougenna Member Posts: 39
edited March 2024 in General Discussions

According to Developers its not unfair, but what does community thinks? its 3nd party programand not part of game, please only who play without it can answer?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Xristougenna
    Xristougenna Member Posts: 39

    Who told about ban? and if its not give adventage why people use it?

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Do you think devs gonna say something that benefit em is unfair? If is "fair" why not add a voicechat as a feature in game much soloq players would be grateful

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    Unfair in the sense it absolutely does give a huge advantage for the SWF, good comms does so much for your team.

    But should it be banned? Nah, DbD is a more casual party game than anything & a lot of people enjoy playing with friends and friends only. There's a reason this company hasn't put in a ranked mode after 7+ years.

    I think its unfortunate, cause I do think there should be a ladder to climb that actually means something, but doubt they'll ever add a 'solo/duo only ranked mode'.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,394

    "using discord" is too broad, imo.

    There are both extremes and everything in between: people who are in vc and have the game effectively muted because they're chatting away with their friends, not even paying attention to their screen half the time on the one hand, and hyper-focused and perfectly coordinated squads calling out every movement and every resource on the other hand.

    Overall, I think comms that are actually used for match-related things are an advantage - but usually not a very big one / to the point where it's unfair.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited June 2023

    I don't think so. It's only an advantage if the players are playing super sweaty, but the official numbers state that for the vast majority of swfs it's not the case.

    Most people play with friends to hang out and chat, and hanging out and chatting is not unfair.

    Also, as someone who works in surveys, the formulation of the question and restricting it to that specific demographic would make the results quite biased.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    I differentiated. It gives you an advantage that is arguably unfair because you use a feature that is not part of the game. Correct. I litereally said that in my initial post. However, I don't think this is the right question to ask. Unfair could also be understood as something that shouldn't be allowed / be bannable / get fixed. And that isn't the case for SWFs with voice chat.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Does it give an advantage over solo survs and killers? Yes.

    Would they ever change it? No.

    Why? $$$$, It encourages your friends to either buy the game or cosmetics etc.

    Businesses answer to shareholders/investors first, customers second.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,352
    edited July 2023

    They said they always intended SWF but it wasn't quite ready for launch back in 2016. I believe they were working on both that and KYF, and concentrated on KYF first.

    I also believe they underestimated the impact of comms on the most efficient of skilled 4-man teams, where their coordination is most felt. Luckily those are the absolute rarest of the SWF, where casual 2-mans vastly outnumber 3's and 4's big time. Unless you're in that mythical high MMR area and matchmaking does its job, you won't go against those squads much if ever.

    And how could they do a thing about comms anyway? Removing SWF is suicidal, and those comms are outside programs that they couldn't even know are being used in the first place. Unenforceable.

    Post edited by JPLongstreet on
  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    You're acting as if changing it wouldn't also annoy a lot of the customers. Who would want to play a game where you're actively punished for playing with friends?

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618
    edited June 2023

    Ultimately, the game isn't, nor can it ever be, balanced around voice chat. When someone can tell their team mates what perks you're running, where you are exactly and what Killer you're playing before you've even encountered them, that's something almost impossible to balance around. It's inherently advantageous at even the lowest end of the spectrum (e.g. being able to tell your team Franklin's is in play so they all pre-drop items) and only drastically increases in effectiveness as you climb MMR. That's not to say the advantage is insurmountable, but even basic communication necessitates that the Killer be much, much better than the team they're facing in order to win.

    There isn't anything Behaviour can or would be willing to do about it. Make it bannable? Good luck proving that in 99.99% of reports (which would no doubt go up one million percent were it made a reportable offence). All it would do is negatively impact streamers and their 100% free advertising of the game, which will never be allowed to happen.

    Post edited by Raconteurminator on
  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,192

    It clearly messes up the balance of the game and there is no way to get around it. Just add a voice chat or a ping system with text chat for solo players and then balance around it.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498

    What exactly do you mean by balance around it?

    How could they balance around having comms? Remove all aura perks? Remove the HUD update? Less hook states?

