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They better not nerf blight

Davenport916 Member Posts: 169
edited November 2023 in General Discussions

I know everyone and their grandma voted for his nerf. Insane to me. I'll play nothing but blight until they do now. You did this to yourself survivors. We can't have anything strong in a 1v4 game. Stop balancing around weak players BHVR. It's not how you do things in video games. You're doing it backwards

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Tbh, DH was a very good counter vs killer like Nurse and Blight. Other killers also suffered, although some didn't quite care (ex. Legion and Deathslinger), so now the other exhaustion perks aren't that good against the top killers (SB is ok-ish?).

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Blight need some of his best add-ons (so more than half of them lol) nerfed. Anything else is fine and I wish they will never touch his base kit, please don't ruin one of the best desinged powers in the game, there isn't that many of them. You don't even have to rework most of the add-ons, just reduce the numbers.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I love playing Blight with his less well known addons. So many of them are low key stronk as heck.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,771

    I hope they just nerf the stupid strong addons, and don't touch his basekit. He's a really fun killer for both sides until you throw in the overpowered addons, and seeing his basekit nerfed would be a massive shame.

  • Gamna
    Gamna Member Posts: 39

    Alchemist's ring need a nerf, only this addon. Killer himself he's fine. But this addon, is easy to use, breaking fast palette and in dead zone, most good survivors are doomed. REFRESH power after a hit is too much in 2023 because they nerf hit's animation and DH so yeah : nerf it.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188
    edited June 2023

    I don't want him to get the Hillbilly treatment at all since he's actually very enjoyable to go against personally. But I'd be lying to myself if I didn't think he's busted and has been busted for a long time in terms of strength vs every other killer besides Nurse. Some adjustments are def in order IMO.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    It’s 100% your fault if you sit there and let a blight hug tech you. It’s not hard to predict, see, and counter.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    And so does his collision issues that hinder him. One can’t happen without the other. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I don’t think it’s going anywhere.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Hopefully. Double fatigue, shoelace bug, getting trapped by collision. All of em need fixing.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,363

    Eh. Not once you start factoring in his slides and flicks, after which his power is less obvious where to play around. But hopefully MMR would at least counteract that with matchups against well-organized or knowledgeable survivors, mitigating that issue.

    He just feels like he’s everywhere with rush spam and with little strength lost in loops, only amplified with addons.

    If you just go about nerfing the Fatigue, which is quite literally a stun, it'll feel bad to play.

    Honestly I’d take a look at nerfing the Token recharge rate a lot (like 10s recharge per Token), so that upon using 5 Tokens to cross the map for patrolling or tunneling, it’s not just 10s of downtime before you have your entire Power back. But I think Rush should be useable even without being at full Token Stacks.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I’m sorry…. Did you say 10 seconds per token? Did I read that right? So you’re suggesting a 50 second recharge for full power? That would be absolutely miserable.

    And I didn’t say to nerf fatigue, I said to fix the double fatigue bug.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,363

    Yeah Kinda basing it off of Ghosties Recharge. Given that like Ghostie, he can use his Power to get closer to Survivors (in this case through sheer speed, which also allows faster map traversal), in addition to being able to use his Power to get downs in loops where other Killers couldn't (whereas Ghostie is about Lethality through Exposed to get an immediate down).

    Which he did get the recharge for shroud reduced to 24s, so taking into consideration that Blight can also use his Power for map Traversal, but also doesn't cause exposed necessitating it to be used in chase, might mean that 24s might also be a decent target instead of 50s, so maybe 5s each Token instead.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,907

    But he does need a nerf. It’s not about BHVR not wanting one side to have useless things, it’s just removing BS.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Ok… you’re not taking into consideration the skill required to use the power. Ghostie is beginner friendly, and has an easy to use power that is STEALTH and ONE SHOT capable.

    Blight has the most beginner UNFRIENDLY power in the game, and has neither of those abilities. Recharge is fine where it’s at.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105
    edited June 2023

    I warned you that he was going to be next after Nurse, even if pub stats and no limit tournaments didn’t show anything wrong with them.

    Enjoy the Wesker nerf after him, and then back to Spirit to go full circle.

    You can’t balanced around potatoes, broken MMR and no comp queue. They want a party game that you can play while eating, listening to music, laugh how the Wraith you face look ridiculous with that oversaturated reshade and you shall have it.

