Do YOU think 'Made For This' is going to get nerfed?



  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470

    It's not a skill issue dude. A good swf can give a low tier killer a bad time anyway. A good team stacked with made for this is ludicrous.

  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 388

    Most of the time it is. I agree with the MfT+Hope which I think should be looked at. Either way, we can agree to disagree but in the end it'll get nerfed either way.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    Bringing MfT does not make you good. Its not an automatic win. Thats my point. Acting like because someone has it, makes them a pro looper all of a sudden, is just disingenuous to this convo because its not true. If you are seriously struggling with this, I'd implore you to visit some good killer main's channels and watching them for a bit because you'll learn a lot and see why what you're saying is wrong. I'm not going to convince you are wrong but gameplay will. If you really want to know how to do the whole hit and run effectively, watch Hexy. He's very very good at it (although he loves to troll and mess around lol) and he does it with a variety of killers, not just Wraith. And yes, deadzones are a valid point to bring up because they do happen and good killers do force out strong tiles or god pallets, the earlier the better. For instance, Hexy does this and its what a lot of times, secures him the win. He does an excellent job of creating dead zones.

    Thats why I want low tier killers buffed. I think most people want low tier killers buffed, right? I don't want Trapper to stay at the bottom. I don't want Hillbilly (who is also one of the most fun killers to go against) to stay the same while Blight, Nurse, Wesker, Spirit, etc stay at the tip top for years. At least we can agree on that.

    You're right, it would likely be more difficult I agree. But its still the better option over gutting 2 perks, especially one that hasn't even been in the live release of the game for even a month. You gut that perk, no one runs it. And then what was the point of even unlocking it in the first place, if everytime something strong comes out (that is ONLY deemed truly busted OP with Hope) we just nerf it to the ground w/o looking at any other avenues that would probably be a lot healthier of a change. If haste stacking is the problem, thats what should be addressed.

    This isn't like Eruption that had literally no counterplay in solo que (the majority) and stayed in the live version of the game for months while every killer ran it and told themselves they didn't just win because Eruption carry. There is counterplay, they aren't impossible to catch. There are dead zones, there are mind games they can still lose.

    DH was not a problem against good killer mains is what I was saying though. The forums and Reddit screamed the loudest because lesser skilled players ran there/here to voice their complaints. Good killer mains did not do that because they had no reason to. If you're able to hold a 90%+ win rate playing a variety of killers that aren't S tier and most aren't even A, I''d have the opinion that the killer player is very experienced, has likely been playing for some time, and is both map and situationally aware, tracks perk use, whose been on hook, whose on death hook, etc. Just a generally skilled player and easily well above the average.

    You wouldn't play Demo, I wouldn't play Demo. People don't play things just because they're difficult. Its a factor of fun/playstyle/power 99% of the time. Unless you're just wanting to challenge yourself for some specific reason? But generally that isn't the case. If that were the case, we'd be seeing a lot more Hillbillys. But people know he isn't strong because of where he sits right now, especially when you can play other killers that do the same thing if not better and you won't be frustrated as hell playing them.

    I'm saying if they brought Trapper to Wesker's level (fun, playstyle, strength being the main focus), it'd incentivize people to play Trapper. Because there would actually be a reason to play him. It wouldn't be Dead by Trapper, people would still play a lot of other killers that they love/are experienced with. The thing thats hard to measure, is that fun is subjective to each person. What you find fun someone could find boring and vice versa. I'd bet a lot of people enjoyed Omega Blink Nurse while also knowing it was crazy strong. If it was weak, they wouldn't have spammed it. Thats the same case with Hillbilly. He was popular before the gutting b/c he was strong, took skill, and was fun for both survivors and the killer player. Now he lacks strength, his powers been gutted and he's barely ever seen because people who play killer want to stand a chance, not be some toy the survivors play with and mock.