    I'm confused. The biggest benefit of being in Discord is that you know the location of the killer at all times, how would we nerf this? I never see any suggestions.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 614

    To be honest I people saying how much of an advantage comms grants is quite overblown, the real strength is choosing your teammates. I also think calling out perks doesn't truly offer that much advantage in the large majority of the time, perks are incredibly easy to identify 95% of the time. Or calling out the killer. Most of this information can be quickly acquired from even just a minuscule amount of game sense through out a match.

    In the vast majority of cases, a group of 4 really good solo players together will be just as effective as the same group with comms.

    "But putting 4 bad survivors on comms won't make them good." QFT

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    In solo you don't get to witness every killer perk. If you're healing a survivor and a gen explodes on the other side due to Jolt, you can't know. In a SWF that would at least be communicated. If you also see only 3 perks on the killer, you can assume and prepare for the 4th one to be an end game perk. The possibility of NOED could make people cleanse totems before they pop last gen. As it is now ,this never happens in my solo games, despite how common NOED is. Or recognizing a play for Blood Warden. You can't let your team know that they should leave asap.

    Ofc this would require your SWF to be playing for some time, since if they play once or twice a week they obviously cannot communicate and co-ordinate on that level, but being able to teach your teammate that sort of information is good for the game. Solo having you matched with players who don't know they are not supposed to attempt 4% unhook chance should not be acceptable. Being able to tell them this piece of information would do solo huge favors. Or telling your teammate Bubba is camping, do gens. Then we wouldn't have the absolute bullshit playstyle that is face-camping Bubba.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    The game was not originally designed with much consideration for voice chat, so in that respect it is a significant advantage.

    However, in recent years, the developers have been balancing the game with more consideration for voice comms, so that advantage is shrinking with each update.

    All that said, you're asking too broad a question. Voice comms is a two way street.

    When I SWF, I play with some pretty competitive gamers who make lots of call-outs. Sometimes the call-outs are live updates, "i'm on gen. terror radius. killer on me. I'm taking him to shack. killer left, he's going main. he's undetectable." etc. Other times, the call-outs come like my friends have spotty reception, "killer on me. I'm embarassing him." ...and then 2 seconds later tombstone Myers is killing me, because I was lead to believe he was chasing someone elsewhere.

    Most players are not making call-outs like they're playing Overwatch, because the game seldom demands that from them in order to win. Pubs are such a mixed bag that players can reliably win in SWF without comp-style comms, so they're communication is just as likely to be harmful as it is helpful.

    The real advantage SWFs have is knowing their teammates' skill level, tendencies, and perk loadouts. Without saying any word, everyone knows who is the gen jock, how long each player is likely to last in chase, who can and cannot be unsafely unhooked, who is doing archives, etc. ADDITIONALLY, a SWF plays with their teammates' best interest in mind--solo queue's biggest downfall is the prisoner's dilemma.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    edited June 2023

    It’s not unfair. Killers are not lamenting the discord chat. It’s really the accumulation of good players making good plays.

    Bad players making bad plays do not become strong because they have a ‘third party’ ‘cheating’ discord software open in the background.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 512
    edited June 2023

    Well by the devs own statistics it can increase your chances of escape (the win condition) by 15%. Put it this way if your playing a tennis match and your opponent took a steroid and he won 15% more of the time he would be branded a cheat.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited June 2023

    This is misinformation, to an extent. The 15% is only at the up most mmr, which is very few players.

    They said that in the vast majority of cases, the escape rate varies at most by a few %.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 614

    You can identify jolt from the hud, even if you are not directly seeing it, as long as a survivor is working on the gen that was jolt'ed. I think I should preface the rest of this comment not every perk needs to be called out either because your strategy for dealing with perks in play should essentially be the same with them existing or not. IE jolt. It's not a real game perk thing and your strategy while jolt is in play should be the same regardless of it's existence in the match or not - being, stop looping near generators, and if you are on a map (such as midwitch, the game, etc) where it's affects are unavoidable, what use does it have to know when it pops across the map and you don't see it? It's regression isn't that great.