    Post edited by Murgleïs on
  • Cassiopeiae
    Cassiopeiae Member Posts: 263

    Depends who you ask. Blight didn't feel that hard to learn, for me at least.

    Billy or Hag though, holy F. Not trying that again.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    You are wrong. Nurse is still topic for nerfs. We still ask full rework for her because non of nerfs will make her fair. Just give her different power.

    So you are wrong, we did not skip Nurse yet.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,363
    edited June 2023

    Skill should not be taken into consideration... It should be a prerequisite to utilizing it to its full balanced potential. Akin to Nurse. If you cannot reliably hugtech or flick, then you are not using Blight to their full potential. Blight should be balanced assuming that hugtechs and flicks are landing reliably, to be balanced competitively.

    If a player isn't that skilled, it's up to them to become that skilled.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,296
    edited July 2023

    He should be but ideally not in a way that neuters him like overheat and i really doubt bhvr will do that. He should just be made 110%

    Post edited by Steakdabait on
  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105
    edited June 2023

    Oh I 100% agree with you. That’s why I said full circle, I implied the cycle was going to start again because it doesn’t matter how they nerf Blight (Or Nurse or any strong killer) it will never be enough considering their core power allows them to end chase fast. You could delete all of nurse addons and prevent her to use any perks at all : a lot of players would still be able to get massive winstreaks with her.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Ofcourse people would get winstreaks with Nurse. Even no add-ons and no perks. Her power is just busted and not good for DbD. So yeah, we need rework for her.

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 409

    Base blight is fine imo, only his addons should be changed.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I'm sure even with a majority thinking it's just his add-ons being problematic, he will get some unjustified base-kit nerfs.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,266

    Why cant we just try to buff all killers to the level of the good killers?

    Theyre doing that on survivor, and there its not even different characters but a shism between "bad players without comms" and "good players with comms."

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    they all say the same thing......when you load 2000 plus hours into any character.....its not hard anymore

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    It still makes the loop a lose-lose for Survivor as the Killer can just bounce off of the stuff in the background and continue the chase. If Blight was forced to swing to engage in bug tech then it would be less unfair.

    Also both Blight and Nurse should both have their token recovery normalized to after fatigue is over, including after completing the break a pallet animation for Blight specifically.

    The only way Blight's bugs in his favor would have a case for not being fixed is if he was made 110(4.4) basekit while keeping rushes at 230(9.2). The few and far between bugs against Blight don't even come close to preventing normal wins. This isn't some bottom of the barrel Killer scraping by for kills, its one of the few Killers I would argue desire the title of 'free-win killer' (or more accurately autopilot results in more than 75% win rate in normal matchmaking). If these were niche bugs in Doctor's favor I'd be less annoyed at their existence. Sadly only the the more powerful killers seem to get bugs in their favor (bugtech, Oni hitting behind himself, Wesker grabbing people at vaults instead of slapping them, Spirit's audio being counterplayable then bugged into not working, Plague PWYF not losing stacks on the infecting puke even though it still can damage, and likely more I can't think of off the top of my head).

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    I literally cant with those people. I dont care how strong he is, hes got counterplay thats equally as powerful and fun. He only needs addon nerfs.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    For one, he actually does need to swing for hug tech value at filler pallets. Which can easily be countered by just running the other way, dropping the pallet, or just leaving the loop. He is absolutely not a free win killer against decent survivors who understand how to counter him. Also, what do you mean 75% WR? What counts as a win? last we saw, his killrate was at 61%. Those statistic are from the gen kick meta as well, when stall was so overbearing 3 gens became unwinnable? I'd actually imagine its a dropped a small amount since the current meta is weaker. Hes only free win when you hard tunnel...... like every single decent killer in the game.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Do you even know the counters to the Hug tech? Cause I assure you, it’s far from a “lose lose”. It’s really not hard to counter.

    Blight’s recovery does start after fatigue.

    There is no articulable reason for blight to be 4.4.

    Blight’s bugs are not few and far between. I get hit with double fatigue and the shoelace bug every single game, and his collision issues affect every single game.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,363
    edited July 2023

    Yep. And then MMR fills in those knowledge and skill gaps.

