what MFT does against most of the killer in my opinion. (Feel free to debate)

Chappy04 Member Posts: 193

Trapper  - m1 gets punished in traditional looping 

     - the incentive to w game means that the opportunity for a trap to work is hindered as people would rather run to the other side of the map instead of to loop

wraith  - m1 chase - weaker

     - catch up is worse to body block

     - lunge is a bit hindered

billy   - catch up is worse

     - curving is worse

     - m1 chase is also hindered as a result of the previous point


nurse   - precise hits that may have been only just achieved can be stopped

     - w gaming is more powerful

huntress - raising a hatchet makes her slower than survs which makes w gaming away from loops more powerful

     - strafing shots are also harder


myers   - m1, gets #########

hag    - catch up time when immerging from a trap is worse

     - baiting traps is easier

     - if the hag wants to chase even in the slightest, gl

docter  - when a docter traditionally shocks a loop, he doesn't gain distance therefore you don't get anywhere with the ability

     - default range of docter shock is worse for catching windows, etc.

bubba   - much harder to close distance with chainsaw around loops meaning in most cases survs make the pallet or window instead

     - gl with out chilly

Freddy  - w gaming from a loops in bit easier

     - bloodlusting is harder

     - snares are worse

pig    - m1 killer

     - ambush is usless

clown   - he kinda deals with it a bit better

     - dodging routes with gas is easier 

     - slowdown from clown is a bit worse

spirit  - ignores it

legion  - splitting up against 5 hits are easier and hes a m1 killer

     - mft is easier to activate

plague  - throwing up is harder to land

     - m1 killer when infected

     - hugging loops against red vommit is easier for surv

ghostface - m1 killer 

demo   - baiting is harder

     - opportunity for shred hits are harder

     - hybrid m1 killer so gets punished when not shredding

oni    - oni is fine if your good with him

slinger  - least effected range killer

     - w gaming still powerful

pyramidhd - running away from loops is too rewarding if the killer uses there power

     - m1 is hurt aswell

blight  - some loops are a lot harder if the blight isnt running speed

     - blight needs to be more on point, any mistakes make w gaming from loop to loop more viable

twins   - victors fine

     - m1 is hurt however

trickster - raising blades is more punishable on the killer if the surv is w gaming

     - with the amount of blades that needed to hit to kill the surv, hugging a loop is far too good

     - w gaming hurts a lot, normally forces the killer to drop the chase

nemisis  - hits not in t3 are a lot harder

     - strafe tech is a lot harder which is very popular of a choice otherwise

     - baiting hits is easier, windows, etc.

pinhead  - pinheads kinda fine

     - excesive chain use is hurt more

     - landing chains may be a bit harder

artist  - distance the surv can get after a killer misses a crow means that w gaming is a lot better

     - leaving loops is better

     - the distance a surv makes is greater which means killers muscle memory on hits through walls etc, is harder

onryo   - do i have to say anything

     - teleport is worse

     - m1 killer

dredge  - leaving loops is better for the surv making the rev mindgame kinda unusable unless the surv is cornered

     - teleporting in chase in any capacity is also hindred

     - m1 killer in other situation is also hindred

weskers  - hes not effected that badly

     - addons are needed a bit more

knight  - guards are literally slower than the survivors unless its an assassin 

     - distance the guards normally stale for is worse

     - w gaming is better


skull merchant - ingores it

singularity - overclock is harder to even use

      - and the window to hit a survivor in a pod is harder too

6 killer dont really get hard countered by this perk and two of them are twins and skill merchant. it may aswell be 4 killers

and just to remind, this is all caused by one perk that punishes the killer for getting more pressure.


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    While we agree that m1 gets abit harder, there somethings we'd atleast like to point out:

    1: Survivors tend to hold m1 against anyone without mobility anyway (atleast 60% of our games).

    2: Exhaustion removes the speed part of it (which is what we see most complained about). Theres a good amount of add ons/perks that give exhaustion to survivors.

    3 (personal observation): If you can tell they have it then you also know they likely have dh. If your using something from point 2 you just effectively removed 2 perks off them.