    Same with perks that can be hidden, like mad grit, which should absolutely never be getting in value because 9/10 taking hits while someone is being carried is an awful idea. I also think, with the existence of pentimento, most people shouldn't bother with dull totems, and since NOED now reveals itself, I think that it is insignificant enough to not ever touch a dull totem. Totems were already a waste of time not spent on gens, and part of game sense is/was noting where dull totems were in the first place/potential spots, in case of NOED activating down the line.

    So, re: blood warden. On the off chance this is in the match, you can still tell from game sense whether or not the killer is trying to make a play. Such as the gate opening without anyone touching a gate on the hud, or it happening very close to a down, or by who is being chased. The other day I ran into a huntress with blood warden, she opened the gates right before hooking someone and I just stayed away from the exit gates for the duration and then me and my teammate got the third person out. If there is any suspicion you should just go asap. But also, the ONLY way this changes in a swf is if someone has a stack of distortion and loses it stepping into the gates.

    That being said, swf or not, stuff like end game builds are usually niche, and you should NOT expect them to work completely. They are very high risk/high reward.

    Again, re: bubba, you can tell this from game sense and using the hud a lot of the time. Such as if you notice no one is being chased, or if you see someone get off a generator, in an attempt to rescue, gets chased for a short amount of time, and gets back on a gen. If they try to kobe/intentionally kill themselves on hook, I mean, a swf ain't gonna change that, it's more of a nice thing to do for your team while you are being camped than a rule, and it's definitely something you learn not to do down the line. Shrugs.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Ok, so I don't bring Flashlight either and play like the killer has Lightborn? Should I also being the strongest toolbox and gen perks and assume the killer has some sort of gen slowdown? If I play a certain way, what guarantees my team doesn't play another way? The counterplay to Plague is to not cleanse to deny her power. Should I follow that even though my mates are cleansing?

    If I don't bring Bond, how do I know where my teammates are working on gens as to avoid Jolt effect reaching their gen? Or do I now play with 3 perks, since Bond becomes permanent?

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it is extra challenge for killers so they should be rewarded with extra bloodpoints. other than that, it's fine people can play a game with their friends

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Agreed. The average SWF is not much better than a solo q team, but will fair a tad better against an average killer.

    Some of my games against solo q teams feels like bullying.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    If they remove SWF, the kill rate will be definitely alot higher (SWF escape rate is around 10% more than Solo or something).

    Means the kill rate would be alot higher than current 60%

    Means it lead to either Survivors buff or Killer nerf to get back to 60%.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 614

    How is this first paragraph relevant to what I’m saying or have said, though? I may also be not communicating my thoughts properly too, mind you, I am in the spectrum and really don’t communicate my thoughts into words very well. As long as this game exists, whatever is in the rules is allowed, I have not said otherwise. Part of what you keep saying is explained by game sense, part of what you mentioned there is what you want out of the match yourself. You are never going to be completely coordinated in solo q, but that still doesn’t take away from how your actions or motives effects you team, and the actual goal of the game, being to get gens done. like flashlights and going for saves are incredibly fun, but I am not going to lie, a toolbox is going to be inherently be a better thing to bring. I’ve thrown matches for saves that never worked, and have had it happen to me.

    But your average swf is not playing this in a high level, your average swf is hardly going to be able to properly communicate positions properly, your average swf is still going to have their own goals and intentions - whether they are going for challenges, dailies, whatever, nd each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

    I feel like we’re also getting into the territory of what’s still missing from solo q. I have stated in multiple times on this forum that I want bond and kindred basekit, among other things, for this reason. I have very radical ideas to fully bridge that gap on what swfs can easily communicate and what solos know immediately. But that’s all wishful thinking and this is still relevant under what I keep saying, in game sense. Meaning where gens are throughout the match, what gens are done, what gens are remaining and where, among loads of other things. It’s not apparent all the time or immediately, you are correct. Game sense is… just the most important thing in this game that you could ever learn. And it comes with time. And having proper game sense is game changing, not just for survivors, but it’s equally, if not more important, as a killer too.