    Toolboxes are still problematic from a game design standpoint just like old Mori's (Especially counting BNP). Not a fan of Styptic and Syringe working even with 2 charges left on a med-kit.

    I think Flashlights in general need an overhaul when it comes to min-maxing of player positioning and blinding the Killer to prevent a pickup (in addition to the general thematic sense of shining a light in someone's eyes stunning them not really fitting apart from tradition)

    Starting split pressure is still rather powerful and needs some feel-good work done, and disparity in Map strength based on resources at the start vs the end is still a bit imbalanced punishing buildup Killers more than anti-loop (EG: Oni/Pig).

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Bugtech- You don't need to swing to activate the bug, which is the only way it could be remotely close to fair. To oversimplify you aim down and hit M2. The most common circumstance where bug tech is practically uncounterable is the cars found commonly in Springwood. Technically any short rectangular(ish) object can fit the profile of this lose-lose bug tech abuse that is surprisingly common to find. In rectangles say the killer faceslides on the East side from the South side and the Surv is waiting at the North side. If the Surv runs East, the Blight gets a hit without adjusting. If the Surv tries to run North away from car the Blight can turn with sharp enough angle to hit them, or bounce off of something the the background. If the Surv tries to run West to rotate around the car, the Blight can swing early if the Surv reacts too slow or lag exists, or get an extra bounce on something on the West side for the hit on the rebound. Forcing a swing to activate the bug would fix 2 of the 3 lose-lose scenarios to be a gamble for the Blight instead of a free hit.

    Not a free win killer against decent Survs- Maybe you live somewhere, where everyone is 4-man SWF sweat squads whilst you are somehow playing soloq Surv also, but I assure you those are few and far between in my matches. Nearly all of my soloq Surv teammates either hook kobe (at some point) or die instantly in chase against Blights, making the match garbage and not worth the time to play.

    75% WR - I'm saying I win as Blight more than 75% of my matches. By win I mean minimum 3k/dc (such as 2k+dc+hatch). Even if we were to take that in the lower extreme of only 3k wins (in 3/4 matches), and losses are 0ks (in 1/4 matches), that comes out to an average of (9/16) 56.25% kill rate. That is well within the averages, but even then that doesn't take into account that I am likely better than the average Blight, and Baby Blights are dragging down the kill rates. Even then you support my claim by stating "He is absolutely not a free win killer against decent survivors who understand how to counter him." I certainly rarely run into those type of groups. Maybe 10% of matches at the highest (Probably in the 2-5% to be more accurate). So that easily would still fit into my claim of a greater than 75% win rate. Even then, would you actually claim you go against god loopers in more than 25% of matches?

    'Freewin' - I think most people misunderstand what I consider to be a free win if they disagree. A different way to phrase it is you can autopilot the Killer and win (3k+ like defined above) more than you lose. In a balanced game/matchmaking one would expect to roughly win as much as losing when actively trying, not merely autopiloting. If you sweat you can probably get a decent amount above 50%, try normally for hovering around 50%, and autopilot to win less than 50%. If you can autopilot a mechanic (Killer choice in this example) to mostly victories, it's likely busted OP. As I see it, people claiming you need 'skill' to play Blight (or Nurse for that matter) is like saying if you know how to drive a stick-shift vehicle you should get to drive that same equivalent vehicle 50% faster than everyone else. Knowing how to drive stick-shift is too small of a requirement for that big of a reward.

    The issue with the counterability of bug tech is how you aren't forced to only utilize bug tech when playing, and it adds an extra tool in an already overloaded kit. Many uses of bug tech allow for falling back on normal bump logic, allowing for an enhanced double threat.

    Blight's recovery doesn't start after pallet/wall break fatigue, which I specifically called out in my post ("...including after completing the break a pallet animation for Blight specifically."). I was saying both should work in the same general sense for all cases, not the pallet break escape clause Blight currently has. (Also I'm not sure, but I think the Iri add-on also recharges on pallet hit, not after the stun cooldown also.)

    There are numerous reasons Blight (or other Killers for that matter) could or should be brought down to 4.4. Killers that have an easy time getting ranged or hyper-mobility power hits in the majority of cases should likely all be 4.4 (I don't count Pyramid Head or Nemmy Whip as properly ranged in this case, but Artist probably also deserves 4.4). Another reason could be S and D tier shouldn't exist in a tier list frame of mind, so all S tiers should be nerfed and all D tiers buffed. This is one way to nerf an S tier Killer without impacting his power usage, the point most people claim to have skill in.

