Remove DC timer or add ability to hook yourself

If i had a dollar for every wesker i face i would top apple in a day w*f happened? Why does everyone play wesker its literally wesker in 70% of the matches... PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!! It doesnt even matter if you win or not its not fun to play against the same killer i mean i havent seen a spirit, trapper, wraith, sadako, twins in weeks...
Yeah, they should rework everyone except wesker!
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Jumping onto a hook the moment you see [Killer You Don't Like] is the same as a DC. It doesn't help your team and it makes the game miserable for the rest. You could at least hop on a gen and try to stealth the game so you never get chased by them. Or think of it as practice! I used to hate Doctor because I could do nothing about him. I still do; but at least I try and avoid the shocks.
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im in a 4 man swf most of the time we just suicide but it still takes a lot of time also it wont stop people from just giving up on hook or DCing anyways so...
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Wesker himself isnt really a problem its just the fact that you face him 5 times in a row and in 70% of your matches... It gets really boring i would rather face something else so the game isnt that repetitive
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This is unhelpful but all I can think of is a Dwight action star diving like Thor jumping high and swinging his hammer onto a hook...
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Is that with or without the locker? I need to know, dammit!
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Then ask the devs to make more killers as fun to play as wesker, when wesker exists why would I ever want to play twins, sadako, pig or any meme killer that is not only less fun but also your skill wont matter with those characters if you get certain maps/ face people who are sentient.
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It was without but don't let my lack of imagination limit your YEETing ability! YEET for the stars!!!!
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You cant make a killer fun because people have different opinions regarding whats fun i find twins fun but ooh yea nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf no bug fixes super fun killer to play now.... They dont want perks to have high pick rates bnut killers are fine? All they have to do is make it so you dont face 5 weskers in a row... AS i said the problem isnt wesker the problem is that you face him in a majority of the matches which gets reptetitive and boring to the point where you barley play anymore
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Oh yeah of course people have different definitions of fun.
But some things are fun for such a small amount of people, it isn't worth it to cater to them.
Skull merchant is an example of fun for like 3 people, the others who play her do it just to piss people off.
Wesker is fun for a lot of people, thus why he is played so much.
We don't need 32 wesker clones, we just want more killers that are widely enjoyable.
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petition to increase base dc penalty to 10 minutes
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Sees a whole ass locker hanging from the hook
Me: Damnit, not again Dwight.
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I would be all for a huge increase in DC penalty. Nothing worse when playing both survivor & killer when someone just spits the dummy out and DCs or suicides on hook straight away.
It's not even exclusive to killers like Wesker, Nurse or Blight. People will literally DC with almost any killer if it involves an early down.
The only justification for suicide on hook imo is when your teammates just blatantly ignore rescuing you & let you die or go to second stage because they're too busy all doing the same gen or something random like opening chests etc.