    And please do not take my comments as I am defending solo queue as it is right now because it is not OK, largely unfun, and still needs a lot of work, especially for newer players, and your average team, and changes like bond or kindred base kit would still be helpful for the rest. I am not going to lie and say I’m like the best survivor because I’m very much so not, or lie and say I win every single solo q game, because I don’t. But yeah, solo q needs love.

    And, again my original point to what you responded with is that four very good solos will play exactly the same as they would with or without coms, perks being called out is irrelevant to whether or not a killer is going to win or lose, and is often used as a crutch statement to excuse their loss, and the strength of swf is choosing your teammates.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Having played with and without it, no it's not unfair.

    I would often perform better solo than I would with friends on discord. Maybe less coordination, so as a whole my 'team' probably wasn't too much better off, but I myself died a lot less, because I was less reckless.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    This. At the risk of whataboutism, I think it's unfair to expect a solo queue team to fair well against a competent killer with a stacked loadout when one teammate doesn't even know what planet they're on and has a fraction of the hours their teammates have on average. I'd wager almost everyone would agree matchmaking is awful on a good day.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    Inherently, not really.

    And my reasoning is that while communication certainly helps, it doesn't accommodate or make up for skill. When I play with my less skilled friends, I can literally tell them what the killer is going to do next and my friends will still play right into it because they don't have the game sense and fundamentals nor do they want to be told how to play so they play the way they want to.

    Even outside of that, the majority of the conversation is one person talking to/reading their chat while they stream (either me or one of them) while the rest of the squad jokes around and gives drops of communication about what's happening in game. So no, I don't think discord SWF = automatically unfair/unbalanced matches

  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 388

    I wouldn't say it's unfair. Because even a SWF can be uncoordinated and just having fun with friends. Get tired of the stigma that every SWF is some esports comp team, I attribute it to the killer just not being as skilled as they think they are. Same with survivors saying killer is OP, the killer you went against was just better than you.

    Just how it works in this highly competitive party game.

  • Nightmarefan
    Nightmarefan Member Posts: 65

    No, most swfs are just normal players not sweaty comp squads(though I do run into some and it never feels good to get stomped).

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    imagine if they added voice chat as an in-game option. see how many perks become practically useless and how many killers become extremely difficult to play. the funniest part is that people are actually arguing about this when the answer cannot be more obvious to anyone who has played dbd or a multiplayer team game for that matter

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131

    Unfair? Yes. Enforceable to stop? No. The devs are essentially forced to balance around SWFs in voice comms because it's going to happen regardless of what they try. Frankly, the best thing they could probably do is add voice comms....but then again...I'd imagine due to how toxic the community can be that it would be a lot of hate speech being thrown to people in solo queue.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    It can be, depending on the survivors. Hard meta, constant callout navy seals are very hard to beat.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 471
  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    And you act as though swfs don't annoy alot of customers.

    If the game had any form of balance to take in the affect swfs have upon balance i wouldn't care, but the devs don't factor it in.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 394

    How many perks does being in a SWF provide for free?

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    No one is saying to ban it.But if players use swf the trial could have minor modifications to boost killer

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited July 2023

    How would the game make the difference between swf with comms, swf without comms, casual/bad swfs (that by the devs' own stats do not have a significantly higher escape rate) and very good swfs ?

    Sounds complicated to punish one thing without unbalancing it for two others...

    (Not looking to be agressive, just wondering !)

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    It is definitely unfair.

    But most know BHVR can't balance them because it could cause losing customers.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    I wasn't saying anyone was suggesting it be banned, or suggesting myself that it should be. I was just musing on why it couldn't be even if we wanted to.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,233

    Unfair isn't really the best word choice to look at. It's more an issue that the game inevitably tries to balance around both swf and soloq.

    If there was a way to create SWF brackets and soloq brackets with different balancing, I'd be all for it. I enjoyed playing survivor pre the HUD where what was going on around the map was a mystery.

    Unfortunately, there's really no way to implement such a system.

  • Xristougenna
    Xristougenna Member Posts: 39

    Easy, make it part of game, if you play with friends you can use oblgatory that perk you can speak with friends , but ofc if you speak with them killer get a information.... isnt it much better ?

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