    Bugs few and far between - To be fair this is DBD, in every match there is likely 20 different bugs popping up at least once. What I am saying is the bugs that decide the game and make a clear win into a loss, or vice-versa, are ultra rare (at least in my games as Killer). Most bugs in my matches make the win be at 1 or 2 gens remaining instead of 2 or 3, or get a 3k instead of a 4k. Most instances of bugs don't change a win to a loss, merely a crushing victory to a normal win. Exceptions to every rule of course, but in general they don't really change the outcome, just the degree.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Imagine using one of the strongest killers (and arguably been broken for years) in the game and call every one else weak on a public forum.

    The irony is delicious.


  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 580

    Blight should not be 4.6 speed imo, he should mostly get hits using his power. Also his tokens should take almost double the time to replenish + addon nerfs. It’s insane how many people give up at 5 gens in my matches when they see it’s a blight, these nerfs should make him less oppressive

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
    • even on those close range loops you can still just drop the pallet. And even in all those scenarios where you described how blight can hit you even if you run away, you can just outplay him?? Run around a bumby object and he cant hug tech to get you. Consistently break LOS after he tries a hug tech and he'll have to do more rushes. 360 him, abuse slow turn rate, there is so much you can do.
    • Just because you dont commonly run into survivors who actually can counter a good blight doesnt mean the counters arent there. Just because most players dont understand how do to it doesnt warrant nerfs. You admit that in about 10% of your matches survivors do understand and apply effective counterplay. the other 90% just dont know how, that doesnt mean its not there. I never claimed to face god loopers, but in at least 50% of my matches the survivors are at least decent. They dont know the crazy techs to counter me but they at least get the basics. And once again, if the counterplay is there and effective, the issue is the players and not the killer. Hes only a free 3-4k when the survivors are bad against him. In those games with the good survivors, I'd imagine it sits at about 2-3k.
    • Yeah you can fall back on normal bump logic if they outplay the hug tech. At which point its equal footing to outplay each other. Its not go for hug tech -> miss --> bump something -> rush until you hit them. They can still dodge, reach another pallet, circle an object, vault, 360.
    • I disagree that all S tiers should be nerfed. Blights probably their best designed killer, in all his buggy glory. And nurse (while much more controversial) is in a decent spot right now and is beatable if you know how to do it. Obviously both are soloQ crushers but thats more of an issue with soloQ since pretty much every killer can 4k 4 solos.
    • If we were gonna nerf his basekit, 4.4 and having tokens recharge only after the pallet stun are the only acceptable nerfs imo. They would force you to use power more which is good, but it would lessen the opportunities you get to use it which is kinda bad. Most blights just use their power for every single hit anyways so this would just be a direct nerf to all blight players. I'd hate to see it happen but if we were forced to choose this would be it for me.
    • I dont think having more tools in blights kit is bad. As long as they arent broken which in most peoples opinion hug tech is not. It increases the variety you have in chase on both sides making it more interesting. I see it like flashlights, more options that are impactful yet counterable.
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    Lol it's so unbelievably cringy when people make threats to play certain killers/perks.

    Can't wait until Blight is nerfed :)

  • ladybirds
    ladybirds Member Posts: 7

    I'm new to dbd. I would like to see blight nerfed. Some of us get these blights that know everything and it makes it not fun to see everyone downed before a save can happen. This hug tech sounds more like a bug or exploit. Gens can't get done if he can be there 2 seconds after he hooks someone unless in rare cases we have a really good person looping him and blight chooses to chase longer. I also seen something about a 1000 win streak with blight... that shouldn't be possible??? How do you think that's balanced and okay? So yeah blight should be nerfed or completely reworked.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Blight is a more complex killer to learn how to counter. Being new does not give grounds to call for a nerf or rework for a killer. You just have to learn how he works, and understand that you cannot just hold W like all new players do.

    As for the streak, it was more of a showcase of how strong that current meta and hard tunneling was at the time, along with how the MMR doesn’t work that great.

This discussion has been closed.