    Anyways this is just my opinion & take on this and others. I don't want to veer off into several more topics like I've already done lol, so this is my last reply. Nice talking with all of you! We'll see what happens.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    First I don't need you to tell me to go watch ppl thank you very much. I'm a decent killer main and I don't really need your advice. If did I would ask for it thank you. I watch Otz on a daily basis and have learned from him plenty. I'm also not saying that MfT makes everyone a god looper but what I am saying it makes decent loopers even better and makes those games feel so much worst than before. Especially when its 4 decent survivors running the perk in the same lobby. I tell you right now I'm happy where I am skill-wise as the killer and Im, not someone who likes sweating in games. I play this game for fun, not for a job.

    As for lower-tier killer buffs, wanting is fine but realize the reality of the situation dbd and its devs are in. Just saying "Hey buff lower-tier killers" isnt going to make this team do it. They have shown no interest in doing so and they have pretty much made that clear when they say that they are happy where Trapper is and where Myers is. They think these killers are fine and don't need any changes. No amount of pledging isn't going to change their mindsets on these killers. Even if they did start buffing low-tier killers their time restraints really don't allow for it either. It takes them years to do any type of rework(again look at the promised Twins rework). The best you can expect is base kit changes but those types of changes won't do anything because those also buff A and S tier killers. Low-tier killer buffs can only happen if the devs work on each of the killers separately which will take a lot of time and resources, time and resources that the devs rather spend on making new killers since that's where the money is. Buff Trapper from a business pov does nothing for the game since he is a base game killer for example.

    At the end of the day, I'm just being realistic and recognizing what this dev team is willing and not willing to do. Changing a perk is much easier and time effective than changing maps, rebalancing killers and etc. You can continue to live in your fantasy world of dbd where the devs will keep this perk where it is forever and just buff low-tier killers but here, in reality, I know what's going to happen, MfT will be nerfed at some point and low-tier killers will never be buff to the point where they are at Wesker or blight levels. When MfT will be nerf/change I have no clue, it could be in the next mid-chapter or it could be later this year when they do a meta shack-up patch but there is no doubt in my mind that MfT will not be touched at some point.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    In my opinion it doesn't need a straight nerf but it should not stack with Hope. That is totally broken. It's hard to even catch up to survivors with a 115% killer when this happens. Had it happen to me last night with 3 survivors at end game. They were all yoyoing perfectly and literally couldn't touch anyone of them. Felt like legal cheats. Horrible experience going against that.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    Alright first off, you asked a question - I answered it. Respectfully. I don't need your passive aggressiveness you bring into every thread when someone disagrees with you or points out something to you. If you can't handle a back and forth debate and keep an open mind, whats the point of participating in them? The reason I said go watch someone like Hexy is because he literally focuses on this playstyle. All I was doing was answering the question, you don't gotta get snippy with me b/c of the answer I gave that you didn't like. It wasn't a jab at you.

    Secondly, if you're even asking me about how to effectively hit and run, doesn't that imply you don't know everything and can still learn things? If you're fine where you are skill-wise, why are you asking me this question? Why do you want me to answer that? Good killer mains aren't going to be asking that question b/c they already know.

    Third, you literally said " if 3 or 4 of the survivors are running this perk that means every single chase is going to be prolonged". No its not. Now you're re-wording what you said by saying it makes decent loopers even better, which IDEK why you're stating, cause I've said that too numerous times.

    'Wanting is fine but realize the reality'. I never said this is what they're going to do, lol. I said this is what I want them to do/should do.

    I also never said MfT will never be touched, I said I don't want it gutted with Hope because the issue is haste stacking, not the perk itself on its own. Now if were being honest, yea there's a good chance it does get gutted. If DH was able to be nerfed 7+ years later, MfT can be too. But that doesn't mean its the healthiest option or best route to go.


  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Yea I would agree it would be better then killing 2 perks. I think the thing is that I just don't see this perk being good for the game and fixing that issue still keeps the perk with problems. I see there being multiple issues with the perk and the endgame haste stacking just being one component. So from my point of view even if they went down that path there are still problems with the perk. Makes more sense to deal with the perk that is causing all the issues rather than fix all the problems that are coming from one single perk

    I would disagree with the mind games being a counter for this perk. I find this perk makes mind games even harder since survivors have more wiggle room to mess up. The dead zones is a good way to deal with the perk but I think that shows the problem if the chase perk requires me to do macro play to deal with it.

