Skull merchant is the proof that mft is op

Okay think about it mft 3%speed buff for being injured
Skull merchant 3/4/6/7% haste for each person locked
How many times have you been chasing a surivor with mft and barely missed a hit and went, d%& I should of hit that
ever noticed that skull merchants hits allways seemed weird. its because she is also under a3% or more haste Meaning that small haste is just enough to be a miss or hit
nobody enjoys skull merchant except a select few People that's because she is literally mtf as a killer.
So untill mft gets a change I'm gonna be running my own mft as dull merchant
You counter mft because you speed yourself up at every loop
And if you don't belive me run the adson that gives you a 2% haste just for touching a drone and tell me you don't feel that effect in chase
Also 3 gen strat is kinda dumb
Pretty much the only way I play Skull Merchant is with the Haste + Hindered addons and a chase-oriented build with Corrupt as my only slowdown. You can definitely feel it. 3-genning with her from the start of games is boring so I don’t do it, you can win by primarily chasing with her if you use those addons.
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Her purple addons are really strong.
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Yes they are strong. Unlike Singularity that has 20 useless add-on and the add-on that do something get nerfed from survivor complaining.
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I didn't see a single complaint about it. If survivor complaints got add on nerfs then Blights would have been nerfed ages ago. BHVR change things up at times, including add ons, for their own reasons.
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People really think it’s because people complain about something it gets nerfed? Lol
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What? Singularity’s best addons are also his purple. Very good. The iris are good too.
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The most interesting Part is before knight and Skully came out. no one really care about 3 gen. but after this two killers everyone is complaining.
And is nice to see when killer have good purple or iri addons. Look at Twins the best are brown. And Oni has a useless Iriaddon.
Not all killer need 20 very good addons. some whatever.. and sometimes this addons are stronger as the strongest addon from the killer itself.