Nerfing prove will hurt killers so much it's funny

People used this perk to get bonus bloodpoints.
The gains in generator making speed are very little (you could literally save 7 seconds making a generator with someone).
Now people won't play so as to make a generator with someone, instead they will split the pressure and make generators independently of each other.
It's a shame that my bonus was removed, it was the biggest reason why I used this perk, but it's funny that the crying killers don't even realize the consequences of nerfing Prove Thyself.
This is v true I’ll defo be more likely to do gens by myself now without prove thyself bonus
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Previously, if you did a generator with someone and didn't make it and the generator reached 90%, with one PGTW kick you could neutralize a very large portion of the generator's progress.
Now instead of one generator with 90% like there will be two generators with 50%, the killers will have a harder time in that to limit the progress of the generators.
Congratulations to the killers who wrote "Prove OP". 😂
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The strength of PT lied in that it allowed survivors to slam out the most central gen , which is the most vital one to protect if the killer doesn’t want to 3-gen.
We’ll see how it plays.
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I still don't get why doing the most important objective as Survivor gives almost no Bloodpoints. I mean, one single gen gives you 1250 Bloodpoints plus extra for Skill Checks but those are random. You'd need to repair 7 gens and get one exit gate (minus Skill Checks) to max out objective.
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Why do they have to nerf survivor BP gains. Already bad enough as it is.
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The nerf to the BP gain was completely unnecessary.
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The truth is that it would have hurt more if they hadn't nerfed BP gains - then I could have continued to use this perk and realistically had less value.
But now?
People will take Resillience or Deja Vu, possibly Overzealous. And they'll be doing gens solo, increasing the pressure on killers to better value which gens are worth kicking and which aren't.
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If survivors are spread out the killer will have a higher chance of finding someone while patrolling gens and increase interruption chances. I think the change is designed to encourage use of other perks that either have synergy with Prove or for us to change our builds in general. Same reason they targeted BBQ and Live Forever. Blood points are no longer used as perk incentives.
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as a 2k hour killer main this nerf is stupid 😭
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No reason to do gens with other teammates now
First chase with 3 gens popped, here we come
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????? That’s literally why people used the perk how do you even get 10000 objective points now
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I would literally use prove thyself if it was strictly nerfed to a bloodpoint perk
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The removal of the BP bonus is a joke right? Otherwise i have lost all hope that BHVR has any knowledge of their game and what it takes to play survivor.
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That's the neat part, you don't.
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People still using perks for bloodpoints in this day and age is mind blowing to me. We literally get showered with BPs nowadays.
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Hopefully a BP increase in the near future? Survivors already have a hard time getting BP compared to killers getting 6 different BP events from a single hit. Fingers crossed we get a pass for the systems that give BP and standardize BP gain for survivors. Leaving a match with 20k because everyone else is having a clown party with the killer and I'm the only one doing gens doesn't exactly feel rewarding.
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What type of reverse psychology is this post 😂
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i don't think prove was that good but clearly most killers did so I'm happy for them at least. This nerf will cause slightly less gen stacking so it might even be good for survivors too....
(lol it solo q! what am i talking about) still gonna stack
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I can finish a game running out the exit gate with old prove and only have 15k BP of 40k. because there was 0 hooks, almost none heals and i never saw the killer once.
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If survivors are grouped up on a gen it made it harder for the killer to get there before the gen popped, thus making PGTW useless. If survivors split up it makes it easier for the killer to find a progressed gen and be able to use Pop at all. There are situations where it will make perks like Pop weaker but also plenty of situations where it makes it stronger.
Same can be said of Pain Res. Often as you're walking to the hook, a gen pops thanks to Prove, and now Pain Res is useless. This will reduce the number of times that happens.
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Yeah, they basically nerfed Prove Thyself because many players (including some vocal streamers) dont seem to understand what Prove Thyself does. They see "faster Gens" and think it actually means that Gens go faster due to Prove Thyself. All it did was give Bonus BPs while making Survivors less efficient.
Now with the removal of the BPs Prove Thyself will drop. If they wanted the Perk to not be used, they would not even have to nerf the percentage, just removing the BPs would be enough.
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I agree that the nerf is stupid. This didn't only nerf Prove Thyself, it also indirectly nerfed Discordance and perhaps Lethal Pursuer (although it was actually stupid you could get to 3 survivors and mess with all of them at the same time as soon as the game starts).
Now it might actually force people to do gens alone? At least those who believed it was a good perk. I personally didn't use it, so i don't care much tbh.
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Damn I used it mostly because bp bonus. Well im gonna work on separate gens then only.
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You can maximise objective category pretty fast with prove thyself and then focus nore on saves, totems and chases to get lot more bp than without it so answer is yes.
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This is the case for most players when it comes to Prove Thyself. And I also think that most would still run the Perk with 10% increase, if they get the BP-Bonus.
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Self Care must have a hidden BP bonus then.
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I do agree with this. I ran Prove on many of my survivors because the BP bonus could be massive. It was the only remaining perk that actually gave a decent amount of BP from it's use so it's a shame that part's gone. Two-manning a single gen from 0-100 would give you more than half your Objective BP just from that alone it was nuts.
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Yeah exactly. You do like 1 and 2/3 of another Gen with another Survivor and you are maxed out on Objectives. This is why it is used.
Personally, I am totally fine with the nerf in Speed. But it would be great if they keep the BP-Bonus, because I think it is always bad if a Perk gets removed from Loadouts and the removal of the BP-Bonus will do this with Prove Thyself. Which will lead to overall less variety in Survivor Loadouts.
(I am not running it myself, but I used to run it and this was mainly for the BP-gains)
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The funny thing about Self Care is that I am more and more convinced that the quite high usage of Self Care is a product of the average SoloQ-Experience. I think that quite a bunch of Self Care-Users know that it really sucks but they feel that it sucks more that you might not be healed by your teammates, because they decide to run away after they unhook you.
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Inner Healing is much better and faster though. It's a 2 in one kind of deal. Not only do you heal yourself safely, you are also doing a secondary objective and you can get a maximum of 5 heals in a game, which is overkill ofbviously, but getting 5 full self-cares is also a stretch.
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dont know what server or mmr range you play but i never see self care.
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as a discordance enjoyer that prove nerf worried me a little ngl
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Lucky guy.
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Survivors have the worst blood point gains compared to killer. I used PT for just the BP gains I didn't cared for the speed so guess I'll just be getting 8-15K BPs as survivor now when I could easily make at least 30k as killer.
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I wish they kept the BP bonus for Coop actions. At least with PT I could get a few bucks out of a trash game. Now I get almost nothing for my time when I have a bad game. Guess I can just suicide on hook when the round is just trash instead of hanging on for some more BP.
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Well you could do something better im getting 30-40K+ in most my survivor games now. Crazy is that I have not been quite able to match that on killer. I get 240 000+ bp lot games on survivor but on killer I end up in 180 000-210 000 bp range now during event a lot. My killer matches feel bit longer too so my bp gains are bigger on survivor.