    I think Billy is a good example on why simple killers need to stay lower in power. Why would you play Billy when you can play something that has that same power but is much easier to play? There needs to be power increase to justify the increase in difficulty.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658
    edited July 2023

    For the record, I wasn't looking for you to answer any questions nor did I want you to. Either way just best to agree to disagree and move on. Have a blessed day. :)

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    Yes, and somehow it will buff Nurse 🤷

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    My prediction: Made For This activates for 30 seconds after you escape the hook. It gives you 1% speed bonus. Endurance after healing a teammate removed.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yes because the amount of unnecessary complaining about it.

    We're not allowed to have nice things for either side apparently.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Yes. It'll be cried about long enough to happen.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    I play on Xbox and I can consistently hit Hyperfocus skill checks and I even have nerve damage in my right hand.

    I think you underestimate just how much 3% haste can do.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    It will and should get nerfed. If maps were more balanced and the weaker Killers were stronger, restoring the perk to the original version would be fine.

    Knowing BHVR, their timeline for buffing Killers or maps is so long that nerfing the perk first would make more sense. Twins remake was announced last year and there’s still no hint of this happening.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    No. I honestly don't use the perk that much, but if it does, I won't be buying much stuff anymore like that. For example, I bought Mikaela for CoH and that's borderline useless now.

    It's just for the principle of the matter.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    I hope not. The arguments are repetitive, yet entertaining.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    That's what I have been trying to say also but a lot of these ppl arent listening really or maybe Im not framing my words right. I personally wouldn't care less about MfT in its current form if the maps were more balanced and the low-tier killers were stronger but that's not the dbd we have or will ever have tbh. The attempts at rebalancing maps haven't really done much since they still feel bad to play on as killer. Crows is better than before yeah but still a pain to play on imo.

    As for buffing weak killers, the devs haven't shown any signs of doing that. In fact, regarding the two of the weakest and out-of-date killers(Myers and Trapper) the dev team has said that they are happy where those two are and have no plans in changing them in the near future if ever. Even when they do want to change an older killer it takes them years to do so, as you said look at Twins for that example. The more realize request to make is for MfT to be changed since they will most likely happen than a bunch of maps being rebalanced or low-tier killers being buffed/changed. So ppl so see reason tho and just want their new toy to abuse and play with under the guidance of "it's fun". Well, it's not fun for me who enjoys playing m1 killers and has to see this perk 3 or more times in a single match.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    Provide some clips if all he does is D/C whenever he faces a good team. I'll eat my words. I know you won't provide those though cause thats not true and you're making it up.

    I watch him regularly besides Otz and a few others (cause he's funny and good entertainment) and I can't remember a time I've seen him D/C, particularly on killer which is his main role. He strives for sweaty games, he's said it multiple times if there was a leaderboard for top players, he'd be the #1 Wraith, etc. This is the same dude who didn't mind waiting out hackers who took his match hostage for 2hrs/1hr. Yea dodging isn't something he does. He plays it out and usually wins. To the point when he does lose, chat makes fun of him big time.

    Its extremely rare for him to lose when he's actually trying. I don't want this to be a focus on Hexy, I'm just saying his playstyle is effectively hit and run on pretty much every killer he plays b/c he likes that playstyle and pumps out more pressure usually.

    I do agree with you though, MfT + Hope + Resi + Toolbox is incredibly demoralizing.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    The motivations of the devs are easier to understand from a profit perspective. Changing old maps or old Killers doesn’t bring enough profit to justify the change because maps are free and buffing a Killer won’t bring in a huge influx of sales. That is why they rather focus all their efforts on new chapters and characters because those have more potential to generate profit.

    Given their track record, they will probably ‘nerf’ MFT with something like reducing the endurance duration, milk the perk for a year or so and finally kill it for good like Circle of Healing.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Until the put perks into catagories, i.e you can only have 1 of this type and 2 of these, then this is just 1 in a long list of busted combos.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    MFT is fine, though. I don't see what all the fuss is about. A good killer will still 4k against this perk, even if all 4 survivors are running it. It's not an exhaustion perk, and yet it is affected by perks and add-ons that cause exhaustion. It is affected by add-ons and powers that afflict survivors with hindered. There are even perks like PWYF that increase the killer's movement speed.

