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Solo Q utterly unplayable, matchmaking makes zero sense

First lets look at this pic. It's a good representation of essentially every single survivor game I've had since SBMMR came out.

I'm what, 15% through this generator? The generator I spawned closest to. This pic can't be more than 35 seconds into the match.

My team is already being massacred.

None of them have touched a single generator. The claudette crouched around and hid in lockers. One of them ended up disconnecting. None of them even lasted 10 seconds in chase. Clearly they are all EXTREMELY bad at the game. Okay, lets say I just suck at survivor and my MMR is low because it only increases if you escape.


I spoke to the killer post game and inquired as to whether or not he "deranks" to play against babies. He said he hasn't lost a game in months.


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  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited July 2023

    So the top MMR survivors were complaining about having sweaty games all the time so they made the matchmaking giving more relaxed games for them sometimes…and harder games for you. Now the Blight they were supposed to get matched with is in your lobby.

    Post edited by Murgleïs on
  • Member Posts: 5,923

    At one point I liked sbmm (early days) but now it's just a mess. I would rather have old system back at this point.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    That's just the reality of Blight players, and just cause he has not de-ranked doesn't mean he can't lobby shop and pick and choose the teams he wants to play against. Also players who care that much about winning and bring the strongest stuff, won't be above focusing on taking out the weakest link (sometimes it's pretty obvious from the lobby, I dunno if they go as far as to check the lobby's playtime, although if they're that sweaty it would not surprise me at all)

    Personally my experience is kind of the opposite, when we all spawn close to each other I can see like 3 survivors all teaming on a gen which is also inefficient, but generally I do see survivors doing gens as soon as they spawn. Sometimes they might look for a chest, and some have it written accross their forehead that they wanna be chased. But I've never had a team full of loopers as of recently.

    Many times I even see the other problem with the gen focus, two people working on the same or separate gens and no one coming for the unhook while the 3rd guy is getting chased (and you can know now, so there is no excuse).

    Other than that the matchmaking is pretty bad, it's one of the universal truths of DBD by now.

  • Member Posts: 6,131
    edited July 2023

    Survivors aren't the ones complaining lol this forum is full of killers complaining that they go against sweaty swfs apparently every single game and frequently requesting survivor nerfs as a result. Killers also have the option to lobby shop, survivors don't. It's more likely that this killer dodges certain lobbies until they find easier ones. And I feel comfortable saying this because you can search for past discussions on this forum regarding lobby dodging and see for yourself how popular it is. BHVR don't need to mess with SBMM, they have killers messing with it enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    bro wdym lmao

    "Nerf blight/nurse/wesker"

    "Tunneling! Camping! Slugging!"

  • Member Posts: 707

    Solo Q is quite playable, but amount of monkeys and suiciders is way too high to be enjoyable experience. It boils down to luck this days.

  • Member Posts: 263

    Killers are too oppressive. Survivors don't stand a chance unless killers are just bad at the game or they are the 4 best survivors on the planet.

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited July 2023

    Both sides were complaining and that’s they did MMR tests for a week and made some changes afterwards.

    « One match may be very close and competitive, but the next may be a little more laid back. »

    Laid back for that Blight.

    So from my understanding they lowered the MMR cap, this Blight was probably at the cap already. If it’s late night and he is struggling to find a match then low cap + waiting time = match with you.

    Anyways you guys have to understand that the matchmaking in this game is a joke. Even in competitive games, matchmaking can be lacking but DBD is not even competitive. People want to have fun and being efficient (tunneling, camping, genrushing) is not considered fun for a lot of players so stats and outcomes are not even close to what they should be. Let’s say this Blight is farming and letting survivors leave after 2 kills to be nice then his MMR is average when he should be higher. That’s just an exemple.

  • Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2023

    I'm simple man and my mindset is "Move on" when my team doesn't meet certain standards or even worse is fully incompetent. That makes dbd tolerable and sometimes even fun

  • Member Posts: 185
    edited July 2023

    I play survivor solo queue almost exclusively, and as quite an experienced player, and being truly objective, it is a very mixed bag.

    One game can go well, everybody co-operating, all gens done, 4 escapes.

    The next game can be everybody else is being knocked down, hiding in lockers, crouching around the map, no gens touched.

    It is the pot luck of survivor queue.

    Personally I do not care about my rank or pips, I am already prestige 100, so my aim is to just try and have fun isolated games. If it goes well, great. If the other plays are awful, let's say that I will not try my hardest to not die as quickly as possible, and I will move onto the next game.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    This pretty much sums it up. With good team mates a match even with your sacrifice can be good.

    One thing definitely each survivor knows: how to crouch or nod repeatedly at the beginning as a means of greeting.

  • Member Posts: 373

    Could it be there are not enough of new killer players so low mmr survivors will still pair with experience killer?

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    The way the system is set up, there's an entirely possible scenario where the 60% of solo q players almost never escape and the remaining 40% escape regularly. It actually sounds a lot like forum complaints about 'unbeatable SWF' tbh.

    In that kind of scenario, solo q would basically have minimum MMR, and SWF would be essentially soft capped MMR, with killers being somewhere in the middle.

    The kind of games that matchmaker would produce are essentially a coin flip, where 60% of games are destroying a solo squad, and 40% of games getting demolished. This also preserves the kill rate.

    I don't think those ratios are exact, but there are definitely groups that never escape that the matchmaker would have to essentially turn itself off to find a match.

  • Member Posts: 6,131
    edited July 2023

    Context please. He was referring to high MMR survivors complaining that they go against too difficult killers and wanting BHVR to (apparently) adjust their SBMM so they get baby killers. That's not happening. Those complaints don't exist. If veteran Blights are ending up in baby survivor lobbies it's likely because they're using a simple tool available to them - lobby dodging.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Sorry, content creators were upsetti spaghetti that they couldn't go on 50 game win streaks anymore and actually had to be good at the game to win when SBMM first launched. Now every solo queue player must suffer. I played for the first time in over a week today and had a teammate somehow go down to a Bubba on Cowshed 3 times before 2 gens popped.

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