    If you want we can also debate some the points of yours but the above (especially 2) generally makes us not give a **** about mft

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    For point 2 while that is true it still sucks that you have to feel forced to run those types of perks and add ons every match just in case MfT is in the lobby. I personally don't like the whole use of x perk to counter y perk or use x perk to counter y mech in dbd. I don't like it on Survivor or Killer and think we need to move away from that.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,139

    Yeah but most of the anti exhaustion perks have some ridiculous requirement

  • Chappy04
    Chappy04 Member Posts: 193

    i really wish bringing a perk worked but the majority of them are not good enough to stop it enough. however on some killers where the addons are available for this, this is a plausable way to combat this perk. however i dont think its fair to the killers that dont have an addon like trickster for example or the killers that cant really spare that perk slot as its way to valuable for them. eg. trickster. im saying trickster as i main him and i have the most experience versing this perk as him.

    also the fact that people hold w anyway against most people. i dont get this point as this shows that MFT cleary has a good greater effect on an already successful strategy.

    i do however agree with the exhaustion thing i guess but what if they dont bring it and what happens until they use the exhaustion perk, you have to deal with made for this. in dead hards case. for other exhaustion perks, survs dont really combine these with mft as the synergy isnt there but if people want to bring that im all for it, limits its use

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 511

    A perk that gives movement speed with no conditions is breaking the game. Who would have thought?

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    That perk was clearly designed to counter singularity power on loops were in overclock surv drop a pallet get broken cuz of overclock and get the hit with that perk surv basically stun the killer,lose overclock and basically becoming a m1

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,000

    As a Trapper main also, I second C3tooth's sentiment.


    To the rest, the perk itself isn't an issue, right? Its literally if its paired with other perks?

    Like if they ONLY brought MFT, would it still be as OP? Just want to be sure I understand everything.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658
    edited July 2023

    For me, it depends on how many MfT are in the match. One? Then yeah not that bad or op. 3 or 4? There are where I have problems and start thinking the perk is a little overpowering. 3 or 4 MfTs mean almost every chase you have has time added to it and that also means more time than the other 3 survivors have on gens. Then when you get to the end game you see the hopes kick in and at that point as a m1 killer, you might as well give up and just them go. Just like DH before it last Nerf in my mind. One or Two are never real issues but 3 or 4 make the match super unfun.

    I also add this it isn't just MfT it's the maps also. More than 1/2 of the maps in dbd are easy for good loopers to chain tiles together and waste a killer time. MfT only makes these maps even easier to loop for avg to good loopers. If the maps were more balanced then we might be having a different discussion here but thats not the dbd we are in right now. Even the remake maps are bad even tho the devs tried to balance them. I have no faith that the current dev team can redo or make a map balance. I firmly believe they somehow will find a way to make Cowshed even worse for killer when they do its redo.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,000

    Ah, the maps I agree with are atrocious. But I dont see BHVR ever fixing that. I hope... but I feel its a waste of energy hoping lol.

    So the perk isn't the issue, its the perk with other perks thats an issue. Thank you! Appreciate you explaining a bit :)

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i have 1.5k cakes on oni and i refuse to play anything else until this perk is nerfed. he actually isn't affected all that much if you play correctly; just tag people for charges and leave chase. and with mask/hull you'll have power 24/7 after anyway then 3% is nothing

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2023

    Well the dead hard nerf last sooooo long they thought it would be alright to make a pay to win perk.


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    For the "hold w anyway" point, simply it doesnt mater to us as we'll deal with it the same way we with or without mtf in herding them to where we want them to go. If they cant go to where safety is without getting hit, then we either get an hit, which they either spend time healing, or a down, because they were injured trying to make the most of mtf or somethin.

    Most the perks for exhaustion actually do wonders against survivors. The thing is, most killers we see rely on using 3-4 slowdowns (affectionately refered to by us and our friends as the basic [beep] build) and cant do well without. Admittedly you shouldnt bring all exhaustion perks (unless your doing a theme or gimmick) but getting more people to use variety would help teach them and make survivor abit more barrable.

    If they dont bring it then you dont have to deal with it anyway (or another exhaustion perk if they didnt bring one). Depending on what you bring and who you are there are solutions such as fearmonger with gf (surprised on a gen and any smart survivor would keep running keeping the exhaustion) or things like blood echo (injure as many as you can before committing to 1, easier with legion and plague). Sometimes rng screws with you but thats part of the dbd experience.