    I have not seen one good example of MFT being overpowered or busted. I've seen plenty of examples of bad killers being outplayed by this perk in situations where they would've been outplayed anyway. Sprint Burst is superior to MFT in every way, so I don't see why anyone would run MFT over SB. Most survivor perks are either extremely niche to the point of uselessness, or are actually useless. MFT is an example of a good survivor perk, because it's strong but not absolutely busted like CoH, DH 1.0 and DS 1.0 were.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I have seen and heard different so it depends on who you listen to. Scott who himself said he hasn't felt MfT that much, since he been playing mostly the new killer with his exhaustion addon, said the perk may be a little too strong. Otz also said they he thinks the perk is kinda silly and could use some changes. You're right you can counter it but not all killers have an exhaustion addon (like the plague) and some of us don't want to feel like we need to bring one perk just in case MfTs is in the lobby. I'm currently trying to figure out what perks to replace in my builds with Fear or Bloodecho just bc of this single perk and Im not happy about it.

    Btw survivors are not the only ones who have useless niche perks. Have you seen a lot of killer perks? A lot of them are very niche also and borderline useless. Look at Sing, SM, or Knight Perks for the most recent examples of killer niche perks. I haven't seen a perk I really wanted to run since Pain Res or Floods of Rage.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Content Creators are, perhaps, not the best people to listen to. Players like Otz, Tru3, Scott Jund, and other popular streamers all play at a level that most will never reach. The vast majority who play this game are not concerned with whether or not something is fair at a tournament level. They're concerned with how fair it feels for the average player.

    The average player is not a god looper who's going to loop you for 5 gens. They make mistakes. More often than not, they'll mindgame themselves if you let them. When looking at MFT, you want to look at how it interacts with similar perks. Dark Theory is the closest equivalent. It does the same thing, yet nobody runs it. Why? Too situational/map dependent.

    You shouldn't consider swapping out a perk to counter MFT unless you're encountering it in over 60% of your matches. If you play 10 matches per day, and 6 of those have MFT, I would consider making room for perks like Genetic Limits, Blood Echo, or Fearmonger.

    And yes, killer has a lot of uselessly niche perks as well, but most of these are also outdated perks that worked best when people were still new to DBD and working out what was good and what wasn't good whereas survivor continues to get uselessly niche perks.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited July 2023

    People also need to understand that not all killers have exhaust addons. Fearmonger is easy to get rid off and blood echo has horrible cooldown.

    Giving eather side haste perks is a slippery slope and we are now going downhill fast. As long as maps are unbalanced and huge i don't think survivors should get haste perks or at least not perks that are as easily given as made for this is with no cooldown or anything. I'm not sure who had this great idea to even make it stack with other haste perks.

    This is simply a perk that makes good or avarage survivors even better. On a survivor that is already afraid to do much while injured and doesn't know the maps and loops yeah this perk might not do much.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Then we should do away with bloodlust, no? Given that it gives killers up to 15% extra movement speed.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited July 2023

    You really didn't read my message clearly did you. Why is bloodlust in the game? Think about it? Because maps are unbalanced some are size of texas and some killers are slow and need bloodlust not to chase survivors through 5 gens getting 0 hooks.

    If killer chases you until they have max bloodlust you've already ran him or her long enough to get few gens done, and honest at that point the killer has screwed up.

    Sure when maps are balanced and there are no infinites ( there is multiple of those ) sure then lets check the bloodlust situation. Survivors do not need easy 3% haste or even worse 10% in the endgame. ( with hope )

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    MFT is broken

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    Video #1 Summary: Scott clearly doesn't tunnel off of hook, gets hit by DS. Complains about old DS and how dumb it is.

    Video #2 Summary: Iron Will is a strong perk, but not exceedingly overpowered. Could be toned down.

    Video #3 Summary: DH for distance is broken and very in your face. SB is almost as good, but gives you the option of not investing time.

    Bad bait, try again please.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    No, I read your comment quite clearly. Bloodlust is haste, but instead of it being a perk it's baked into killers as a base-game mechanic and rewards you not for outplaying a survivor but for simply being faster than them.

