What more I could done to not depip?

I did everything I could one gen, 3 save, heals, totems, chase and managed to escape in the end and I did not get even safety pip. Seems swf is only option to left to reach red grade 1. My only match today playing soloQ. Depip mechanic is so unfair for soloQ players and even for killers getting stomped by swf:s and it's very hard work to gain pips.
Gotten some unhooks 1 or 2 should of made you saftie pip or pip or took some agro
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It is important to do the gens by yourself for the emblem. Seeing you got a bronze i assume it was a coop gen. You can do one full gen, but if you are doing it with someone else it counts as if you did half a gen. Two saves is more than enough, consider that a heal also count as half an unhook, so if you want to pip, you do need to do decent at everything, specially the moment you reach gold and iridescen it gets even harder to pip, if you focus too much on benevolent you want make it on the rest, in my experience is better to do good in the other three. Getting bronze means you barely had any chase that game or got downed very fast. scaping chase (lose line of sight and walk) and pallet stunning gives a lot for the emblem if im not mistaken. Also getting hit gives a penalty, so if you are in the exit gate and start a chase, dont get hit before scaping. Check the wiki on emblems, there is a lot of good info there, about how much each emblem gives and how much you need to safety pip, pip or double for each rank.
I agree though on solo queue depiping is kind of unfair.
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I think for the gens you need to 2 two whole gens to get a good emblem. I think getting 4 gold emblems or 2 gold and 1 iri guarantees 1 pip (dunno about 2 iri emblems and the rest silver). Anything less and you're not getting anything. You have to play exceptionally well.
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Only part which I could done better would be chase but she was very good huntress and I didn'r expect her to shot me over tall rock. Then she camped me to second stage when she got other down close. I think even swf would struggle agains't her as she tunneled, camped and slugged and she went for snipes. But still I managed to do bit of everything and escaped so that should be enough to safety pip.
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I just wanted safety pip.
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get hit whilst the killer is carrying a survivor
that will guarantee protection hits = easy iri benevolent atleast
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You might have need 2 gold 2 silver then. It's probably the 2 bronze that de-pipped you.
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You can mouse point the emblem,it will said where the score coming from,so you can know how you get a pip.
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I find once i get to iri rank that it's hard to pip up. I read up on the emblem points (on the DBD wiki) often to remind myself what I need to do, though thanks to the faster pace of games at that level (or at least it feels that way) I usually end up with a safety pip. Two of your team mates exited early, which probably wouldn't have helped as you get points for some of their accomplishments also, plus you lose points for some of their failures which doesnt help. I'm iri 4 at the moment and only JUST got a pip for my last game and I literally never left the killer's side - was doing gens in his terror radius, taking protection hits, healing everyone, unhooking, etc. Like, I worked hard for that pip lol
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"Seems swf is only option to left to reach red grade 1"
Nope. I play alone usually and I always reach iri1 just by playing often and not thinking about it. Same way I usually do challenges as well because I don't really like throwing unless I meme.
I can come from a break and iri1 fairly fast just by playing the game. It is just about how often you play imo. And it is not like I don't get a lot of bad matches either on surv. You can still reach it by playing the game enough.
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Sometimes you depip no matter what. Especially if your team mates just gen rushed the killer or you had no chance to do co-op action at all.
The best bet to pip at all as survivor is to concentrate on healing and unhooking. These actions are relatively simple to perform and guarantee that you will at least get +0 if you do them often enough. For +1, just do a gen a bit and stay within killer radius, maybe escape a chase or two by looping at some safe area on top of healing and unhooking. In some rare cases, you may even intentionally put yourself to a risk if it guarantees some extra activity afterwards.
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If you're extremely lucky maybe but it's not possible anymore in solo I tried once 2 weeks to reach iri 1 from iri 4 and only got to iri 3.
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Did you have that issue before? Did you play often in those two weeks?
I doubt I'm always lucky, I feel it's just play time because I never even think about emblems when I play this game.
I also felt it was harder to keep iri1 when ranks were the thing because we could depip more often and much below our current rank in bad games streak.
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With the game now having skill-based matchmaking, the emblems no longer apply to how you're ranked with other players, which means it's an outdated mechanic that needs to be done away with. It doesn't help either that some emblems are just a pain in the ass to get. It's why the community challenge for the event still remains unresolved.
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I posted on similar topics a lot in the past and it is a hill that I will happily die on:
rank and grades are no longer a representation of ones skill, they are just a means to reward playtime on the players end. Thus de-pipping should be done away, ie unless you DC you will never depip. As a direct consequence, all pips would increase; right now you need around 90 pips to go from Ash4 to Iri1, increase that to 150, so that you need about 150 good games in a month to reach Iri1: a sizable number for someone more casual, while easily reached by veteran players.
Now everyone could play anyway they want, without the pressure of having "to reach Iri1 asap so that I can finally play anyway I like". Meeting some really cute survivors and wanting to take pitty on them suddenly won't come back and bite you the next game, if you decided to show mercy at 4 pips, just go ahead.
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I feel what you said about play time was always the case. Whenever I played more I reached iri1. Even when ranks were the thing.
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End of the day all you get is bp bonus. Its not a rank.
Gets reset every month. I know its a target to go for but I wouldn't get hung up on it. I used to though.
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There are games where I would want to give survivors some mercy and not play so sweaty and employ most powerful tactics... but current pipping system just does not allow it. I do try to play more chill couple games once I reach new rank I mean grade though...
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Thats exactly what I mean. I had games where the survivors were somehow cute and I had pitty on the last two or something and let them escape. That was at 4 pips and then I got a couple of extremely strong and sweaty SWFs and was send back to zero pips. This ingrained in me that, no matter how cute and wholesome the interaction, at 4 pips its more important to secure the kills. I would really LOVE to be able to play anyway I want from day one, but sadly its only possible with week 3 or something.
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Depip is extremely outdated. No idea why it’s still in the game if ranks aren’t a measure of skill anymore.
It adds insult to injury after a bad game on both sides and offers nothing of value.
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2 hooks 2 gens 2 chases.
The Rule of 2's will see you to a guaranteed safety pip and more.