    Yet here people are complaining that MFT is absolutely busted when bloodlust exists and provides killers with haste. If MFT is busted, then so too is Bloodlust.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited July 2023
  • tkwmm
    tkwmm Member Posts: 103

    Doesn't need netf, however does need a rework on haste stacking effect. Including stack with resilence.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I love the bloodlust comparison y'all always do. Bloodlust is nothing like MfT bc it's very conditional. It requires you to be in chase for a while before it starts activate and builds up, and you can lose it so easily. Bloodlust is lost by breaking a pallet, by hitting the survivor, or leaving the chase. Meanwhile how can you lose MfT? Oh by getting exhausted and that it. Something you can completely easily control as a survivor. Only time you can't control when you exhausted is when a killer use a perk or addon(if that killer even has a exhaustion addon).

    By the way I do see MfT 60% in my matches and that why I have to use exhaustion perk or addon's. As Hannah said I might as well give up and just agree to disagree since all this arguing is honestly pointless. I'll just add this if they took bloodlust way I wouldn't make a huge deal out of it as long as they deleted MfT as well.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Yes, it will. Because everything gets changed at some point to make the game fresh again.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,869

    I honestly don't know.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470

    Don't listen to others that are either trolling or don't play against high mmr. it's almost as if maps have perfect balance already. No god pallets and strong tiles linkable already. Nevermind nutty gen speeds with poor slowdown perks for killer. The healing nerf is plain negated by a strong organised team. Then more insult to injury with MFT.

    Just imagine right if when you miss a survivor with a hit you get a speed boost. I wonder how fair that would feel to them then.

    This isn't really an us vs them thing for me as I do play both sides. I never really used DH as I found it unfair as killer and I won't use MFT either.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    Well I was wondering when we would get the, "I'm clearly high mmr and you aren't, so I win" and honestly it took a lot longer than I thought, I'm impressed.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470
    edited July 2023

    It's clear the difference it makes when you play against people who don't make mistakes that's all.

    As many have said already it's dependant on what killer you use. Some killers I'm not much good to be honest others I am. I don't use s -tier killers hardly ever though. I don't enjoy them as much as it often feels cheap.

    The game can hardly be balanced around poor players can it. Oh wait!

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470

    Did I say never! Clearly just gaslighting. You can disregard my comments because I will yours.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196
    edited July 2023

    "It's clear the difference it makes when you play against people who don't make mistakes"

    But yes, accuse me of gaslighting you using words that you literally said.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Yeah probably or they’ll nerf hope instead to remove the hope made for this combo lol

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Yes. Eventually...

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,065

    I mean, if you are going to stand with "a strong organised team can do X and Y and high mmr, etc" then it is only fair to also add that any high skilled killer can absolutely wreck someone using Mft or entire mft teams. Even more if they are using tier S or A killers.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I think...

    Just looking for a Yes/No - Reasoning is not necessary.

    ...nevermind. Without qualifying reasoning, this is just a question of expectations of developer choices, without any baring on the perk itself.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2023

    Presumably, relative difference between survivor and killer speed.

    Survivors move at 100%, killers (most) at 115%, so Hope knocks 7% off that 15% difference. 7/15, leaving 8% difference remaining.

    MFT then knocks 3% off that 8% difference. 3/8

    Although I think it's a little disingenuous to frame it this way. Whether you're using Hope, MFT or both, we know their values, 7%, 3%, and combined 10%. Mathmatically you can manipulate the numbers to say "MFT gains power when used with Hope", but realistically this isn't any more meaningful than just saying "combined it's 10%" and would apply to any two effects of a similar nature.

    Bearing in mind, that 10% requires two perks.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    This right here is exactly what it is, people are complaining about 3% boost whenever as a killer I have things myself I can run that give me a boost and bloodlust on top of whatever I run. They complain about hope stacking with it in the endgame even though they've already lost at that point and Hope would've carried them on its own anyway it brings me back to the people crying about adrenaline even though it happens once for 5secs , people are too proud to admit they complained all the time anyway before the perk was out. Most of these people saying this have done nothing here but complain for years anyway it's obviously skill and it'll always be the next mediocre perks fault instead of their own.